[rec.aviation] Model Rockets

eric@cbmvax.cbm.UUCP (Eric Cotton) (06/09/87)

Attention model rocketeers!  If there is enough interest I intend to start
a mailing list devoted to all aspects of building and flying model rockets.
If you would like to join or would like more information please *E-MAIL* 
me ASAP.  If and when I get a reasonable number of responses I will get
things started.

	Eric Cotton

 *=====     UUCP: {ihnp4|allegra|seismo}!cbmvax!eric                 =====*
*=====      FONE: (215) 431-9180                                      =====*
*=====      MAIL: 1200 Wilson Drive / West Chester, PA 19380          =====*
 *=====     PAUL: "I don't find this stuff amusing anymore."         =====*