[rec.aviation] Source of digital navaid information found

mentat@juniper.UUCP (Robert Dorsett) (04/12/88)

A couple of months ago, I posted inquiries as to where to find electronic
copies of information on airport geometries (the NOS charts are obviously 
computer-plotted) and navaid information.  Among the replies I got were 
suggestions to contact IBM, the US Geodetic Survey, and other agencies.  I
finally got results through the US National Ocean Service.  While I haven't
found anyone who knows anything about the airport geometries (yet), they do 
publish airport information on disk--which should be quite handy for those
of you writing flight planners (or simulators :-)).

The information is updated every 56 days, and is available through subscrip-
tions.  Richard Powell is the contact person at 301-443-8761, or you can 
	NOAA Distribution Branch, N/CG33
	National Ocean Service
	6501 Lafayette Avenue
	Riverdale, MD  20737

Oh, yeah, the cost:

	Media					Format	Price
	Magnetic tape (1600 BPI, 0.5"):		ASCII	$600.00
						EBCDIC	$600.00
	Floppy disk (5.25", MS-DOS):		ASCII	$320.00
	Paper						$270.00

I haven't been able to learn yet whether they'll release a "one-shot" copy of
any of the above; if they did, assuming a uniform accumulation of charges, a
set of disks should run about $50.

The format of the information is quite simple.  Lines of text.  An 

MAJ R N 69 35 37.0 W 140 10 55.0 KOMAKUK B 0388 9999 -99999 +04 ZMP MI 


Identifier: MAJ
Type: R=NDB
Latitude degrees: 69
Latitude minutes: 35
latitude seconds: 37.0 (N)
Longitude degrees: 140
Longitude minutes: 10
Lognitude seconds: 55.0 (W)
Name of navaid: KOMAKUK
Frequency  388
Channel not available (9999)
Sign of navaid elevation (+/-)
Navaid elevation (not available--99999)
Magnetic variation +04
State: MI

This would be a fantastic source of information for flight planning software,
if only it wasn't so !($!*$! expensive...

BTW, most of the above information can be derived from the Airport/Facility 
directory.  Also, the AFD can be used to get a gross idea of navaid elevation.

     Robert Dorsett     {allegra,ihnp4}!ut-emx!walt.cc.utexas.edu!mentat
University of Texas 	mentat@walt.cc.utexas.edu
          at Austin	{allegra, ihnp4}!ut-emx!juniper!mentat

mentat@juniper.UUCP (Robert Dorsett) (04/12/88)

That address I posted is for ordering.  For information:
	NOAA, N/CG3x12
	6010 Executive Blvd.
	Rockville, Maryland 20852

     Robert Dorsett     {allegra,ihnp4}!ut-emx!walt.cc.utexas.edu!mentat
University of Texas 	mentat@walt.cc.utexas.edu
          at Austin	{allegra, ihnp4}!ut-emx!juniper!mentat