(Tom Gandet) (10/25/89)
SOCIETY of GAY and LESBIAN COMPOSERS Membership Drive With this, the fifth consecutive year of the superb concert series of music by SGLC composers, the SGLC is conducting a membership drive. It has been five years of stylistically diverse "music-for-the-ear" performed with accomplished musicality. The SGLC concerts have been an invaluable performance outlet for its member composers' music, and the performers have responded to this music with enthusiasm and committment. Audiences have discovered a venue for new, consistently interesting music of broad expressive range and consistent craftsmanship; attendance has grown steadily. This season, SGLC sponsored the Poetry Project, a dazzling diversity of different vocal settings of the same poem by SGLC composers. Earlier this year, SGLC published the second Catalog of members' compositions and has distributed the Catalog to musical organizations around the country, fulfilling the Society goal of disseminating its members' music to potential performers. SGLC Statement of Goals To provide composers with the opportunity to share ideas To encourage the composition of music that conveys the attitudes, ideals, and uniqueness of the gay and lesbian cultures To provide opportunities for performances of this music To disseminate this music to potential performers Membership is open to all composers, regardless of style or medium or geographical location, and to performers and other persons who would like to support the goals of the Society. Annnual membership dues are $40.00. A monthly newsletter is mailed to all members. For more information, please write via USSnail ONLY (please, no e-mail) to: SGLC 2261 Market Street, No. 459 San Francisco, CA 94114 Tom Gandet Telos/Jet Propulsion Lab - NASA Work: (818) 351-2341 x239