[rec.aviation] Hoot Gibson

mjb@cbnewsh.att.com (michael.j.burns) (07/12/90)

I read a short piece in the local paper last night saying that NASA
astronaut Hoot Gibson was involved in a fatal accident at an airshow
in Texas this past weekend, and NASA has grounded him for one year
because he was doing something he shouldn't oughtta have done.  When
I worked at JSC a few years back, I occasionally flew out of the
same airport where Hoot kept his homebuilt (Clover Field).  
He was sort of a wildman there.  For example,
one time he zipped underneath me when I was only a couple hundred 
feet up on final, so he could do a cool touch and go.  (Guess I was
going a little slow in my C-150 for his taste.  :-) ) There was 
an unspoken rule that you didn't give astronauts any grief when they
did dumb things like that...  Anyhow, I was just wondering if anyone
had more details on the accident or Hoot's suspension.

Mike Burns