[sci.lang.japan] Information about translators wanted

rick@cs.arizona.edu (Rick Schlichting) (03/12/91)

I've had several questions about where one can get technical documents
written in Japanese translated into English.  Given this interest
(and my lack of a good answer!), I thought I would begin keeping 
a list of persons and companies that do this type of translation
on a fee-for-service basis.  My intent would be to regularly 
publicize the list in comp.research.japan, and also to make it 
available for FTP access.  The list would be provided for information 
purposes only, with individuals who want the service being responsible 
for making contact, negotiating fees, assessing its suitability for 
their purposes, etc.

So, if you either provide such services or know someone or some company 
that does, let me know by email.  Please include the following 
information: name, (smail) address, phone number, and email address 
(if available.)


Rick Schlichting, Associate Professor           (rick@cs.arizona.edu) 
Dept of Computer Science,  The University of Arizona
Moderator of comp.research.japan