[net.micro] Formatting floppies for a Micro PDP-11?

5432gg@homxb.UUCP (G.GOTO) (09/09/86)

I've just inherited a Micro PDP-11 running
V7M-11 and the documentation for formatting
5 1/4" floppies using the RX50 disk drive is
non-existent. Does anyone know if its possible
to format disks without having to buy
DEC pre-formatted disks? and if possible, HOW??

Glen Goto 
(201) 949-6323

movshon@acf8.UUCP (Tony Movshon) (09/10/86)

> I've just inherited a Micro PDP-11 running
> V7M-11 and the documentation for formatting
> 5 1/4" floppies using the RX50 disk drive is
> non-existent. Does anyone know if its possible
> to format disks without having to buy
> DEC pre-formatted disks? and if possible, HOW??
> Glen Goto 

The only RX50 controller that supports formatting "foreign" disks is
the one in the Rainbow. I imagine that if you find someone with a
Rainbow, you can get him/her to format a bunch of disks for you; they
should be OK in the 11/73. Otherwise, you're out of luck.

				Tony Movshon

arpa:	movshon@nyu.arpa
uucp:	...{seismo|ihnp4|allegra}!cmcl2!xp!tony
usps:	Department of Psychology, NYU
	6 Washington Place, room 1083
	New York, NY 10003
at&t:	(212) 598-2818