[rec.aviation] New RC-modeling news-group

freeptos@mips.UUCP (Dan Freitas) (10/16/87)

	I recently posted a proposal for starting a radio-controlled-modeling
	news group.  The response rate has been very encouraging.  I have
	about 65 "official" supporters for the group, so far.  There have been 
	two areas that have been most commented about: the name of the group 
	and the scope of the group.

	Comments on the scope of the group generally stated that the subject
	focus should include cars, boats, control-line, etc. and not be limited
  	RC-planes.  This is absolutely what I had in mind.  In order to generate
	the number of subscribers necessary to justify this news-group, we 
	can not limit the scope to aviation only.  Also, most of the respondents
	indicated that they were interested in at least two different RC
	categories anyway (planes/cars, planes/boats, cars/boats, etc).

	Most of the comments about the name were that "rec.RC" is not 
    	descriptive enough.  Fair enough, how about rec.rc.modeling.
	The only no votes (3) were from people concerned that there may not
	be enough subscribers to justify a news-group.  There isn't any hard 
  	number of subscribers that MUST exist, but the rough break even number,
	I am told, is somewhere around 100.  I believe it is actually
	based more on posting traffic, as opposed to absolute subscribers, so
	the "100" number is more of a guideline than a rule.  As I stated 
	before, we have about 65 supporters already.  We are actually closer
	to 75 supporters since a few of you indicated the news-group would
	benefit 6-7 others at your office (I didn't have their net address, so
	I did not include them on the "official" count.  If any other of you 
	have friends that may  be interested, have them send me a note 
	saying so).


	I would like to have a new news-group created, rec.rc.modeling, that 
	would address the subject of RC modeling.  Topics would be focused on 
	all aspects of RC modeling including RC-cars, boats, planes, control-
	line * ,etc.  

	* Control-line models are not actually "RC" models, however most of 
	  control-line subject material (building, engines, AMA events, etc)
	  is relevant to this news-group.


	Please send me your thoughts, for or against, such a group.
	If you have already responded and have no objections to the rev-1
	proposal, then you don't need to respond again.

	Remember:  We could still use some more support, so tell a friend....

                                                           Thank you,
                                                           Dan Freitas

UUCP: {decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4,hplabs}!decwrl!mips!freeptos
USPS: Mips Computer Systems; 930 Arques Ave; Sunnyvale, Ca  94086

jerry@oliveb.UUCP (Jerry Aguirre) (10/20/87)

In article <806@obiwan.UUCP> freeptos@mips.UUCP (Dan Freitas) writes:
>	Most of the comments about the name were that "rec.RC" is not 
>    	descriptive enough.  Fair enough, how about rec.rc.modeling.

Right :-)  Then if we want to add more groups later we can have:

Seriously, in terms of recreation, isn't RC a subdivision of modeling
rather than the opposite?  I suggest that you move towards "rec.model"
(or "rec.modeling" if you like to type a lot).  It can be a place for
general discussions of model airplanes, cars, etc. (But no railroad, see
"rec.railroad.)  Then if the RC portion of modeling needs its own group
you can split off "rec.model.rc" later.
				Jerry Aguirre