[rec.aviation] Flight decisions, was Portland, OR jump plane wreck

bchurch@oucsace.cs.OHIOU.EDU (Bob Church) (01/06/91)

In article <1991Jan4.173433.19204@cbnewsh.att.com> msb@hos1cad.ATT.COM (Mike Balenger) writes:
>Should we, as skydivers, take a more active interest in the aviation
>side of our sport?  If so, how can we do so without pissing off all
>the jump pilots, but still making sure that we're hopping into a
>"perfectly good airplane".  

If you don't feel comfortable with a situation don't get on the plane.
Otherwise I think the decisions should rest with the pilot. The pilot
has been trained, and, if an accident occurs will be first on the scene.
It's not like the pilot is an outside observer. 

Bob Church NFS#27