[rec.aviation] New MS Flight Sim for Mac may be in the works

pfluegerm@gtephx.UUCP (Mike Pflueger) (04/11/91)

It sounds to me like a new version of Flight Simulator for the Mac is
in the works.

I had written Microsoft a while back asking about upgrades to Flight Sim,
especially something which would work on the new macs (I recently upgraded
from a Plus to a IIsi).

I got a written response back last week, one which I take as being *very*

   "...we are committed to enhancing the performance of our software and
   staying abreast of the latest hardware technology...It is our goal to
   make any new release as realistic and fun to fly as our Flight Simulator
   for the IBM PC...When a new version of Flight Simulator for the Macintosh
   is released, we will make a public announcement..."

Calls to the new product number (800-426-9400) are also much more positive.
Previous responses were along the lines of "We have no information about
any future upgrades." but have recently changed to somthing like "We
appreciate your interest. A new release has not yet been officially announced.
Would you like to register a suggestion that the product be upgraded?"
Just a suggestion - anyone interested in a new version should call the
800 number and register a vote.


Mike Pflueger @ AG Communication Systems (formerly GTE Comm. Sys.), Phoenix, AZ
  UUCP: {...!ames!ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!hrc | att}!gtephx!pfluegerm
  Work: 602-582-7049        FAX: 602-582-7624     Home: 602-439-1978

george@racsys2.UUCP (George Rachor Jr.) (04/13/91)

From article <329@alpine.gtephx.UUCP>, by pfluegerm@gtephx.UUCP (Mike Pflueger):
> It sounds to me like a new version of Flight Simulator for the Mac is
> in the works.

I wonder if we will see this announced during or just after the official
rollout of 7.0.  Hopefully this will be able to communicate with the PC
version of FS.  Maybe the Mac versions will be able to communicate
with other macs through Appletalk.

Probably too optomistic.
George Rachor Jr.
Rachor Data Center, Beaverton, OR  97005

alan@metasoft.UUCP (Alan Epstein) (04/17/91)

pfluegerm@gtephx.UUCP (Mike Pflueger) writes:
>It sounds to me like a new version of Flight Simulator for the Mac is
>in the works....

Would that it were true...

My own call to Microsoft today yielded no such hope. The individual
I spoke with confirmed that there were still no product upgrade plans.

Alan Epstein
Meta Software Corp                   UUCP:  ...bbn!metasoft!alan
150 Cambridgepark Dr        Internet/ARPA:  alan%metasoft@bbn.com
Cambridge, MA 02140  USA              IAP:  ILS 11 BED

rbrewer@reed.UUCP (Robert S. Brewer) (04/17/91)

In article <239@racsys2.UUCP> george@racsys2.UUCP (George Rachor Jr.) writes:
>From article <329@alpine.gtephx.UUCP>, by pfluegerm@gtephx.UUCP (Mike Pflueger):
>> It sounds to me like a new version of Flight Simulator for the Mac is
>> in the works.
>I wonder if we will see this announced during or just after the official
>rollout of 7.0.  Hopefully this will be able to communicate with the PC
>version of FS.  Maybe the Mac versions will be able to communicate
>with other macs through Appletalk.
>Probably too optomistic.
>George Rachor Jr.

Not too optimistic.

I have heard from a 'reliable source' that the new version of MS Flight Sim
will have full Communications Toolbox support. So you will be able to play
over modem, AppleTalk, TCP/IP, whatever.

When I talked to this person, the project was definately being written. I
think that it is only a matter of time before it is released, assuming no
business weirdnesses from MS.
Robert S. Brewer | Internet: rbrewer@reed.edu or brewer@wri.com
   Student at    | UUCP: tektronix!reed!rbrewer, BITNET: RBREWER@REED
  Reed College   | Two wrongs don't make a right. Unless you're an NOR gate.