ab@jupiter.UUCP (#Abd'el'Malek BOUSSALEM) (06/06/91)
As promised in my request, I publish a summary of the responses I received. I would like to thank all the people who answered to my request: tin@touch.com (Tin Phan) tonyg@retix.retix.com (Tony Goulding) Markku.Savela@tel.vtt.fi (Markku Savela) nomura@kddcandy.kddlabs.co.jp (Shingo Nomura) jop@wang.com (John Payne) bengt@fires1.srl.ford.com (Bengt A. Palsson) TARPILA@tnclus.tele.nokia.fi (KalleT, Kalkki 2, 90-5115881) rm1!bapat (Subodh Bapat) Jean-Rene Bouvier <jr@hpentcen.grenoble.hp.com>. This is the list of the answers I received. If anybody heared anything about a product which is not included in this list, I would be grateful to him of sending me this information. My adress is the following: A. Boussalem ALCATEL BUSINESS SYSTEMS 1 Rte Dr Albert Schweitzer 67408 ILLKIRCH cedex FRANCE phone : +33 88 67 77 00 fax : +33 88 67 77 53 email : ab@absstbg.uucp (or boussale@loria.crin.fr) Here follows the ASN.1 compilers list (for some of the compilers I am still waiting for information from the vendors) : COMPANY : MARBEN 38, rue Copernic 75116 Paris FRANCE tel : +33 1 45 00 82 06 fax : +33 1 45 01 23 31 PRODUCT NAME : PLC409 CHARACTERISTICS : - Generates C, Pascal, Cobol and possibly other languages. - General encoder/decoder independent from the specific ASN.1 description. COMPANY : RETIX PRODUCT NAME : ?? CHARACTERISTICS : ?? COMPANY : Nokia (Finland) PRODUCT NAME : ?? CHARACTERISTICS : ?? COMPANY : Osi+ Co.Ltd. KDD R&D Bldg. 2-1-23 Nakameguro Meguroku Tokyo 153 JAPAN Fax: +81 3 5704-2076 Phone: +81 3 3794-8401 PRODUCT NAME : ?? CHARACTERISTICS : Generates C code. Information not yet received from vendor. COMPANY : Open Systems Solutions Inc. 301 North Harrison Street, Suite 265 Princeton New Jersey 08540 USA tel : +1 609987-9073 PRODUCT NAME : ASN.1 compiler, BER Encoder/Decoder CHARACTERISTICS : Great focuss on optimization problems : the compilers works in two possible ways, eihter it generates code that is optimized in memory space or it generates code that is optimized in execution time. Generates C code, Pascal planned for near future. COMPANY : ISO / ISODE environment PRODUCT NAME : PEPY, POSY CHARACTERISTICS : Public domain. ASN.1 is not wholy supported (macros not accepted). Some efficiency problems have been reported. Can be FTP'ed or distributed by other ways (within ISODE environment)