rlang@NISC.SRI.COM (Ruth Lang) (05/01/91)
Folks, The May 3 deadline is approaching quickly. Please send your survey responses to Russ and me by that date. One of the DISI members suggested that statements be made in the COMPLETENESS session in reference to Section 9 of X.519. Please do so. We will contact those of you who have already returned your survey input if more information is needed. As Russ Wright is on vacation until May 6, please refer any questions to me. Ruth Lang -------------------------------------- X.500 Implementation Survey Goal Of This Survey: To gather information regarding currently available implementations of X.500 including products, public domain and openly available offerings. The Directory Information Services (pilot) Infrastructure (DISI) working group of IETF will produce an RFC/FYI that identifies existing implementations of the X.500 standard. This RFC/FYI will provide information to the Internet community regarding the availability and capability of X.500 implementations. It will not specify a standard, list IAB policy, or list IAB recommendations. It will be similar in intent, nature, and scope to the Network Management Tools Catalog (RFC 1147/FYI 2). Instructions For Completing This Survey: If you are an X.500 implementor or product representative, please fill-out this survey using one form per application suite or named application. Return completed forms by May 3, 1991 to: Ruth Lang (rlang@nisc.sri.com) Russ Wright (wright@lbl.gov) Questions regarding how to complete the survey may also be sent to either Ruth Lang or Russ Wright. We apologize for the duplicates received by those of you who are on some or all of the mailing list recipients of this message. Please feel free to pass this survey form on to others who may have something to contribute but are not on any of the lists above. The editors and the DISI working group thank you for your participation! X.500 Implementation Survey Return completed forms by May 3, 1991 to: Ruth Lang (rlang@nisc.sri.com) Russ Wright (wright@lbl.gov) NAME: <List the name of the X.500 implementation, DSA, DUA, or DUA interface process. Fill-out one form per named implementation. If commercial, indicate name trademark by "(tm)", e.g., GeeWhiz(tm).> ABSTRACT: <Write a brief (less than 250 words) description of the application. Include a list of Pilot projects in which the application is being used.> COMPLETENESS: <State compliance with or describe any voids in implementation with respect to both the 88 standard and the 88 OIW Implementation Agreements. E.g., 88 Standard: Search function or strong authentication not yet implemented.> INTEROPERABILITY: <State which other DUAs and DSAs this implementation can interoperate with; also state test suite (if any) used to test interoperability.> BUGS: <Warn the reader about any problems and/or advertise bug report email address.> CAVEATS and GENERAL LIMITATIONS: <Warn the reader about possible side effects or any short comings, e.g., log file size, a feature that works on one platform but not another.> INTERNETWORKING ENVIRONMENT: <List environments in which this implementation is used. Examples: RFC 1006 with TCP/IP, TP0 or TP4 with X.25.> HARDWARE PLATFORMS: <List hardware platforms on which this application runs. Also list any additional boards or processors required. Include any suggested or required configuration options. Example: GeeWhiz run on all models of Sun-3, Sun-4, Sun-386i, and on IBM PC/AT/XT and compatibles.> SOFTWARE PLATFORMS: <List operating systems, window systems, unbundled software packages, etc. including version numbers. Include any suggested or required configuration options. Example: Distributed and supported for Sun OS version 4.0 and greater, and HP-UX version 7.0 and greater.> AVAILABILITY: <State "openly available" or "commercially available". Describe how software is acquired. If openly available, state distribution conditions/restrictions. Include company or institution name, and point(s) of contact for distribution, technical information, sales. State postal addresses and email addresses, phone and fax numbers as applicable. Examples: 1) The "GeeWhiz DS" is commercially available from: GeeWhiz International 135 A St. ATown, CA 94123 Sales and Information: (415) 555-1212 FAX: (415) 555-1234 2) "AllKnowing" is openly available via anonymous FTP from ak.auniv.edu; file /pub/ak.tar.Z. Contact A. Professor at a_professor@auniv.edu. Source code and executables can be freely distributed for non-commercial use.