[comp.std.misc] Standards for Message Passing extensions?

elias@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Doug Elias) (04/12/90)

Does anyone know if there is any standards-type work going on with
the intent being to define necessary (and sufficient?) operations,
designs, syntax, etc. for message passing models of parallelism?
i have in mind something like a library of routines addressing
communication, process-creation and -control, etc.

E-mail, please.  Thanks very much.

#    ____       Internet:   elias@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu
#  dr _|_)oug   USmail:     Adv. Comp. Res. Inst./Cornell Theory Center
#    (_|                    265 Olin Hall/C.U./Ithaca/N.Y./14853-5201
#    (_|__      MaBelle:    607-255-8686   Fax: 607-255-0823