[net.works] Corvus Concept Rumors

Jeffrey@OFFICE@sri-unix (05/08/82)

I've heard the following rumors about the concept:

	- its a 68k based workstation which includes a bit-mapped
	  display (something like 600x400) and is meant to
	  interface to a local net like omninet

	- the software is window oriented and gives the impression of
	  supporting multiple windows a'la Smalltalk

	- the software is based upon a relatively primitive single user
	  O.S. called Merlin which was originated by Silicon Valley
	  Software;  Corvus has greatly enhanced Merlin, primarily
	  in screen handling facilities

	- Merlin as enhanced by Corvus is still a single task system

	- the Concept does not use multibus; it does provide some
	  connectors into which Apple II (yes that's Apple as in Apple)
	  peripheral boards may be plugged  [remember, these are rumors].

I'm attempting to get more information and a demo.

Jeffrey Stone
Menlo Park
