[rec.aviation] RC news-group

freeptos@mips.UUCP (Dan Freitas) (10/12/87)


	Recently a radio-control-flying "mail-group" was established.  This
        group was set up for a few reasons.  For one, a NEWS-group for R/C
        enthusiasts does not exist.  The alternative, posting to rec.aviation,
        has not been well received in the past by the rec.aviation subscribers.
        R/C flying subjects are simply too different from full scale flying
        subjects.  From what I have seen in the initial R/C-mailer activity,
        posting to rec.aviation could easily increase it's load by 30%.  Given
        that the R/C subject matter is not relevant to full-scale flying about
        90% of the time, and noting how loaded the rec.aviation group already
        is, I don't think merging the groups would be reasonable.

        So why am I trying to get an official news-group started?  For one,
        the host-machine is gone;  the gentleman who has been managing the
	mailer left the company.  Also, using the mail system for a news-group
	is just too much to manage for large numbers of subscribers.

	There definitely is interest in such a group.  There are over 30 people
        that used the mailer in it's couple-month lifetime.  These people are
   	located all across the US (NY,NC,MA,CA,CO,TX) and into Canada.


	I would like to get a new news-group created, rec.RC, that would
	address the subject of RC modeling.  Topics would be focused on all
	aspects of RC modeling (building, flying, driving, sailing, etc).


	I am gathering responses regarding the creation of "rec.RC".
	Please send me your thoughts, for or against, such a group.

                                                           Thank you,
                                                           Dan Freitas

UUCP: {decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4,hplabs}!decwrl!mips!freeptos
USPS: Mips Computer Systems; 930 Arques Ave; Sunnyvale, Ca  94086