c60a-6dd@web7c.berkeley.edu (07/16/88)
I just got a copy of Apple's KanjiTalk and fonts... shitsumon: 1) is there a new version corresponding with system 6.0? 2) why, even though I have one meg, is the finder almost unusable? (are all the fonts loaded all the time, or what?) 3) what word processors (besides Teachtext) are scriptmanager compatible? 4) Does anyone have a copy of that system switching program? I'd like to put both systems on my hard disk... I had heard that there was a new improved KanjiTalk in the works. True? thanks. I really need the system switcher... Rob Pfile ________________________________________________________________________________ Rob Pfile //|@ @|\\ Domain: c60a-6dd@web.berkeley.edu JAEG- \ \ ) / / UUCP: {ucbvax | lilac}!web.berkeley.edu!c60a-6dd just another | |0| | Internet: c60a-6dd%web.berkeley.edu@ucbvax.berkeley.edu eecs geek! \_/ "You never know, you know?"
feldmark@hanako.stars.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET (07/27/88)
Sorry if anyone sees this twice. I made a mistake with the distribution and didn't realize it until now. :-( You <leonardr@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu> write: > > (are all the fonts loaded all the time, or what?) > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, YES! It is almost impossible to > run KanjiTalk on a 1 meg machine. (NOTE: This is why the Kanji Fonts > are in ROM on REAL Kanji Macs) Does any one know just how space the Kanzi fonts take up in the ROM? (I am assuming they take up the same amount of RAM if I don't have the ROM. Is this a good assumption?) > >3) what word processors (besides Teachtext) are scriptmanager > >compatible? > > > The only one that is marketed in the states is sold by Davka > Corp of Chicago and is fairly worthless. It is very much like > MacWrite with a few cutsie additions. Not only that, but it is BUGGY! How about word processors marketed in Japan? Also, does anyone know if Apple publishes an English version of the Kanzi Talk manual? I want to use Japanese on my Mac, but I'm not good enough to read a manual in Japanese yet. :-( Anyone done any translations? > >I had heard that there was a new improved KanjiTalk in the works. > >True? > > > In the works! Any rumors on when it'll be ready or what will be improved? Mark Feldman Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory feldmark@hanako.stars.flab.fujitsu.junet (Japan) feldmark%hanako.stars.flab.fujitsu.junet@uunet.uu.net (USA) -- feldmark@hanako.stars.flab.fujitsu.junet (Japan) feldmark%hanako.stars.flab.fujitsu.junet@uunet.uu.net (USA)