[comp.std.misc] OSI References -- Books, Periodicals, Products

balavi@PacBell.COM (Behzad Alavi) (06/28/89)

Thanks to all of the participants of these newsgroups, the "OSI
Anthology" has been growing.  

My special thanks are to all of the enthusiasts who sent me direct mail.
I used "r" in mailx to respond, and most of my replies bounced!  So,
please accept my thanks over the .net; and keep the information
(additions, updates, corrections, etc.) flowing in.

Following is an updated list.  The new additions have been
identified on the RIGHT MARGIN with "|".

(Books ..........................................)

     Title:  [color] Books -- (Blue Books, 1988; being published in 89)|
 Publisher:  CCITT                                                     |
             These are "the official" publications.  They are          |
             decisions of each CCITT Plenary Session which are         |
             published every four years.  They are referenced by       |
             the color of their cover.  (1984-Red; 1980-Yellow         |
             1976-Orange; 1972-Green; 1968-White; 1964-Blue;           |
             1960-Red).                                                |

             The interim standards that are adopted in between the     |
             4-year plenary sessions, are published as Grey Books.     |

     Title:  The Open Book: A Practical Perspective on Open Systems    |
                Interconnection                                        |
    Author:  Marshall T. Rose *                                        |
 Publisher:  Prentice Hall; 1989 (October)                             |
             ISBN 0--13--643-0016--3                                   |

   NOTE:  Marshall Rose is on the net.  I am sure he can be of         |
          great value for all interested in OSI.  He posts in          |
          these newsgroups.                                            |

     Title:  OSI Explained
    Author:  John Henshal and Sandy Shaw
 Publisher:  Halsted Press, a division of John Wiley & Sons; 1988
             ISBN 0-470-2110-8                                         |

     Title:  Standards for Open Systems Interconnection
    Author:  Keith Knightson, Terry Knowles, and John Larmouth
 Publisher:  McGraw-Hill; 1988
             ISBN 0-07-035119-8                                        |


(Periodicals ....................................)

     Title:  The Open System Newsletter OSN                            |
 Publisher:  Technical Appraisals Ltd. (U.K.)                          |

     Title: Networks - a bound monthly which accumulates               |
 Publisher: BSP Professional Books (a division of Blacwell             |
            Scientific Publications Ltd)                               |
 Edited by: J. Brooks, J. Maynard and C. Sluman                        |

   NOTE:  Following my previous posting, I received several requests   |
          for address & phone number of Omnicom.  I'll post that       |
          this time for the interest of the readers.                   |

                OMNICOM Institute                                      |
                115 Park Street, SE                                    |
                Vienna, VA 22180 - 4607  USA                           |
                (800) OMNICOM  (800-666-4266)                          |
                (703) 281-1135                                         |
         Telex: 279678 OMNI UR                                         |
           Fax: (703) 281-1505                                         |

     Title:  Open Systems Communication -- Monthly
 Publisher:  Omnicom, Inc. (USA)

       (Report on current progress of ISO/OSI work in the
        Standards community and industry.)

     Title:  Open Systems Data Transfer -- Bimonthly
 Publisher:  Omnicom, Inc.

       (In-depth tutorials of ISO works.)

     Title:  Open Systems Applications -- Quarterly
 Publisher:  Omnicom, Inc.

       (Quarterly analysis of OSI technology and 
        discussion of specific emerging products.)


(Products .......................................)

    Product Name:  ISODE 5.0 (ISO Development Environment)               |
          Vendor:  (U.S. Distribution) Univ. of Pennsylvania             |
           Price:  $365.00 (Distribution Cost)                           |

    Product Name:  Osilogie (Software for Implementing OSI)              |
          Vendor:  Omnicom                                               |
           Price:  Varies by licensing agreement                         |

    Product Name:  Open Systems Message Exchange for MVS
          Vendor:  IBM
           Price:  $74,000 (one time)


I will post another summary as soon as there's enough new info to make
it worthwhile.  So, please keep me posted with your new input.

Thanks in advance

   __ Disclaimer & Copyright 1989 __ Behzad Alavi ...!pacbell!pbhyg!balavi
  /  )     /                /    /  ) /)             2600 Camino Ramon, 3N904
 /--<  _  /--,  -,  __)  __/    /__/ // __)       .  San Ramon, Ca. 94583
/___/_(/_/  /___/__(_/__(_/    /  /_(/_(_/___\/__/   (415) 823-3053      V3R1

   __ Disclaimer & Copyright 1989 __ Behzad Alavi ...!pacbell!pbhyg!balavi
  /  )     /                /    /  ) /)             2600 Camino Ramon, 3N904
 /--<  _  /--,  -,  __)  __/    /__/ // __)       .  San Ramon, Ca. 94583
/___/_(/_/  /___/__(_/__(_/    /  /_(/_(_/___\/__/   (415) 823-3053      V3R1