[comp.protocols.iso] the MHS MD Charter

stef@ICS.UCI.EDU (Einar Stefferud) (12/04/90)

This is the final approved version, and may be passed along to any
interested party.  Membership (as stated in the chater) is open to
anyone doing business in the US with an interest in the issues, and
meetings are open to any observer who wishes to attend.  Meetings
locations are set for the US Department of State in Washington, DC.  

Annexes to the Charter include some lists of topics and issues that may
be addressed by the MHS MD subcommittee, in due course.  The first
meeting agenda is attached to the first meeting announcement in a
separate message, along with contact information for notifying the US
Dept of State that you plan to attend (if you do so plan).  


------- Forwarded Message

From: rwj@arch2.att.COM
To: Einar Stefferud <att!nma.com!stef@arch2.att.COM>
Subject: the MHS MD Charter
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 90 16:37 EST


                    US Study Group D Subcommittee:
             Message Handling Systems Management Domains


This Charter was ratified by U.S. CCITT Study Group D on October 29, 1990.

1.   Purpose

This subcommittee  is established to develop and propose registration,
administration and  assignment procedures  for management domains with
the purpose  of maximizing  domestic  and  international  connectivity
among Message Handling Systems (MHS) operating within the U.S.

2.   Basis of Authority

This subcommittee has been established by the U.S. CCITT Study Group D
of the  U.S. State  Department and  is answerable to it. The advice of
the subcommittee  is  to  be  directed  to  the  U.S.  CCITT  National

3.   Scope

The subcommittee  will develop  and propose  U.S. X.400 MHS management
domain name  registration authority  procedures. The procedures should
apply to all MHS domains operating within the US. For purposes of this
document, the  term MD  refers to  Administration  Management  Domains
(ADMD) and  Private Management  Domains (PRMD)  as defined  in CCITT's
X.400 series of Recommendations.

The subcommittee  will develop guidelines and procedures to facilitate
establishment of  a reliable,  interoperable  U.S.  MHS  system  which
accommodates  multiple  MHS  Management  Domains  and  access  to/from
international services.

The subcommittee will recommend inter-MHS management domain procedures
for the use of registered names.

The subcommittee will determine on-going activities appropriate to its

Consideration will be given to existing practices in the use of MHS MD
names, in the formulation of subcommittee recommendations.

This subcommittee  will establish  criteria for  identifying candidate
registration agency  (or agencies)  and recommend  potential candidate

4.   Organization

4.1. Offices

  A. Terms of Office

     i.   The term  of each  office in  the Subcommittee for
          MHS Management  Domains shall be for two (2) years
          except for  the term  of the  first Chair which is
          for one  (1) year.  The Chair  may be selected for
          one or  more subsequent terms of two years but not
          to exceed two consecutive terms. The Vice-Chair is
          also eligible  for nomination  and  selection  for
          The Vice-Chair may also be selected for subsequent
          terms of  two year  duration but not to exceed two
          consecutive terms.

  B. Selection of Officers

     i.   Officers shall  be selected  by consensus  of  the
          members attending  the meeting at which selections
          appear on  its agenda  when the  meeting notice is
          distributed. If  such substantial agreement is not
          achieved, the Chairman of U.S. Study Group D shall
          designate such  officer for  a  one  or  two  year
          period  per   paragraph  4.1(A)(i)   above.   This
          designation may be appealed to the Chairman of the
          U.S. National  Committee for the CCITT in the U.S.
          State Department.
     ii.  Offices can  only be  held by  representatives  of
          Subcommittee members,  as defined  in section 4.2,
          paragraph A  of this  Charter, or their authorized
          agents.  Officers   are  not   restricted  to  the
          designated principal  or alternate of a member. No
          member  may   hold  more   than  one   (1)  office
     iii. A new  officer shall  be selected if one is unable
          to fulfill  the duties  of office  for  more  than
          sixty  (60)   days.   Furthermore,   it   is   the
          responsibility  of   the  officer  to  advise  the
          Subcommittee  in   the  event   of  difficulty  in
          fulfilling the  duties of  his or  her office. The
          Chair may  appoint  a  substitute  to  temporarily
          represent him  or  her  when  the  Vice  Chair  is
          unavailable to fulfill that substitute function.

  C. Leadership Offices

     i.   Chair:   The duties  of the  Chair are  to call to
          order  and   preside  over  all  meetings  of  the
     ii.  Vice-Chair:   The duties  of the Vice Chair are to
          (1) provide and distribute minutes of all meetings
          of  the  Subcommittee,  (2)  maintain  an  ongoing
          roster of  the Subcommittee  membership,  and  (3)
          temporarily assume  the  responsibilities  of  the
          Chair in  the event  that the  Chair is  unable to
          fulfill those duties.
  D. Liaison Responsibilities

     i.   Liaisons shall be established with other groups as
          deemed appropriate by the Subcommittee.

  E. Subcommittee Role for US Study Group D

     i.   The subcommittee shall provide technical advice to
          US Study Group D to address issues relevant to the
          subcommittee that  should  be  considered  at  the
          international level by representatives of US Study
          Group D.

4.2  Membership

  A. Members

     Membership in  the Subcommittee  is open to any entity doing
     business in  the U.S.  which has  a direct  interest in  the
     activities of the Subcommittee.

  B. Observers

     All other  interested  parties  or  organizations  may  also
     attend Subcommittee  meetings but are not eligible to select
     the officers of the Subcommittee or to be nominated to those

5.   Operating Procedures

5.1. Decision Process

All decisions  of the Subcommittee shall be by consensus in accordance
with normal U.S. National Committee procedures.

US Study Group D reserves the right to modify or pass judgement on any
deliverable of this subcommittee.

5.2  Meetings

Meetings of  the Subcommittee  shall be  held at  least every  six (6)
months. In addition, the Subcommittee Chair or two (2) or more members
of the Subcommittee may request a meeting as business requires.

Notice of  the meetings  shall follow  the rules  prescribed  for  the
operation of  U.S. CCITT  Study Groups.  A proposed  agenda  for  each
subcommittee meeting  shall be  distributed to all members of the U.S.
Study Group  D interested  in CCITT  Study Group VII subject matter at
least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled meeting.

5.3. Modifications to the Charter

Additions, deletions and amendments to this Charter may be proposed at
any time  by this  U.S. Study  Group D Subcommittee and considered for
approval by  U.S. Study  Group D.  U.S. Department  of State oversight
applies in  all matters  related to  CCITT preparatory  groups such as
U.S. Study Group D.

 -----------------  END OF CHARTER  ------------------------------

                              ANNEX - 1

   Proposed Topic List That May Be Considered By This Subcommittee

This list  is not  considered a part of the Charter and is provided to
the US study Group D and the Subcommittee for its consideration.

1.   Registration Procedures for MHS Management Domain Names:    
     a.   Grandfather existing X.400 domain names,     
     b.   Uniqueness of ADMD and PRMD name space, 
     c.   Relation of the ISO Name Tree and the X.500 Directory.

2.   Information sharing arrangements to facilitate a distributed
     national MHS service:    
     a.   Quality of Service vis-a-vis national MHS service,     
     b.   Legal aspects,  e.g., examine liability exposure of MHS
     service providers,  
     c.   Rules for single space ADMD name,  
     d.   Settlement   of   disputes,   e.g.,   through   binding

3.   Establish a  U.S. semantic of domain name for classification
     of ADMD and PRMD names.

4.   Identify and recommend agencies to perform registration.

5.   Utilize work already done to interconnect ADMD/PRMD domains.

6.   Limitation of  the scope  to X.400 (1988 and beyond) systems
     and services.

 ---------------  END OF ANNEX 1  -------------------------------

                             ANNEX  -  2

               Proposed Work Items for the Subcommittee

1.   Registration Rules and Procedures  
     a.   Right to use of name,    
     b.   Binding of names to specific uses, 
     c.    Provision  for access  to and distribution of usage binding
     information to interested parties.

2.   Syntax of MHS MD Names   
     a.   Assurance of Uniqueness, 
     b.   Use of "constructive" syntax. 

3.   Semantics of MHS MD Names.

4.   Sharing of MD Interconnection Information.

5.   Establish Criteria  and Examine  Liability Exposure for Candidate
     Registration Agencies. Identify and recommend agencies.

 -------------  END OF ANNEX 2  ----------------------------

                              ANNEX - 3

                    Proposed Schedule of Meetings

1.   First meeting  of Subcommittee  December 17-18,  1990, at 10
     AM, U.S. State Department, CCITT Study Group D facility. The
     local point of contact for this meeting is Mr. Gary Fereno.

2.   General meeting  plan for  1991 will  be to  meet before  or
     after  OSI   Implementor's  Workshops   held  at  NIST.  The
     Subcommittee  will   generally  meet   at  the   U.S.  State
     Department facilities  unless  otherwise  specified  in  the
     meeting announcements. The tentative dates are as follows:

                    March 7-8, 1991
                    June 6-7, 1991
                    September 17-18, 1991
                    December 5-6, 1991

 -------------  END OF ANNEX 3  ------------

------- End of Forwarded Message

Reply-to: Stef@ics.uci.edu
From: Einar Stefferud <stef@ics.uci.edu>
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