BILLW@SRI-KL@sri-unix (05/18/82)
From: BILLW at SRI-KL Many of you are wrong. The packaging for most modern workstations is NOT that similar to the packaging for a terminal, to wit: 1) The CRT: Workstations with bit-map dispays generaly require a special high resolution CRT with an increased horozontal scan rate. These are currently abot 4 times as expensive as the monitors required for a typical 24*80 display (about $500 each, I have heard). Ordinary terminals benifit greatly from the mass production of televison and video-tape equipment. 2) Keyboards: Have you ever SEEN a lisp-machine keyboard ? This may be excessive, but a bottom of the line workstation ought to have a keyboard that is as good as a top of the line terminal. Also, if you have a bit-map graphics display, you NEED a mouse or other similar pixel resolution pointing device. 3) Power suppplies: Up to current requirement of about 3 amps, you dont NEED a distinct power supply, as a tranformer and a simple monolithic regulator suffice. When you start talking about a CPU board that draws 3 amps, plus memory plus disk or network interface, OR you have a bus structure, your power supplies quickly get more complicated and much more expensive. 4) Other things: A multi-card worstaion needs a card cage and a backplane. Most current workstations have a pretty big box somplace, in addition to the keyboard/CRT. Enjoy BillW