[rec.aviation] display quality and illumination

bob@MorningStar.Com (Bob Sutterfield) (07/31/90)

In article <31589@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU> v118hj3d@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Anthony M Petro) writes:
   [reviewing a laptop] ...the display is tolerable as long as you've
   some kind of light source upwards of a flashlight.  as i don't
   compute in the dark, i'm satisfied.

Curiously enough, I never thought I would either.  Then, just this
past Saturday evening, I found myself in a bar in southeastern
Wisconsin typing on some smallish Toshiba thingy.  The choice was
between getting the glare from the piano player's spotlight to glance
off the screen just right, or allowing the pleasant and helpful woman
to my right to hold the table candle in just the right place.  Alas,
"just the right place" turned out to be an inch or two above the
keyboard, so I wouldn't have been able to type.  So I used the
spotlight glare as constructively as possible.

When I buy a laptop/portable, I now know one more item (that I
wouldn't have considered before) for my list of selection criteria:
occasional usability in dimly lit places.
To stave off the flood of mail from those whose curiosity just won't
quit...  The rec.aviation community held a dinner at the Granary in
Oshkosh during the (38th?) annual convention and fly-in of the
Experimental Aviation Association, a traditional Mecca for general
aviation pilots and nifty-airplane enthusiasts.  A laptop was passed
around the tables, on which the group collectively composed an article
to be posted later to the newsgroup.  Sorry, I've forgotten her name,
which is probably safer because my wife stayed in Columbus :-)