dave@vdelta.UUCP (Dave Arnold) (02/02/88)
I am looking for information regarding the ISODE package distributed by Northrop. Could somebody tell me what it is? And How I can get it? Thanks again. As you can see, our company is very interested in X.400 these days! -- Dave Arnold uunet!ccicpg!arnold!dave -or- dave@arnold.UUCP -or- dave@arnold.VOLT.COM
ps@adesign.uucp (Patrick Sinz) (09/10/90)
Probably this question whas already asked at some point. But the answer might change. Who is doing what with ISODE (MTR'S not quite public domain ISO package) Did you get burned by it, or are you satisfied?. [ps] NB: here we did various experimentations, ported it on some platforms and up to now are quite satisfied, and we plan in using it more and more. -- [ps] ps@axis.fr