[rec.aviation] Looking for Macintosh flight planning software

avoncampe@milkwy.enet.dec.com (Alfred von Campe) (02/20/90)

It's probably been asked before, but I'll go ahead and ask again.  What flight
planning software packages exist for the mac (commercial and public domain)?
I'm close to my PP ASEL checkride (went on my long XC yesterday after having
had to postpone it for three weekends in a row), so I'm thinking about all
the aviation goodies I still need to get my hands on.  Mac flight planning
software is one of them (speaking of software, has anybody written any nifty
programs that take advantage of the Aviation and/or Navigation Paks on an

Thanks for any info,

| Easynet: MILKWY::AVONCAMPE                              |Work: (508) 520-5704|
|    uucp: {decvax,allegra}decwrl!dec-milkwy!avoncampe    |Home: (508) 365-3982|
|Internet: avoncampe@milkwy.enet.dec.com                  +--------------------+
+---------------------------------------------------------+    I'd rather be   |
| Why is common sense so uncommon?                        |       FLYING       |

avoncampe@milkwy.enet.dec.com (Alfred von Campe) (02/27/90)

In article <901@ryn.esg.dec.com>, I wrote...
>It's probably been asked before, but I'll go ahead and ask again.  What flight
>planning software packages exist for the Mac (commercial and public domain)?
>I'm close to my PP ASEL checkride (went on my long XC yesterday after having
>had to postpone it for three weekends in a row), so I'm thinking about all
>the aviation goodies I still need to get my hands on.  Mac flight planning
>software is one of them (speaking of software, has anybody written any nifty
>programs that take advantage of the Aviation and/or Navigation Paks on an

I've been underwhelmed by the response from my initial posting.  Maybe it
didn't get distributed correctly.  Surely there must be someone using the Mac
for flight planing purposes (Geoff? fICK? Anybody?).


| Easynet: MILKWY::AVONCAMPE                              |Work: (508) 520-5704|
|    uucp: {decvax,allegra}decwrl!dec-milkwy!avoncampe    |Home: (508) 365-3982|
|Internet: avoncampe@milkwy.enet.dec.com                  +--------------------+
+---------------------------------------------------------+    I'd rather be   |
| Why is common sense so uncommon?                        |       FLYING       |