ozalp@ishtar.cs.cornell.edu (Ozalp Babaoglu) (01/12/90)
BOLOGNA '90 AN ADVANCED COURSE ON DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS July 23 -- August 2, 1990 University of Bologna, Bologna (ITALY) Lecturers: Prof. O. Babaoglu, Bologna, Italy Dr. A. J. Herbert, APM Ltd, UK Dr. B. Lampson, DEC, USA Dr. S. J. Mullender, CWI, NL Prof. R. M. Needham, Cambridge, UK Prof. M. Satyanarayanan, CMU, USA Prof. F. B. Schneider, Cornell, USA Dr. M. D. Schroeder, DEC, USA Prof. S. Toueg, Cornell, USA Prof. W. E. Weihl, MIT, USA OBJECTIVE: Bologna '90 is the third offering of the Advanced Course on Distributed Systems. The two previous offerings were held in Ithaca, New York (Fingerlakes '89) and Tromso, Norway (Arctic '88). The objective of the course is to familiarize practitioners and researchers with key issues in distributed systems. The lectures will discuss the fundamental problems of the area, review known solutions and paradigms, and show how to apply known theoretical results to the design of practical systems. Bologna '90 lecturers are internationally-known researchers whose interests and experiences span the full range of distributed computing. COURSE OUTLINE: Introduction Why distributed systems? (Schroeder) Motivation, requirements, goals, advantages, limitations (Schroeder) Fundamental issues for implementors (Schneider) Fundamental Concepts Ordering of events, causality, logical clocks (Babaoglu) Stable states, consistent cuts, distributed snapshots (Toueg) Communication Interprocess communication (Mullender) Remote procedure calls (Mullender) Design of high-speed local networks (Schroeder) Distributed Services and Access Control Design of a distributed name service (Needham) Cryptography-based authentication servers (Needham) Protection and security in distributed systems (Lampson) Fault Tolerance Agreement, coordination and commitment (Babaoglu) Reliable clock synchronization (Schneider, Toueg) Replication management (Schneider) Language Support for Reliable Distributed Applications Transactional and other models and their applications (Weihl) Theory of distributed transactions (Weihl) Data Storage Distributed file system design (Satyanarayanan) Replicated data management (Toueg) Methodology High-level specifications of distributed applications (Weihl) Derivation of provably-correct distributed programs (Schneider) Abstractions for simplifying distributed algorithms (Toueg) Distributed Systems Architecture Design of high-performance kernels for distributed systems (Mullender) The Advanced Networked Systems Architecture (Herbert) For further information, contact ------ Ozalp Babaoglu E-mail: ozalp@dm.unibo.it University of Bologna Department of Mathematics Piazza di Porta S. Donato, 5 TEL: +39 51 354430 40127 Bologna ITALY FAX: +39 51 354490 ------ Ozalp Babaoglu E-mail: ozalp@dm.unibo.it University of Bologna Department of Mathematics