jane@citrus.citr.uq.oz.au (Jane Clark) (03/11/91)
Hi, everyone. How do I get on the Directory SIG mailing list of the OSI Implementors Workshop? Is there a mailing list for the Security SIG? If so, how do ... Thanks, Jane Clark | Centre for Information Technology Research | jane@citrus.citr.uq.oz.au University of Queensland QLD 4072 AUSTRALIA | uunet!citrus.citr.uq.oz!jane PHONE: +61-7-365-3545 FAX: +61-7-365-4399 |
galvin@TIS.COM (James M Galvin) (03/11/91)
How do I get on the Directory SIG mailing list of the OSI Implementors Workshop? Send a message to "dssig-request@nisc.sri.com" to get added to the list. Is there a mailing list for the Security SIG? If so, how do ... Send a message to "secsig-request@udel.edu" to get added to the list. Jim <secsig-request@udel.edu> Chair of the OIW Security SIG