[rec.aviation] Noise-cancelling earphones

gauss@hound.UUCP (E.GAUSS) (05/26/87)

In article <1746@masscomp.UUCP>, ahv@masscomp.UUCP (Tony Verhulst) writes:
>  In article <1027@mips.UUCP> mark@mips.UUCP (Mark G. Johnson) writes:
>  >The new system puts a microphone in each earcup, and uses the resulting
>  >signal to measure the "error" at the pilot's ear [error == signal at ear
> I understand that such a system was used on the Voyager flight and was 
> supposed to have prevented the crew from suffering permanent hearing
> impairment during their flight.

HIGH TECHNOLOGY, May 1987, pg 6 says:  Bose (Framingham, Mass) made the
system under Air Force funding.  25db reduction is achieved.  "Bose hopes
eventually to market the patented phones....".  It was used on the Voyager
and is being trialed by the military.  The system works below 1000 khz.

Ed Gauss, Fat Moose Flying Service, retired

jerry@wrs.UUCP (Jerry Fiddler) (05/29/87)

These headphones were indeed made by Bose.  There was a good article about
them in a recent issue of Aviation Consumer.  They are not available yet,
but they sound great! 

Bose supposedly has them targeted at the military and at helicopters, so
they are likely to be quite expensive.

						    Jerry Fiddler
						    Wind River Systems