lane@dalcs.UUCP (11/02/86)
Hi there. Any Apple /// user's out there? How's it going? Got any software or info that's generally useful and shareable? Know of any sources of such? Do you all know of On Three, "The Company for Apple /// users" (P.O. Box 3825, Ventura, CA 93006, (805) 644-3514). They publish a monthly magasine "devoted" to the Apple /// ($40 for 12 issues) and besides, sell software (Lazarus /// - undeletes files, Uncopyprotect - backup protected disks & "uncatalyst", Selector /// - program switcher, Desktop Manager - like Sidekick, Draw-On /// - like Macpaint, games, "disks-of- the-month"), hardware (hard & floppy disk drives, clocks, mouse, memory), discontinued software and documentation from Apple, even reconditioned Apple ///'s, AND T-shirts, sweat-shirts and caps. They've been around for four years or so and appear to me to be stable, competent, and reliable. Standard disclaimers about not being involved with them apply...just a satisfied customer who highly recommends this group to any Apple /// owner. We have a couple of three's with Profile hard-disks and CPM Softcards which are used primarily for Wordstar'ing. A third is similarly equipped but is about 50-50 CPM and SOS, used for data entry and processing. If there's anybody out there I certainly wouldn't mind hearing from you. (sarcasm, pity, insults -> .NULL ... sympathy welcome!) Anybody want to sell an Apple ///? Say, how about a net.micro.apple3 (just kidding...for now :-) -- John Wright -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post: c/o Dr Pat Lane, Biology Dept, Dalhousie U, Halifax, NS, Canada, B3H-1J4 Phone: 902-424-3805 or 902-424-6527 Ean: lane@cs.dal.cdn Uucp: ...!{utcsri,garfield,dartvax}!dalcs!lane or ...!lane@dalcs.uucp Bitnet: lane@cs.dal.cdn or JW@dal.bitnet (goes to Dal Cyber) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------