[rec.aviation] MS Flight Simulator for Mac

pfluegerm@valley.UUCP (Mike Pflueger) (03/29/90)

Has anyone heard anything about Microsoft upgrading Flight Simulator for
the Mac?  Every time I talk to customer service they just say that there
is no later version and they have no info on the future of FS.

I'd think MS would upgrade this, it's been on the best seller list for
years but is dropping due to incompatibility with newer Macs.

Sure would be nice to have it on my SE/30!  Sure would be nice to have
color, too...


Mike Pflueger @ AG Communication Systems (formerly GTE Comm. Sys.), Phoenix, AZ
  UUCP: {...!ames!ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!hrc | att}!gtephx!pfluegerm
  Work: 602-582-7049        FAX: 602-581-4850

wlp1@GTE.COM (William L. Papp) (03/29/90)

In article <4978bee4.15840@valley.UUCP> pfluegerm@valley.UUCP (Mike Pflueger) writes:
>Has anyone heard anything about Microsoft upgrading Flight Simulator for
>the Mac?  Every time I talk to customer service they just say that there
>is no later version and they have no info on the future of FS.
>I'd think MS would upgrade this, it's been on the best seller list for
>years but is dropping due to incompatibility with newer Macs.
>Sure would be nice to have it on my SE/30!  Sure would be nice to have
>color, too...

	A local vendor has had many requests for this software. He told me
that his contact at Microsoft told him that it would be a yaer to a year and 
a half before this version came out. I sure would like to see it sooner !

