[net.micro] New program to read MSDOS disks on Commodore C128 CP/M

prindle@NADC.arpa (11/02/86)

I just uploaded RDMS233C.LBR to SIMTEL20:

Filename			Type	 Bytes	 CRC

Directory PD:<CPM.C128>
RDMS233C.LBR.1			BINARY	 47104  BA48H

This is an adaptation of RSMS 2.33 (from <CPM.DSKUTL>RDMS233.LBR) for
the Commodore 128 running CP/M 3.0.  This program will allow reading
of any of the 4 MSDOS format diskettes, copying files to CP/M format
diskettes.  This is only useful for copying text (program source and
doc included) and data files - MSDOS .com or .exe files will not run
under CP/M!!!

Frank Prindle