[rec.music.classical] music databases in character notation

reberhar@inf.ethz.ch (Rolf Georg Eberhardt) (01/14/91)

In an old edition of the Directory of Musicology we have seen that work is 
being done in the field of music-encoding and that data-bases of music 
have been built.

We would like to apply the text matching, similarity, etc algorithms to
music. Possible applications might be:
-	finding the longest repetition of a certain sequence
-	finding exact and similar matches among different pieces of music
-	other ?

We are now looking for databases containing music in a character notation 
(i.e. Plaine & Easie Code, Boeker-Heil Code, SMDL-Code, ESAC or similar ones) 
which are available to the scientific community. The bigger the databases are
the more interesting it gets. 

What textbooks on musicology do you recommend ?

Does there exist a mailing-list ?

thanks for your help

-- Rolf Eberhardt

Please answer by e-mail as our news-system isn't working to well at the 
Rolf Eberhardt, Inst. fuer wiss. Rechnen, ETH Zentrum, 8092 Zuerich, Switzerland
e-mail: reberhar@inf.ethz.ch,   phone: (1) 254 74 72

Rolf Eberhardt, Inst. fuer wissenschaftliches Rechnen, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland
e-mail: reberhar@inf.ethz.ch