This is part two of a two part poting of tetris for VAX's Delete everything above the line showing "$Part4:", concatenate part 2 onto the end of part one and then "@shapes.shar1" to unarchive it !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Part4: $File_is="SHAPES.PAS" $Check_Sum_is=573653758 $Copy SYS$Input VMS_SHAR_DUMMY.DUMMY Xprogram Shapes(input,output,Htable,Save); X X V{***************************************************************************** X** X Copyright 1989,1990 by Colin Cowie, Glasgow, Scotland. X X All Rights Reserved X X Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its X documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, X provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that X both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in X supporting documentation. V****************************************************************************** X*} X X X Xconst X Htablefile='disk18:[cadp02.pascal.shapes]Htable.dat'; X Savefile='disk18:[cadp02.pascal.shapes]save.dat'; X Xtype X string = packed array[1..8] of char; X scorerec = record X num:integer; X name:packed array[1..40] of char; X level:integer; X id:string; X end; X recfile = file of scorerec; X scorearray = array[1..10] of scorerec; X screenarray = array[1..22,1..10] of integer; X timearray = packed array[1..11] of char; X datestr = packed array [1..11] of char; X saverec = record X num:integer; X level:integer; X outp:screenarray; X x:integer; X y:integer; X shape:integer; X position:integer; X lines:integer; X user:string; X current:datestr; X end; X saverecfile = file of saverec; X savearray = array[1..100] of saverec; X Xvar X restored:boolean; X blank:saverec; X peeps:savearray; X HP:boolean; X factor:real; X curr:timearray; X flag, X flag2:boolean; X answer:char; X del:boolean; X userid:string; X flagA, X flagB, X flagC, X flagD:boolean; X chan:integer; X key:integer; X xchrhigh, X xchrlow, X ychrhigh, X ychrlow:char; X score, X shape, X position:integer; X cheat:boolean; X currd:datestr; X I,J,A:integer; X x,y:integer; X scores:scorearray; X OTT:boolean; X Htable:recfile; X Save, X Saver:saverecfile; X level:integer; X levelmin:integer; X screen:screenarray; X left, X right, X rotleft, X rotright, X speed, X redraw, X quitkey:char; X lines:integer; X X{*****************************************************************} Xprocedure CLS; Xbegin {CLS} Xwrite(chr(27),'[H'); Xwriteln(chr(27),'[2J'); Xend; {CLS} X{*****************************************************************} X X{*****************************************************************} V{***************************************************************************** X} Xprocedure makechan(%REF chan:integer);external; X Xprocedure readkey(%REF key,chan:integer);external; X Xprocedure waitkey(%REF key,chan:integer);external; X Xprocedure waitx(%REF factor:real);external; X Xprocedure spawn;external; X Xprocedure RANDOMISE;fortran; X Xfunction RANDOM(min,max:integer):integer;fortran; X Xprocedure USERNUM(%stdescr userid:string);fortran; X{*****************************************************************} X X X{******************************************************************} Xprocedure highscores(score:integer; bit:integer; var Htable:recfile; X var scores:scorearray; var gotin:boolean); X X Xvar X I,J:integer; X newscore:scorerec; X A:integer; X two:boolean; X Xbegin X gotin:=false; X cls; X writeln('You scored: ',score,' points!!'); X I:=1; X open (Htable, Htablefile, X history:=readonly); X reset(Htable); X while (not eof(Htable)) and (I <=10) do X begin X read(Htable,scores[I]); X I:=I+1; X end; X close(Htable); X for A:= I to 10 do X begin X scores[A].num:=0; X scores[A].name:=' '; X scores[A].level:=1; X scores[A].id:=' '; X end; X if score > scores[10].num then X begin X two := true; X usernum(userid); X if (userid='CADP03 ') or X (userid='CADP02 ') or X (userid='CRAA30 ') or X (userid='CRAA38 ') then X begin X writeln('Enter usernum, maximum 8 chars (RETURN for default):'); X write(':'); X userid:=' '; X readln(userid); X if userid[1]=' ' then usernum(userid); X end; X X for I := 10 downto 1 do X begin X if userid = scores[I].id then X begin X if score > scores[I].num then X begin X for J := I to 9 do X scores[J] := scores[J+1]; X if I = 9 then X scores[9] := scores[10]; X scores[10].num:=0; X scores[10].name:=' '; X scores[10].level:=1; X scores[10].id:=' '; X end X else X begin X two := false; X end; X end; X end; X if two = true then X begin X gotin:=true; X writeln('Well done, yu have made it into the top ten!!'); X for A:=1 to 20 do X[A]:=' '; X Writeln('Enter name, maximum 40 chars:'); X write(':'); X readln(; X usernum(userid); X if (userid='CADP03 ') or X (userid='CADP02 ') or X (userid='CRAA30 ') or X (userid='CHBS08 ') then X begin X writeln('Enter usernum, maximum 8 chars (RETURN for default):'); X write(':'); X userid:=' '; X readln(userid); X if userid[1]=' ' then usernum(userid); X end; X newscore.num:=score; X newscore.level:=bit; X; X I:=1; X while newscore.num < scores[I].num do X I:=I+1; X for A:=10 downto I+1 do X scores[A]:=scores[A-1]; X scores[I]:=newscore; X open (Htable , Htablefile , X `009history := old); X rewrite(Htable); X for I:=1 to 10 do X write(Htable,scores[I]); X close (Htable); X writeln('Press any key to view high-score table'); X end X else X begin X writeln('One entry only per usernum in the high score table!!'); X writeln('Press any key to return to main menu'); X end; X end X else X begin X writeln('Sorry, yu didnt make the high score table!!!!!!'); X writeln('Press any key to return to main menu'); X end; X waitkey(key,chan); Xend; X{*************************************************************} X X X{*************************************************************} Xprocedure viewscores(var Htable:recfile; scores:scorearray; key,chan:integer); X Xvar X score:scorerec; X I, X A:integer; X Xbegin X cls; X open (Htable, Htablefile, X history:=readonly); X reset(Htable); X I:=1; X while (not eof(Htable)) and (I <=10) do X begin X read(Htable,score); X scores[I]:=score; X I:=I+1; X end; X close (Htable); X for A:= I to 10 do X begin X scores[I].num:=0; X scores[I].name:=' '; X scores[I].level:=1; X scores[I].id:=' '; X end; X Writeln(' Shapes HIGH SCORE TABLE'); X writeln;writeln; V writeln(' score name level Xuserid'); X for I:=1 to 10 do X begin X writeln(I:2,'. ',scores[I].num,' ',scores[I].name,' ', X scores[I].level:2,' ',scores[I].id); X end; Xwriteln;writeln; Xwriteln(' Press any key to return to main menu'); Xwaitkey(key,chan); Xend; X X{***********************************************************} X X X{************************************************************} Xprocedure INTOCHAR(var xchrhigh,xchrlow, X ychrhigh,ychrlow:char; x,y:integer); X Xbegin {INTOCHAR} X xchrhigh`009:= chr(ord('0') + x div 10) ; X xchrlow`009:= chr(ord('0') + x mod 10) ; X X ychrhigh`009:= chr(ord('0') + y div 10) ; X ychrlow`009:= chr(ord('0') + y mod 10) ; X Xend; {INTOCHAR} X{*********************************************************************} X X X{*****************************************************************} Xprocedure MENUPRINT; X Xbegin X CLS; X writeln(chr(27),'#3 Shapes'); X writeln(chr(27),'#4 Shapes'); X writeln(chr(27),'[22;25HCopyright 1989,1990 LokiSoft Ltd.'); X writeln(chr(27),'[09;31H1. Play Shapes'); X writeln(chr(27),'[10;31H2. Redefine Keys'); X writeln(chr(27),'[11;31H3. View Score Board'); X writeln(chr(27),'[12;31H4. Instructions'); X write(chr(27),'[13;31H5. Print Next Shape'); X if flag then writeln(' (YES)') else writeln(' (NO) '); X write(chr(27),'[14;31H6. Slow Down Game'); X if flag2 then writeln(' (YES)') else writeln(' (NO) '); X writeln(chr(27),'[15;31H7. Restore Saved Game'); X writeln(chr(27),'[17;31H0. Exit from game'); X writeln(chr(27),'[19;31HEnter choice from options above'); X writeln; Xend; X{**********************************************************************} X{*****************************} Xprocedure Instructions; Xbegin Xcls; Xwriteln('Hi Guys, here''s another offering from the LokiSoft label,'); Xwriteln('except this one''s good!!!!'); Xwriteln; Xwriteln('This game is based on a certain arcade game which you may have '); Xwriteln('played at sometime or other, but I aint mentioning which one cos'); Xwriteln('this is a blatant rip-off of it so its really dead obvious!!'); Xwriteln; Xwriteln('Anyway, its like this: there are these seven different shapes:-'); Xwriteln; Xwriteln('@@ @ @ @ @ @ @'); Xwriteln('@@ @ @ @@ @@ @@ @'); Xwriteln(' @@ @@ @ @ @ @'); Xwriteln(' @'); Xwriteln('And these shapes fall from the top of the screen to the bottom,'); Xwriteln('piling on top of one another.'); Xwriteln('You can rotate each shape, and move it left or right, the '); Xwriteln('object being to get complete unbroken lines of "@@@@@@@@@@" at '); Xwriteln('the bottom of the screen.'); Xwriteln('when this happens, that line is deleted, and the pile drops down'); Xwriteln('and you are given points depending on which level you are on'); Xwriteln; Xwriteln(' Press any key for next page'); Xwaitkey(key,chan); Xcls; Xwriteln; Xwriteln('If you are fortunate enough to get more than one completed line at'); Vwriteln('a time, you receive a bonus dependent on the level you are on and the X'); Xwriteln('number of lines completed.'); Xwriteln('After completing 5 lines, you move on to level 2 where you have to'); Xwriteln('complete 10 lines,..15 for level 3, and so on.'); Xwriteln('There is a bonus at the end of each level depending on which level'); Vwriteln('you are on, and how low the pile of bricks is,..the lower the pile,') X; Xwriteln('the higher the bonus'); Vwriteln('For each level, the number of points per completed line, and potentia Xl'); Xwriteln('bonus per level is increased, and there are an infinite number'); Xwriteln('of levels in the game.'); Xwriteln; Xwriteln('The default keys are: z - left, x - right,'); Xwriteln(' o - rotate left, p - rotate right,'); Xwriteln(' [ - move shape to bottom, r - redraw screen, q - quit'); Xwriteln(' ! - to spawn to dcl, @ - to save game'); Xwriteln; Xwriteln(' Press any key for next page'); Xwaitkey(key,chan); Xcls; Xwriteln('Note on Saving game:-'); Xwriteln; Xwriteln('It is only possible for any user to have one saved game at a time,'); Vwriteln('and if you attempt to save a game when you already have one stored,') X; Xwriteln('the stored game will be written over!!!'); Xwriteln('Stored games will automatically be deleted when restored.'); Xwriteln; Vwriteln('There is total space on the save-file for 100 games, and when it is') X; Vwriteln('full, whenever anyone attempts to save their game, the oldest previou Xs'); Xwriteln('saved game is written over!'); Xwriteln; Xwriteln('Note on Slowing down game option:-'); Xwriteln; Vwriteln('This option is intended only for people using workstations or similar X'); Xwriteln('which vastly speed up the screen printing, thereby making the game'); Xwriteln('unplayable. The slow down option negates this problem.'); Xwriteln; Xwriteln('Now I''ll take this opportunity to wish you happy playing and good'); Xwriteln('luck, you''ll need it!!!!'); Xwriteln(chr(27),'[22;30HPress any key for main menu'); Xwaitkey(key,chan); Xend; X{*****************************} X X X X{*******************************************************************} Vprocedure KEYDEFINE(var left,right,rotleft,rotright,speed,quitkey,redraw:char) X; X Xvar X X redrawint, X null, X leftint, X rightint, X rotleftint, X rotrightint, X speedint, X stopint:integer; X quitint:integer; X Xbegin {KEYDEFINE} X CLS; X writeln(' Defining Keys For SHAPES '); X writeln; X writeln; X writeln; X writeln; X writeln('Press key for movement LEFT: '); X waitkey(leftint,chan); X left:=chr(leftint); X writeln(left); X writeln('press key for movement RIGHT: '); X waitkey(rightint,chan); X while (rightint=leftint) do X waitkey(rightint,chan); X right:=chr(rightint); X writeln(right); X writeln('Press key for rotation ANTICLOCKWISE: '); X waitkey(rotleftint,chan); X while (rotleftint=leftint) or X (rotleftint=rightint) do X waitkey(rotleftint,chan); X rotleft:=chr(rotleftint); X writeln(rotleft); X writeln('press key for rotation CLOCKWISE: '); X waitkey(rotrightint,chan); X while (rotrightint=rightint) or X (rotrightint=rotleftint) or X (rotrightint=leftint) do X waitkey(rotrightint,chan); X rotright:=chr(rotrightint); X writeln(rotright); X writeln('press key to move shape to bottom: '); X waitkey(speedint,chan); X while (speedint=rightint) or X (speedint=leftint) or X (speedint=rotleftint) or X (speedint=rotrightint) do X waitkey(speedint,chan); X speed:=chr(speedint); X writeln(speed); X writeln('press key to quit game: '); X waitkey(quitint,chan); X while (quitint=rightint) or X (quitint=leftint) or X (quitint=rotleftint) or X (quitint=rotrightint) or X (quitint=speedint) do X waitkey(quitint,chan); X quitkey:=chr(quitint); X writeln(quitkey); X writeln('press key to redraw screen'); X waitkey(redrawint,chan); X while (redrawint=rightint) or X (redrawint=leftint) or X (redrawint=rotrightint) or X (redrawint=rotleftint) or X (redrawint=quitint) do X waitkey(redrawint,chan); X redraw:=chr(redrawint); X writeln(redraw); X writeln; X writeln; X writeln; X writeln(' Press any key to continue '); X waitkey(null,chan); Xend; {KEYDEFINE} X{*******************************************************************} X X X X{***********************************************************************} Xprocedure Shapestuff(shape,position,y,x:integer; var screen:screenarray; X n:integer); Xbegin X screen[y,x]:=n; X if shape = 1 then X begin X screen[y,x+1]:=n; X screen[y+1,x]:=n; X screen[y+1,x+1]:=n; X end X else X if shape = 2 then X begin X if position = 1 then X begin X screen[y-1,x]:=n; X screen[y+1,x]:=n; X screen[y+1,x+1]:=n; X end X else X if position = 2 then X begin X screen[y,x+1]:=n; X screen[y,x-1]:=n; X screen[y+1,x-1]:=n; X end X else X if position = 3 then X begin X screen[y+1,x]:=n; X screen[y-1,x]:=n; X screen[y-1,x-1]:=n; X end X else X if position = 4 then X begin X screen[y,x-1]:=n; X screen[y,x+1]:=n; X screen[y-1,x+1]:=n; X end; X end X else X if shape = 3 then X begin X if position = 1 then X begin X screen[y-1,x]:=n; X screen[y+1,x]:=n; X screen[y+1,x-1]:=n; X end X else X if position = 2 then X begin X screen[y,x+1]:=n; X screen[y,x-1]:=n; X screen[y-1,x-1]:=n; X end X else X if position = 3 then X begin X screen[y-1,x]:=n; X screen[y+1,x]:=n; X screen[y-1,x+1]:=n; X end X else X if position = 4 then X begin X screen[y,x-1]:=n; X screen[y,x+1]:=n; X screen[y+1,x+1]:=n; X end; X end X else X if shape = 4 then X begin X if position = 1 then X begin X screen[y-1,x]:=n; X screen[y+1,x]:=n; X screen[y,x+1]:=n; X end X else X if position = 2 then X begin X screen[y+1,x]:=n; X screen[y,x-1]:=n; X screen[y,x+1]:=n; X end X else X if position = 3 then X begin X screen[y-1,x]:=n; X screen[y+1,x]:=n; X screen[y,x-1]:=n; X end X else X if position = 4 then X begin X screen[y-1,x]:=n; X screen[y,x-1]:=n; X screen[y,x+1]:=n; X end; X end X else X if shape = 5 then X begin X if (position = 1) or (position = 3) then X begin X screen[y+1,x]:=n; X screen[y,x+1]:=n; X screen[y-1,x+1]:=n; X end X else X if (position = 2) or (position = 4) then X begin X screen[y,x-1]:=n; X screen[y+1,x]:=n; X screen[y+1,x+1]:=n; X end; X end X else X if shape = 6 then X begin X if (position = 1) or (position = 3) then X begin X screen[y-1,x]:=n; X screen[y,x+1]:=n; X screen[y+1,x+1]:=n; X end X else X if (position = 2) or (position = 4) then X begin X screen[y,x+1]:=n; X screen[y+1,x]:=n; X screen[y+1,x-1]:=n; X end; X end X else X if shape = 7 then X begin X if (position = 1) or (position = 3) then X begin X screen[y-1,x]:=n; X screen[y+1,x]:=n; X screen[y+2,x]:=n; X end X else X if (position = 2) or (position = 4) then X begin X screen[y,x-2]:=n; X screen[y,x-1]:=n; X screen[y,x+1]:=n; X end; X end; Xend; X{****************************************************************************} X X X{***********************************************************************} Xprocedure Check(shape,position,y,x:integer; var change:boolean); X Xbegin X change:=true; X if shape = 2 then X begin X if position = 1 then X begin X if screen[y-1,x]=1 then change:= false X else X if screen[y+1,x]=1 then change:= false X else X if screen[y+1,x+1]=1 then change:= false; X end X else X if position = 2 then X begin X if screen[y,x+1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x-1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x-1]=1 then change:= false; X end X else X if position = 3 then X begin X if screen[y+1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y-1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y-1,x-1]=1 then change:= false; X end X else X if position = 4 then X begin X if screen[y,x-1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x+1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y-1,x+1]=1 then change:= false; X end; X end X else X if shape = 3 then X begin X if position = 1 then X begin X if screen[y-1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x-1]=1 then change:= false; X end X else X if position = 2 then X begin X if screen[y,x+1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x-1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y-1,x-1]=1 then change:= false; X end X else X if position = 3 then X begin X if screen[y-1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y-1,x+1]=1 then change:= false; X end X else X if position = 4 then X begin X if screen[y,x-1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x+1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x+1]=1 then change:= false; X end; X end X else X if shape = 4 then X begin X if position = 1 then X begin X if screen[y-1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x+1]=1 then change:= false; X end X else X if position = 2 then X begin X if screen[y+1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x-1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x+1]=1 then change:= false; X end X else X if position = 3 then X begin X if screen[y-1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x-1]=1 then change:= false; X end X else X if position = 4 then X begin X if screen[y-1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x-1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x+1]=1 then change:= false; X end; X end X else X if shape = 5 then X begin X if (position = 1) or (position = 3) then X begin X if screen[y+1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x+1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y-1,x+1]=1 then change:= false; X end X else X if (position = 2) or (position = 4) then X begin X if screen[y,x-1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x+1]=1 then change:= false; X end; X end X else X if shape = 6 then X begin X if (position = 1) or (position = 3) then X begin X if screen[y-1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x+1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x+1]=1 then change:= false; X end X else X if (position = 2) or (position = 4) then X begin X if screen[y,x+1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x-1]=1 then change:= false; X end; X end X else X if shape = 7 then X begin X if (position = 1) or (position = 3) then X begin X if screen[y-1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+1,x]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y+2,x]=1 then change:= false; X end X else X if (position = 2) or (position = 4) then X begin X if screen[y,x-2]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x-1]=1 then change:= false else X if screen[y,x+1]=1 then change:= false; X end; X end; Xend; X{****************************************************************************} X X X{****************************************************************************} Xprocedure Create(var shape,position,y,x:integer); X Xvar X shapenum:integer; X Xbegin X shapenum:=random(1,23); X if shapenum < 4 then shape:=1 X else X if shapenum < 7 then shape:=2 X else X if shapenum < 11 then shape:=3 X else X if shapenum < 14 then shape:=4 X else X if shapenum < 17 then shape:=5 X else X if shapenum < 20 then shape:=6 X else X if shapenum < 23 then shape:=7 X else X shape:=8; X position:=1; X y:=2; X x:=5; Xend; X{**************************************************************************} X X X{***********************************************} Xprocedure PrintLines(screen:screenarray; b:integer); X Xvar X a, X c:integer; X noline:boolean; X Xbegin X a:=b; X repeat X noline:=true; X for c:=1 to 10 do X begin X if screen[a,c] = 1 then noline:=false; X intochar(xchrhigh,xchrlow,ychrhigh,ychrlow,c+30,a); X if screen[a,c] = 1 then X writeln(chr(27),'[',ychrhigh,ychrlow,';',xchrhigh,xchrlow,'H#'); X if screen[a,c] = 0 then X writeln(chr(27),'[',ychrhigh,ychrlow,';',xchrhigh,xchrlow,'H '); X end; X a:=a-1; X until (noline) or (a = 1); Xend; X{************************************************} X{******************************************************} Xprocedure LineDelete(var screen:screenarray; b:integer; var score:integer; X level:integer; var lines:integer); X Xvar X a, X c:integer; X Xbegin X for a:= b downto 2 do X for c:=1 to 10 do X screen[a,c]:=screen[a-1,c]; X printlines(screen,b); X if not(flag) then X score:=score+(150*level) X else X score:=score+(100*level); X lines:=lines+1; X writeln(chr(27),'[14;7H',((5*level)-lines):2); X writeln(chr(27),'[10;7H',score:1); Xend; X{***************************************************} X{****************************************************************************} Xprocedure LineStuff(var screen:screenarray; var lines:integer; X level:integer; var score:integer); X Xvar X A, X B:integer; X line, X nothing:boolean; X linenum:integer; X bounty:integer; X Xbegin X linenum:=lines; X b:=22; X bounty:=0; X repeat X line:=true; X for a:=1 to 10 do X if screen[b,a]=0 then line:=false; X nothing:=true; X for a:=1 to 10 do X if screen[b,a]=1 then nothing:=false; X if line then X begin X LineDelete(screen,b,score,level,lines); X b:=b+1; X end; X b:=b-1; X until (nothing = true) or (b = 0); X linenum:=lines-linenum; X if linenum > 1 then bounty:=((linenum-1) * 200 * level); X score:=score+bounty; X writeln(chr(27),'[10;7H',score:1); Xend; X{**********************************************************************} X X X{**********************************************************************} Xprocedure bonus(var score:integer; screen:screenarray; level:integer); X Xvar X a, X b:integer; X noline:boolean; X X Xbegin X a:=22; X b:=1; X repeat X noline:=true; X for b:=1 to 10 do X if screen[a,b] = 1 then noline:=false; X a:=a-1; X until (a = 0) or (noline = true); X X if noline then X score:=score+(100*a*level); Xend; X{******************************************************************} X X{*************************************} Xprocedure Printshape(screen:screenarray; y,x:integer); X Xvar X a, X b, X i, X j:integer; X stuff:packed array[1..10] of char; X Xbegin X if flag2 = TRUE then X begin X waitx(factor); X end; X for a:= y-2 to y+3 do X begin X if (a < 23) and (a > 1) then X begin X intochar(xchrhigh,xchrlow,ychrhigh,ychrlow,31,a); X for b:=1 to 10 do X begin X if screen[a,b] = 1 then stuff[b]:='#' X else X if screen[a,b] = 2 then stuff[b]:='@' X else X stuff[b]:=' '; X end; X writeln(chr(27),'[',ychrhigh,ychrlow,';31H',stuff) X end; X end; Xend; X{*************************************} X X{**********************************************************************} Xprocedure printnext(shape:integer); X Xbegin X writeln(chr(27),'[07;50H '); X writeln(chr(27),'[08;50H '); X if shape = 1 then X begin X writeln(chr(27),'[05;50H@@'); X writeln(chr(27),'[06;50H@@'); X end X else X if shape = 2 then X begin X writeln(chr(27),'[05;50H@ '); X writeln(chr(27),'[06;50H@ '); X writeln(chr(27),'[07;50H@@'); X end X else X if shape = 3 then X begin X writeln(chr(27),'[05;50H @'); X writeln(chr(27),'[06;50H @'); X writeln(chr(27),'[07;50H@@'); X end X else X if shape = 4 then X begin X writeln(chr(27),'[05;50H@ '); X writeln(chr(27),'[06;50H@@'); X writeln(chr(27),'[07;50H@ '); X end X else X if shape = 5 then X begin X writeln(chr(27),'[05;50H @'); X writeln(chr(27),'[06;50H@@'); X writeln(chr(27),'[07;50H@ '); X end X else X if shape = 6 then X begin X writeln(chr(27),'[05;50H@ '); X writeln(chr(27),'[06;50H@@'); X writeln(chr(27),'[07;50H @'); X end X else X if shape = 7 then X begin X writeln(chr(27),'[05;50H@ '); X writeln(chr(27),'[06;50H@ '); X writeln(chr(27),'[07;50H@ '); X writeln(chr(27),'[08;50H@ '); X end; Xend; X{**********************************************************************} X X X{**********************************************************************} Vprocedure Rotation(var screen:screenarray; shape:integer; var position:integer X; X rotint:integer; var y,x:integer); X Xvar X newposition:integer; X ax:integer; X change:boolean; X Xbegin X if shape = 7 then X begin X ax:=x; X if x = 10 then ax:=9; X if x = 1 then ax:=3; X if x = 2 then ax:=3; X end X else X if x =1 then ax:=2 X else X if x =10 then ax:=9 X else X ax:=x; X X X if rotint = -1 then X begin X if position = 1 then newposition:=4 X else X newposition:=position -1; X end X else X if rotint = 1 then X begin X if position = 4 then newposition:=1 X else X newposition:=position +1; X end; X X X check(shape,newposition,y,ax,change); X if change = true then X begin X shapestuff(shape,position,y,x,screen,0); X position:=newposition; X x:=ax; X shapestuff(shape,position,y,x,screen,2); X printshape(screen,y,x); X end; Xend; V{***************************************************************************** X} X X V{***************************************************************************** X} Xprocedure Movement(var screen:screenarray; shape,position:integer; X var y,x:integer; d:integer); X X Xvar X move:boolean; X a, X b:integer; Xbegin X move:=true; X if d = 1 then X begin X for a:= x+2 downto x-2 do X for b:=y+2 downto y-1 do X if (a >1) and (a<11) and (b > 1) and (b < 23) then X begin X if (a = 10) and (screen[b,a] = 2) then move:=false; X if (screen[b,a] = 1) and (screen[b,a-1] = 2) then move:=false; X end; X end X else X if d = -1 then X begin X for a:=x-3 to x+1 do X for b:=y-1 to y+2 do X if (a >0) and (a<9) and (b>1) and (b<23) then X begin X if (a = 1) and (screen[b,a] = 2) then move:=false; X if (screen[b,a] = 1) and (screen[b,a+1] = 2) then move:=false; X end; X end; X if move = true then X begin X shapestuff(shape,position,y,x,screen,0); X x:=x+d; X shapestuff(shape,position,y,x,screen,2); X printshape(screen,y,x); X end; Xend; X{************************************************************************} V{***************************************************************************** X} Vprocedure Down(var screen:screenarray; shape,position:integer; var y,x:integer X; X var fast:boolean); X X Xvar X move:boolean; X a, X b:integer; X Xbegin X move:=true; X for b:=y+3 downto y-1 do X for a:= x+2 downto x-2 do X if (a >0) and (a<11) and (b > 1) and (b < 23) then X begin X if (b = 22) and (screen[b,a] = 2) then move:=false; X if (screen[b,a] = 1) and (screen[b-1,a] = 2) then move:=false; X end; X if move = true then X begin X if fast = true then X begin X y:=y+1; X shapestuff(shape,position,y-1,x,screen,0); X printshape(screen,y,x); X shapestuff(shape,position,y,x,screen,2); X repeat X move:=true; X for b:=y+3 downto y-1 do X for a:= x+2 downto x-2 do X if (a >0) and (a<11) and (b > 1) and (b < 23) then X begin X if (b = 22) and (screen[b,a] = 2) then move:=false; X if (screen[b,a] = 1) and (screen[b-1,a] = 2 ) then move:=false; X end; X if move = true then X begin X y:=y+1; X shapestuff(shape,position,y-1,x,screen,0); X shapestuff(shape,position,y,x,screen,2); X end; X until move=false; X printshape(screen,y,x); X end X else X begin X y:=y+1; X screen[y-1,x]:=0; X screen[y,x]:=2; X shapestuff(shape,position,y-1,x,screen,0); X shapestuff(shape,position,y,x,screen,2); X printshape(screen,y,x); X end; X end; X fast:=false; Xend; X{************************************************************************} X Xprocedure printall(screen:screenarray; score,lines,level:integer); X X Xvar X a, X b:integer; X g, X h, X xchrhigh, X xchrlow, X ychrhigh, X ychrlow:char; X stuff:packed array[1..10] of char; X Xbegin X X cls; X for I:=1 to 22 do X begin X intochar(g,h,ychrhigh,ychrlow,1,I); X writeln(chr(27),'[',ychrhigh,ychrlow,';30H| |'); X end; X writeln(chr(27),'[23;30H------------'); X if flag then writeln(chr(27),'[03;49HNEXT'); X writeln(chr(27),'[10;1HSCORE:',score:1); X writeln(chr(27),'[12;1HLEVEL:',level:1); X writeln(chr(27),'[14;1HLINES:',((5*level)-lines):2); X for a:=1 to 22 do X begin X intochar(xchrhigh,xchrlow,ychrhigh,ychrlow,31,a); X for b:=1 to 10 do X begin X if screen[a,b] = 1 then stuff[b]:='#' X else X stuff[b]:=' '; X end; X writeln(chr(27),'[',ychrhigh,ychrlow,';31H',stuff); X end; Xend; V{***************************************************************************** X*} X V{***************************************************************************** X*} Xprocedure editshape(key:integer; var nshape:integer); X X Xbegin X nshape:=key-48; X printnext(nshape); Xend; V{***************************************************************************** X*} X{***********************************************} Xprocedure getyearday(inp:datestr; var year,day:integer); X Xvar X digit1, X digit2, X digit3, X digit4:integer; X offset:integer; X Xbegin X offset:= ord('1') + 1; X digit1:= ord(inp[8]) - offset; X digit2:= ord(inp[9]) - offset; X digit3:= ord(inp[10]) - offset; X digit4:= ord(inp[11]) - offset; X year:= digit4 + (10*digit3) + (100*digit2) + (1000*digit1); X digit1:= ord(inp[1]) - offset; X digit2:= ord(inp[2]) - offset; X day:= digit2 + (10*digit1); Xend; X{************************************************} X X{**********************************************} Xprocedure getmonth(inp:datestr; var month:integer); X Xbegin X X if (inp[4] = 'J') and (inp[5] = 'A') then month:=1 X else X if (inp[4] = 'F') then month:=2 X else X if (inp[4] = 'M') and (inp[6] = 'R') then month:=3 X else X if (inp[4] = 'A') and (inp[5] = 'P') then month:=4 X else X if (inp[4] = 'M') and (inp[6] = 'Y') then month:=5 X else X if (inp[4] = 'J') and (inp[6] = 'N') then month:=7 X else X if (inp[4] = 'J') then month:=6 X else X if (inp[4] = 'A') and (inp[5] = 'U') then month:=8 X else X if (inp[4] = 'S') then month:=9 X else X if (inp[4] = 'O') then month:=10 X else X if (inp[4] = 'N') then month:=11 X else X if (inp[4] = 'D') then month:=12; Xend; X V{***************************************************************************** X*} V{***************************************************************************** X*} Xfunction older(one,two:datestr):boolean; X X Xvar X oneyear, X twoyear, X onemonth, X twomonth, X oneday, X twoday:integer; X Xbegin X getyearday(one,oneyear,oneday); X getyearday(two,twoyear,twoday); X getmonth(one,onemonth); X getmonth(two,twomonth); X if oneyear < twoyear then older:=true X else X if onemonth < twomonth then older:=true X else X if oneday < twoday then older:=true X else X older:=false; Xend; V{***************************************************************************** X*} V{***************************************************************************** X*} X X V{***************************************************************************** X*} V{***************************************************************************** X*} XProcedure MainGame(left,right,rotleft,rotright,speed,quitkey,redraw:char; X level:integer; cheat:boolean); X Xvar X oldest:integer; X saved, X saving:saverec; X count:integer; X quit:boolean; X a,b:integer; X height:integer; X choice:char; X nx, X ny, X nshape, X nposition:integer; X fast:boolean; X gotin:boolean; X Xbegin X Xrandomise; Xif restored = false then Xbegin X for a:=1 to 22 do X for b:=1 to 10 do X screen[a,b]:=0; X score:=0; X position:=1; X create(shape,position,y,x); X lines:=0; X shapestuff(shape,position,y,x,screen,2); Xend; Xcreate(nshape,nposition,ny,nx); Xcount:=0; Xfast:=false; Xquit:=false; Xott:=false; Xcls; X Xprintshape(screen,y,x); Xprintall(screen,score,lines,level); Xif restored then X writeln(chr(27),'[10;49HPress any key to continue game') Xelse X writeln(chr(27),'[10;49HPress any key to play game'); Xwaitkey(key,chan); Xwriteln(chr(27),'[10;49H '); Xrestored:=false; Xif flag then printnext(nshape); Xrepeat X readkey(key,chan); X choice:=chr(key); X if choice = left then Movement(screen,shape,position,y,x,-1) X else X if choice = right then movement(screen,shape,position,y,x,1) X else X if choice = rotleft then Rotation(screen,shape,position,-1,y,x) X else X if choice = rotright then Rotation(screen,shape,position,1,y,x) X else X if choice = speed then fast:=true X else X if (choice in ['1'..'7']) and (cheat = true) then editshape(key,nshape) X else X if choice = redraw then X begin X printall(screen,score,lines,level); X if flag then printnext(nshape); X end X else X if choice = quitkey then ott:=true X else X if choice = '!' then X begin X cls; X writeln('%DCL-I-SPAWN, Type eoj to return to Shapes'); X spawn; X printall(screen,score,lines,level); X if flag then printnext(nshape); X writeln(chr(27),'[10;49HPress any key to continue Shapes'); X waitkey(key,chan); X writeln(chr(27),'[10;49H '); X end X else X if choice = '@' then X begin X cls; X Writeln( 'Save game option'); X usernum(userid); X if (userid = 'CADP02 ') or X (userid = 'CADP03 ') then X begin X write('Enter username, MAX 8 letters, RETURN for default: '); X userid:=' '; X readln(userid); X if userid[1] = ' ' then usernum(userid); X end; X saving.num:=score; X saving.level:=level; X saving.outp:=screen; X saving.lines:=lines; X saving.x:=x; X saving.y:=y; X saving.shape:=shape; X saving.position:=position; X saving.user:=userid; X DATE(saving.current); X open(Save,Savefile,history:=readonly); X reset(save); X del:=false; X for I:=1 to 100 do X begin X read(save,peeps[I]); X if (del = true) and (peeps[I].user = saving.user) then X peeps[I].user:='UNUSED '; X if (del = false) and (peeps[I].user = 'UNUSED ') then X begin X peeps[I]:=saving; X del:=true; X end; X if (del = false) and (peeps[I].user = saving.user) then X begin X del:=true; X peeps[I]:=saving; X end; X end; X if del = false then X begin X reset(save); X read(save,peeps[1]); X oldest:=1; X for I:=2 to 100 do X begin X read(save,peeps[I]); X if older(peeps[I-1].current,peeps[I].current) = false then X oldest:=I; X end; X peeps[oldest]:=saving; X end; X close(save); X open(Save,Savefile,history:=old); X rewrite(save); X for I:=1 to 100 do X write(save,peeps[I]); X close(save); X ott:=true; X del:=false; X writeln('Game saved.'); X writeln('Press any key for main menu.'); X waitkey(key,chan); X end; X if count = 3 then X begin X height:=y; X Down(screen,shape,position,y,x,fast); X if height = y then X begin X for a:=1 to 10 do X if screen[1,a]=2 then ott:=true; X shapestuff(shape,position,y,x,screen,1); X printshape(screen,y,x); X linestuff(screen,lines,level,score); X shape:=Nshape; X position:=Nposition; X y:=Ny; X x:=Nx; X create(nshape,nposition,ny,nx); X if flag then printnext(nshape); X shapestuff(shape,position,y,x,screen,2); X if lines >= 5*level then X begin X level:=level+1; X bonus(score,screen,level); X lines:=0; X printall(screen,score,lines,level); X if flag then printnext(nshape); X end; X end; X count:=0; X end; X count:=count+1; Xuntil OTT = true; X Xif choice <> '@' then Xbegin X highscores(score,level,Htable,scores,gotin); X if gotin then viewscores(Htable,scores,key,chan) Xend Xend; V{***************************************************************************** X*} V{***************************************************************************** X*} X V{***************************************************************************** X*} V{***************************************************************************** X*} XProcedure RESTORE; X Xvar X I:integer; X Xbegin X cls; X writeln(' Restore saved game option'); X usernum(userid); X if (userid = 'CADP02 ') or X (userid = 'CADP03 ') then X begin X write('Enter username, MAX 8 letters, RETURN for default: '); X userid:=' '; X readln(userid); X if userid[1] = ' ' then usernum(userid); X end; X restored:=false; X open(Save,Savefile,history:=readonly); X reset(save); X for I:=1 to 100 do X begin X read(save,peeps[I]); X if peeps[I].user = userid then X begin X cls; X writeln('Restoring...'); X lines:=peeps[I].lines; X position:=peeps[I].position; X x:=peeps[I].x; X y:=peeps[I].y; X shape:=peeps[I].shape; X screen:=peeps[I].outp; X score:=peeps[I].num; X level:=peeps[I].level; X peeps[I].user:='UNUSED '; X restored:=true; X end; X end; X close(save); X open(save,savefile,history:=old); X rewrite(save); X for I:=1 to 100 do X write(save,peeps[I]); X close(save); X if restored = true then X begin X writeln('Restored.'); X writeln('Press any key for main screen'); X waitkey(key,chan); X MAINGAME(left,right,rotleft,rotright,speed,quitkey,redraw,level,cheat); X end X else X begin X writeln('Data file not found.'); X writeln('Press any key to return to main menu.'); X waitkey(key,chan); X end; Xend; X V{***************************************************************************** X*} V{***************************************************************************** X*} X X{*******************************************************************} Xbegin {SHAPES} X cls; X MAKECHAN(chan); X HP := FALSE; X flag:=true; X flag2:=false; X cheat:=false; X left:='z';right:='x';rotleft:='o';rotright:='p';speed:='[';quitkey:='q'; X factor:=0.15; X redraw:='r'; X levelmin:=1; X for I:=1 to 22 do X begin {for} X for J:=1 to 10 do X screen[I,J]:=0; X end; {for} X repeat X MENUPRINT; X repeat X if chr(key) = 'c' then flagA:=true; X if chr(key) = 'a' then X begin X if flagA = true then flagB:=true X else flagB:=false; X end; X if chr(key) = 'd' then X begin X if flagB = true then flagC:=true X else flagC:=false; X end; X if chr(key) = 'p' then X begin X if flagC = true then flagD:=true X else flagD:=false; X end; X if (chr(key) <> 'c') and (chr(key) <> 'a') and X (chr(key) <> 'd') and (chr(key) <> 'p') then X begin X flagA:=false; X flagB:=false; X flagC:=false; X flagD:=false; X end; X waitkey(key,chan); X until chr(key) in ['0'..'8']; X level:=levelmin; X if chr(key) <> '8' then flagD:=false; X if chr(key)='1' then X MAINGAME(left,right,rotleft,rotright,speed,quitkey,redraw,level,cheat); V if chr(key)='2' then KEYDEFINE(left,right,rotleft,rotright,speed,quitkey,r Xedraw); X if chr(key)='3' then VIEWSCORES(Htable,scores,key,chan); X if chr(key)='4' then INSTRUCTIONS; X if chr(key)='5' then flag:=not(flag); X if chr(key)='6' then flag2:=not(flag2); X if chr(key)='7' then RESTORE; X if flagD then X begin X cheat:=true; X write('level??: '); X readln(levelmin); X write('reset savefile??: '); X readln(answer); X if (answer = 'y') or (answer = 'Y') then X begin X blank.user:='UNUSED '; X open(Save,Savefile,history:=unknown); X rewrite(save); X for I:=1 to 100 do X write(save,blank); X close(save); X end; X write('reset scoreboard??: '); X readln(answer); X if (answer='y') or (answer ='Y') then X begin X open (Htable , Htablefile , X`009 history := unknown); X rewrite(Htable); X for A:= 1 to 10 do X begin X scores[A].num:=0; X scores[A].name:=' '; X scores[A].level:=1; X scores[A].id:=' '; X end; X for A:=1 to 10 do X write(Htable,scores[A]); X close(Htable); X end; X end; X until (chr(key)='0'); X cls; X writeln('There now, that didn''t hurt much did it??'); X writeln('Byeeeeeeeeee........'); Xend. {SHAPES} X{*******************************************************************} X $GoSub Convert_File $Exit