[rec.aviation] TRACON/Mac

rdd@cactus.org (Robert Dorsett) (05/15/91)

In article <jcmorris.674233870@mwunix.mitre.org>, jcmorris@mwunix.mitre.org (Joe Morris) writes:
> amb@Apple.COM (A. Michael Burbidge) writes:
>>A new version of MicroSoft flight simulator is definitely coming for the Mac.
> Sounds nice.  Now if Wesson & Co. can upgrade their "Tracon" program to 
> match it, we can have some fun.  I'm expecting the next release of Tracon
> to include the "snitch", so if some poor pilot busts a clearance it 
> automatically prints out a license revocation letter for the pilot and
> a diciplinary letter for the controller...
> Anyone from Wesson monitoring the net???

Mac TRACON // was released late last month.  It doesn't print warnings, but
it does have weather radar, smarter pilots, emergencies, more detailed 
aircraft info, better color, better voice potential, a scrollable 
communications window, and relocatable and resizable windows (with multi-
monitor support).  It can communicate with PC versions of MS Flight Simulator 
via modem or a null-modem cable.  It will also probably work with the Mac 
version of Flight Simulator.

It has one color bug under System 7.0, but I'll eventually pin that bugger 
down.  Otherwise, I haven't had a bug report in over a month.  Wesson will 
be offering its usual free upgrades.

For more info, call Wesson at 512-328-0100 or 800-634-9808.

Disclaimer: yes, this is a plug.  Yes, I wrote the Mac port of TRACON //.
Flames to /dev/null.  This game has generally been of some interest to the
net community, and a notice-of-availability is warranted.


Robert Dorsett
Internet: rdd@cactus.org
UUCP: ...cs.utexas.edu!cactus.org!rdd

rdd@cactus.org (Robert Dorsett) (05/16/91)

In article <6934@cactus.org>, rdd@cactus.org (Robert Dorsett) writes:
> It has one color bug under System 7.0, but I'll eventually pin that bugger 
> down.  

I should note that the bug does not appear on all color Mac II's.  

>Otherwise, I haven't had a bug report in over a month.  Wesson will 
> be offering its usual free upgrades.

Clarification: "free upgrades" for bug fixes (i.e., TRACON // 2.01 -> 2.02).  
Not "free upgrade" as in "TRACON 1.5 ->TRACON // 2.01".  I believe 
that's $29.95.  This includes a new manual, box, disks, etc.  If anyone
gets the product upgrade, I'd be interested in feedback on what you think
of the new cover art...

Robert Dorsett
Internet: rdd@cactus.org
UUCP: ...cs.utexas.edu!cactus.org!rdd