Hello all of you, In the near future we would like to use NSAP-addresses within our network. For designing the format of the NSAP, I would like to know what you think about the following format of the NSAP: AFI: 38 or 39 (2 digits) IDI: DCC (3 digits) CFI + CDI: (4 digits) {these are allocated by National Standard Organization: Country Format Identifier (1 digit) and Country Domain Identifier (3 digits)} SFI: (1 digit) {allocated by local organization: SURFnet Format Identifier} SDI: (4 digits) {allocated by local organization: SURFnet Domain Identifier} LDI: (1 digit) {allocated by local site: Local Domain Identifier} ECMA: (3-9 octets, 8-23 digits) {The ECMA-117 recommendation [also used by DECNET]} When using binary encoding this will lead to a 17 octet long NSAP address (when using AFI=39). E.g (abstract syntax): 39 825 /1100 0 0123 2 1122 334455667788 99 Encoding in binary will be: 39825F110001232112233445566778899 My questions to you are: - did I use the standard in a wrong way? - does this format give problems in existing equipment (e.g. DECNET)? - I read somewhere (I though the new IS-IS) that the length of the recommended scheme of 'ECMA-117' will be changed to 2 (subnet-id), 0-8 (subnet-adr), 1 octets (selector). Is this correct??? Thanks for evaluating the above scheme. All the best, Victor