csc (06/08/82)
Anticipating (based on past experience) some trouble with mailing to the person requesting mouse info and thinking that the general populace might be interested... The May 10, 1982 issue of Infoworld (the one with a horde of multicoloured mice on the cover) contains an article on mice made by Jack Hawley, "a self- described ''great inventor'' and proprietor of The Mouse House in Berkeley". The article states that Hawley started out by redesigning mice for Xerox workstations and now sells the X063X Mouse which goes for $415. The Univ. of Waterloo Software Portability Lab received a bunch of mice recently and is currently interfacing them to the multibus. They are very nicely made. As I believe the interfacing effort is not finished yet (though I work at the lab, I'm not involved with mice yet), we'd be interested in anyone's experiences with these mice. The Infoworld article concludes with the mention of optical mice, developed at Xerox and apparently being made into a product by Steve Kirsch of Sunnyvale. peter rowley, univ. of waterloo. (decvax!watmath!csc)