[net.micro] Pascal to C

DEVOTO%LLL@LLL-MFE.arpa (09/26/86)

From: Steve Devoto <DEVOTO@LLL.MFENET>
To: info-micro@brl-vgr.arpa

24-Sep-86 14:12:29-PDT,1488;000000000001
Mail-From: DEVOTO created at 24-Sep-86 14:12:26
Date: Wed 24 Sep 86 14:12:26-PDT
Subject: Pascal to C
From: Steve Devoto <DEVOTO%LLL@LLL-MFE.ARPA>
To: info-micro.vgr-brl@ARPA

Every few months, someone requests information on Pascal to C translators
and there are sporadic replies, mostly hearsay.  I, too, have looked for one
and this is the hard information I have collected:
(1) HCR Corporation, 10 St. Mary Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 1P9,
416-922-1937, makes a Pascal to C translator as part of their Pascal
compiler.  Thr first stage does the translation and the result is run
through the CC compiler.  It's for Unix systems, including Xenix ($500) and
VAX ($2450) and 8600 ($2000?) and they say they'll port it to any machine
for a price, including our CRAY's!!  The person I talked to could not tell 
me how it would handle Turbo Pascal.
(2) Milton Brown Software: This was/is in the catalog from The Programmer's
Shop.  I called for further information and was referred to a number in
So. Calif.  When I called this number, I believe it was for a Bank.  Upon
my request to speak to Milton Brown, they said there was no one there
by that name.  
In sum, it looks like the best bet is HCR.  Incidentally, they also do the 
UNITY operating system which sits on top of VAX/VMS and gives a reasonable
facsimile of UNIX.  
I suggest that this message be stored and sent out over info-micro and
info-C every few months.