[comp.protocols.iso] ISODE 6.0 anonymous ftp site?

tjet@athena.mit.edu (Tom Turner) (11/10/90)

From uu.psi.com ( I was able to anonymously ftp the 1/24/90 
ISODE 6.0 distribution (approximately 16Mb compressed, +40Mb uncompressed in
less than 2 early AM hours) to jason.mit.edu:/mit/bitbucket for temporary 

From jason.mit.edu I then ftp'ed the binaries (with ascci files to follow soon)
to the Free Software Foundation's hal.ai.mit.edu to establish (soon) an 
additional longer-term anonymous ftp distribution/development site.  

You may also wish to email ISODE-Request@DDN.MIL to be added to the discussion

For your immediate gratification the following ISODE-6.0 distribution 
COVER-LETTER provides intro information as well as several additional 
anonymous ftp distribution/support sites... 

			  A N N O U N C E M E N T

    The next release of the "ISO Development Environment" will be
    available on 24 January 1990.  This release is called

				   ISODE 6.0

    This software supports the development of certain kinds of OSI protocols
    and applications.  Here are the details: 

  - The ISODE is not proprietary, but it is not in the public domain.  This was
    necessary to include a "hold harmless" clause in the release.  The upshot
    of all this is that anyone can get a copy of the release and do anything
    they want with it, but no one takes any responsibility whatsoever for any

  - The ISODE runs on native Berkeley (4.2, 4.3) and AT&T (SVR2, SVR3) systems,
    in addition to various other UNIX-like operating systems.  No kernel
    modifications are required.

  - Current modules include:
	OSI transport service (TP0 on top of TCP and X.25; TP4 for SunLink OSI)
	OSI session, presentation, and association control services
	ASN.1 abstract syntax/transfer notation tools, including:
	    remote operations stub-generator (front-end for remote operations)
	    structure-generator (ASN.1 to C)
	    element-parser (basic encoding rules)
	OSI reliable transfer and remote operations services
	OSI file transfer, access and management
	FTAM/FTP gateway
	OSI directory services
	OSI virtual terminal (basic class, TELNET profile)

  - ISODE 6.0 consists of final "IS" level implementations with a few
    exceptions: ROSE and RTSE are current to the last circulated drafts
    (March, 1988); VT is a DIS implementation.  The ISODE also contains
    implementations of the 1984 X.400 versions of ROS and RTS.  ISODE is
    aligned with the U.S. Government OSI Profile (GOSIP).

  - Modules planned for future releases include:
	OSI message handling system
	MHS/SMTP gateway

  - Although the ISODE is not "supported" per se, it does have a problem
    reporting address, Bug-ISODE@NISC.NYSER.NET.  Bug reports (and fixes) are
    welcome by the way. 

  - The discussion group ISODE@NIC.DDN.MIL is used as an open forum on ISODE.
    Contact ISODE-Request@NIC.DDN.MIL to be added to this list.

  - The primary documentation for this release consists of a five volume
    User's Manual (approx. 1000 pages) and a set of UNIX manual pages.  The
    sources to the User's Manual are in LaTeX format.  In addition, there are
    a number of notes, papers, and presentations included in the documentation
    set, again in either LaTeX or SLiTeX format.  If you do not have LaTeX, you
    should probably get a hardcopy from one of the distribution sites below.

    For more information, contact:

	PSI, Inc.
	PSI California Office
	Attn: Marshall T. Rose
        420 Whisman Court
        Mountain View, CA  94043-2112



 1. FTP
    If you can FTP to the Internet, then use anonymous FTP to nisc.nyser.net
    [] to retrieve the file isode-6.tar.Z in BINARY mode from the
    pub/isode/ directory.  This file is the tar image after being run through
    the compress program and is approximately 4.5MB in size.

    If you run NIFTP over the public X.25 or over JANET, and are registered in
    the NRS at Salford, you can use NIFTP with username "guest" and your own
    name as password, to access UK.AC.UCL.CS to retrieve the file
    <SRC>isode-6.tar.  This is a 14MB tar image.  The file <SRC>isode-6.tar.Z
    is the tar image after being run through the compress program (4.5MB).

    For mailings in NORTH AMERICA, send a check for 375 US Dollars to:

	University of Pennsylvania
	Department of Computer and Information Science
	Moore School
	Attn: David J. Farber (ISODE Distribution)
	200 South 33rd Street
	Philadelphia, PA 19104-6314


    The tape will be written in tar format at 1600bpi, and returned with a
    documentation set.  Do not send tapes or envelopes.  Documentation only is
    the same price.

 4. EUROPE (tape and documentation)
    For mailings in EUROPE, send a cheque or bankers draft and a purchase order
    for 200 Pounds Sterling to:

        Department of Computer Science
        Attn: Natalie May/Dawn Bailey
        University College London
        Gower Street
        London, WC1E 6BT

  Page 2
    For information only:
	Telephone:	+44-1-380-7214
	Fax:		+44-1-387-1397
	Telex:		28722
	Internet:	natalie@cs.ucl.ac.uk, dawn@cs.ucl.ac.uk

    Specify either (a) 1600bpi 1/2-inch tape, or (b) Sun 1/4-inch
    cartridge tape.  The tape will be written in tar format and returned
    with a documentation set.  Do not send tapes or envelopes.
    Documentation only is the same price.

 6. EUROPE (tape only)
    Tapes without hardcopy documentation can be obtained via the European
    UNIX User Group (EUUG). The ISODE 6.0 distribution is called EUUGD14.
          EUUG Distributions
          c/o Frank Kuiper
          Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
          Kruislaan 413
          1098 SJ  Amsterdam
          The Netherlands

    For information only:
          Telephone:	+31-20-5924121 (or: +31-20-5929333)
          Telex:	12571 mactr nl
	  Telefax:	+31-20-5924199
          Internet:	euug-tapes@cwi.nl

    Specify one of:
	- 1600bpi 1/2-inch tape:			130 Dutch Guilders
	- 800bpi 1/2-inch tape:				130 Dutch Guilders
	- Sun 1/4-inch cartridge tape (QIC-24 format):	190 Dutch Guilders
	- 1/4-inch cartridge tape (QIC-11 format):	190 Dutch Guilders

    If you require DHL this is possible and will be billed through.  Note that
    if you are not a member of EUUG, then there is an additional handling fee
    of 300 Dutch Guilders (please enclose a copy of your membership or
    contribution payment form when ordering).  Do not send money, cheques,
    tapes or envelopes, you will be invoiced.

    For mailings in AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND, send a cheque for 250 dollars
    Australian to:  

	Attn: Andrew Waugh (ISODE DISTRIBUTION)
	55 Barry St
	Carlton, 3053

    For information only:
	Telephone:	+61-3-347-8644
	Fax:		+61-3-347-8987
	Internet:	ajw@ditmela.oz.au

  Page 3

    Please specify the media you desire: (a) 1/2-inch tape at 1600bpi,
    3200bpi, or 6250bpi; or (b) Sun 1/4-inch cartridge tape in either
    QIC-11 or QIC-24 format. The tape will be written in tar format and
    returned with a documentation set.  Do not send tapes or envelopes.
    Documentation only is the same price.

 8. FTAM on the JANET or PSS
    The sources are available by FTAM at the UCL over X.25 using JANET
    (00000511160013) or PSS (23421920030013) with TSEL "259" (ascii encoding).
    Use the "anon" user-identity and retrieve the file <SRC>isode-6.tar.  This
    is a 14MB tar image.  The file <SRC>isode-6.tar.Z is the tar image after
    being run through the compress program (4.5MB).

 9. FTAM on the Internet
    The sources are available by FTAM over the Internet at host osi.nyser.net
    [] (TCP port 102 selects the OSI transport service) with TSEL
    259 (numeric encoding).  Use the "anon" user-identity, supply any password,
    and retrieve the file isode-6.tar.Z from the pub/isode/ directory.  This
    file is the tar image after being run through the compress program and is
    approximately 4.5MB in size.

    For distributions via FTAM, the file service is provided by the FTAM 
    implementation in ISODE 5.0 or later (IS FTAM).

    For distributions via either FTAM or FTP, there is an additional file
    available for retrieval, called isode-ps.tar.Z which is a compressed tar
    image (7MB) containing the entire documentation set in PostScript format.


    A UK company has been set up to provide support for the ISODE and
    associated packages - X-Tel Services Ltd.  This company provides an update
    service, general assistance and site specific support.  Although inclusion
    of this information should not be considered an endorsement, it should be
    noted that one of the primary ISODE developers now works at X-Tel Services

	X-Tel Services Ltd.
	13-03 Tower Block
	Nottingham University
	Nottingham, NG7 2RD

	Telephone:	+44-602-412648
	Fax:		+44-602-588138
	Telex:		37346
	Internet:	xtel@cs.nott.ac.uk

    If other organizations offering formal support for the ISODE wish to be
    included in future announcements, a suitable index will be organized.

  Page 4
Name:      Thomas J. E. Turner		     
Phone:     (617) 253-8995		     
Pager:     (617) 560-2635                    
I'net:     tjet@esg04.mit.edu                
BITNET:    tjet%esg04.mit.edu@MITVMA.MIT.EDU
UUCP??:    tjet%esg04.mit.edu@mit-eddie.mit.edu or maybe !mit-eddie!esg04!tjet
USnail:    MIT EMS 20B-238, Cambridge, MA 02139