[comp.protocols.iso] X.500/200 PresentationAddress

peterco@microsoft.UUCP (Peter COOK) (12/14/90)

Can anyone point me at the relevant X.200 section where I can find
out what the format of a presentation address is.  X.500 defines it

	PresentationAddress	::=	SEQUENCE
		nAddresses	[3]	SET SIZE(1..MAX) OF OCTET STRING

It is supposed to specify "a presentation address associated with an object
representing an OSI application entity".  What I would like to understand is,
are there any standard representations for a pSelector, sSelector, tSelector,
or nAddress?  OCTET STRING seems to be a bit too ambiguious to be meaningful.
Do I just throw anything in these things or are there de-facto standard 
representations?  What is "MAX" here?

Thanks in advance,
Peter Cook	..uw-beaver!microsoft!peterco

pww@bnr.ca (Peter Whittaker) (12/15/90)

In article <59827@microsoft.UUCP> peterco@microsoft.UUCP (Peter COOK) writes:
>Can anyone point me at the relevant X.200 section where I can find
>out what the format of a presentation address is.  X.500 defines it
>	PresentationAddress	::=	SEQUENCE
>		nAddresses	[3]	SET SIZE(1..MAX) OF OCTET STRING
>It is supposed to specify "a presentation address associated with an object
>representing an OSI application entity".  What I would like to understand is,
>are there any standard representations for a pSelector, sSelector, tSelector,
>or nAddress?  OCTET STRING seems to be a bit too ambiguious to be meaningful.
>Do I just throw anything in these things or are there de-facto standard 
>representations?  What is "MAX" here?
>Thanks in advance,
>Peter Cook	..uw-beaver!microsoft!peterco

This response has two parts:  a quick answer, and a longer pointer to a 
possible problem with the Blue Books (as if there weren't enough).

Part 1:

M.T. Rose's "Open Book" makes an important reference on page 340 (sec. 9.1.1):
the selectors are only meaningful at particular network addresses.  In other
words, what you do with them is your business, you just advertise them
(i.e.  in the directory).  Applications wishing to use a particular service 
of yours look that service up by name, then send the appropriate selectors
to you when they attempt to establish a connection.

Network addresses are defined in ISO 8348/AD.2, or X.213 (See X.213 A.8).
In particular, see A.8.4, where MAX is given as 20 ("max length of an
NSAP address in its preferred binary encoding is 20 octets").

Part 2:

I think you have found a hole in the Blue Books.  According to mine,
presentation address is defined in ISO 7498-3.  See X.216 sec. 3.3, or
X.226, sec. 3.3.  ISO 7498-3 is not listed in the CCITT/ISO cross-references
found at the beginning of each Blue Book in the X.2xx, X.4xx, and X.5xx

According to an article in ACM Computer Communications Review, dated July 1990,
(v. 20 #3), ISO 7498-3 is part of the X.200 recommendation.  According to this
article, X.200 comprises the following:

ISO 7498-1 	basic reference model, 	published 10-15-84
ISO 7498-2 	sec. architecture, 		not yet published
ISO 7498-3 	naming and addressing,		published 03-01-89
ISO 7498-4 	management framework,		published 11-15-89

 and the following addenda, corrigenda, etc.... :->

7498-1/Add. 1	connectionless data transmission	published 7-15-87
7498-1/PDAD2	Multipeer data transmission	        not yet published
7498-1/Cor. 1	Technical corrigendum 1			published 12-15-88

NOTE:  things may have changed (:->): the PDAD and 7498-2 may have been 
published, and (I can never remember this part) ISO (or CCITT) has changed
their jargon recently;  I'm not sure whether PDAD and corrigendum are the 
correct terms.

Best of Luck.  Anyone know anymore?

Peter "I'm only six months out of date?  Wow!"  Whittaker

Peter Whittaker      [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]   Open Systems Integration
pww@bnr.ca           [                          ]   Bell Northern Research 
Ph: +1 613 765 2064  [                          ]   P.O. Box 3511, Station C
FAX:+1 613 763 3283  [__________________________]   Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 4H7