dave@vdelta.UUCP (Dave Arnold) (01/28/88)
Our company is evaluating vendors with have products which comply to X.409/X.410. The only company we have found so far is Sydney Development. If anybody knows of any others, could you please let me know of them? Thanks Dave Arnold
csg@pyramid.pyramid.com (Carl S. Gutekunst) (02/07/88)
>Our company is evaluating vendors with have products which comply to >X.409/X.410. The only company we have found so far is Sydney Development. >If anybody knows of any others, could you please let me know of them? The January issue of _Data_Communications_ features an article on OSI upper layers. It includes a list of fourteen X.400 vendors. Whether they support presentation layer facilities is not clear. <csg>
paul@torch.UUCP (Paul Andrews) (02/23/88)
In article <26@vdelta.UUCP> dave@vdelta.UUCP (Dave Arnold) writes: >Our company is evaluating vendors with have products which comply to >X.409/X.410. The only company we have found so far is Sydney Development. >If anybody knows of any others, could you please let me know of them? > >Thanks > >Dave Arnold Yup. Retix produce several ISO packages, including an X.409 (well ASN.1 actually) compiler/parser/encoder/decoder. In addition you can get this stuff absolutely free as some guys at Northrop have produced a package called ISODE (ISO Development Environment) which include lots of stuff for lots of the ISO layers, including layer 6. The bad news is I can't remember the address of these guys, however, in the UK try University College London - someone at the computing department, as for the US, I dunno - a similar approach may bear fruit. In my own opinion, the ISODE stuff is better than the Retix stuff. (NOTE this is my opiniion, not necessarily that of my company). Hope this has been of some help - Paul.