iir@f3svb.gmd.de ( Bereich RK) (09/03/90)
Call for Papers International Workshop on CSCW April 9-11, 1991 Berlin Organized by: Institute of Informatics and Computing Technique, GDR Sponsored by: - IFIP TC6 / WG 6.5 - Foundation for Co-operative Work Technology - Society of Informatics of the GDR In cooperation with CO-TECH (COST 14) Aim and Scope ------------- The purpose of the workshop is to provide an international forum for the exchange of information on the technical impacts and experiences with Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) in a distributed environment. The workshop aims to analyse the state-of-the-art in CSCW modelling and for the presentation of ongoing project work. It is intended to leave enough time for comprehensive discussion of dedicated CSCW problems. Therefore, the workshop is planned for a small group of active participants (about 50). The workshop will address the following topics: * Models and description methods of CSCW . activity modelling . CSCW environment modelling . information modelling . communication modelling . etc. * Project reports of ongoing CSCW . prototype representation . Project aim and overview * CSCW standardisation efforts Programme --------- The sessions will be held in April 9-11, 1991. The working language of the workshop is English. Paper Submission Requirements ----------------------------- The workshop will be directed by an international programme committee. To offer a contribution, please submit a preliminary version of the complete paper of 6 to 15 pages together with the registration form. The final version should not exceed 15 pages. Typing instructions for camera-ready papers will be sent with the notification of acceptance. Technical Information --------------------- Overhead and slide projectors are available. Demonstrations should be oriented toward IBM-compatible PC computers, Macintosh, or SUN workstations. Accomodation and Fee -------------------- Accomodation is provided in hotels in the city of Berlin. The Workshop fee is approximately 500,- DM, not including accomodation and meals. Deadlines --------- Today: Send a message or letter to the address below, stating your intention to submit a paper, or stating your general interest in the workshop. November 30, 1990: Draft version of papers due for review January 31, 1991: Notification of acceptance/rejection February 28, 1991: Camera-ready papers required for publica- tion Submit papers to Dr. Frank Foersterling Academy of Sciences of the GDR Institute of Informatics and Computing Technique Rudower Chaussee 5 Berlin DDR-1199 Telephone: (East-Berlin) 6745954 Telex: 112541-41 dd Facsimile: (East-Berlin) 6762200 E-Mail: c=de; a=dbp; p=dfn; s=foersterling ( foersterling@dfn.dbp.de ) Programme Committee ------------------- Steve Benford Uni Nottingham Carl Brown SICS, Stockholm Frank Foersterling AdW-IIR, Berlin Encarna Pastor Uni Madrid Horst Santo GMD-F3, Birlinghoven Claus Sattler (chairman) AdW-IIR, Berlin Rolf Speth CEC, Brussels Karl-Heinz Weiss GMD-FOKUS, Berlin Paul Wilson CSC, Slough Organizing Committee -------------------- Maja Bachmann Frank Foersterling Karsten Gorling Anke Pietschmann