[rec.aviation] Weather data by 1200 baud modem? FAX WEFAX

tedk@ihuxv.ATT.COM (Kekatos) (10/15/88)

In article <1227@ndmath.UUCP> milo@ndmath.UUCP (Greg Corson) writes:
>Does anyone happen to know of a service where you can get weather data
>such as satelite pictures, weather maps...etc over the phone with a
>standard 300/1200/2400 baud modem?

This type of thing can be had for free, from the air waves.  Ham radio
operators have been sending/receiving pictures for decades. 

What you refer to is called WEFAX, short for Weather Facsimile.

You will need to invest in some "off-the-shelf" hardware.
     * Radio Receiver - Short-wave, HF, or VHF bands.
     * FACSIMILE decoder - Several to be had, The best is model PK-232
                                                    or Heathkit HK-232.

1) The Navy and other government offices transmit weather maps
and satellite pictures on the short wave bands. These operations
are called "utility stations". Most HAM readio magazines
have a section devoted to this type of stuff. 

2) Satellite images can be received directly from the satellites. Again
most HAM magazines talk about this hobby activity.  

There is alot more digital stuff to be had for free. There is all kinds 
of data transmitted on the airwaves such 
as UPI and AP radio-photos (wire-photo), News information services and
much, much more. This is called RTTY. (Radio TeleTYPE)

Ted G. Kekatos
UUCP: ..!att!ihuxv!tedk                     (312) 979-0804
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Indian Hill South, IX-1F-460
Naperville & Wheaton Roads - Naperville, Illinois. 60566 USA