[misc.jobs.offered] Parallel O-O OS Research Posts offered in London

phjk@doc.ic.ac.uk (Paul H J Kelly) (08/15/90)

	     Distributed Virtual Memory Operating Systems
		 Imperial College and City University

Recent hardware advances at City University in the area of scalable
very high-bandwidth computer interconnection networks have led to
further research funding aimed at developing operating systems
technology to exploit a large scale multicomputer.  The key aspect of
the development will be a large persistent virtual address space
shared by each processor. The goals of the project are twofold:
firstly to provide a coherent memory system to facilitate parallel
programming, and secondly to unify many of the traditional operating
system services under the virtual memory mechanism.

Applications for two posts are invited, one to be based at City
University and the other at Imperial College.  Applicants must have
experience in at least two of the following areas:

*	Operating system kernel and virtual memory system design,
	analysis and implementation,
*	Parallel program development, and/or the use of
	object-oriented programming techniques,
*	Distributed virtual shared memory.

The City University Computer Science Department provides a rapidly
expanding research environment with a special interest in novel
architectures and operating systems. The Department of Computing at
Imperial College of Science and Technology is well established as one
of the largest departments in the UK with a wide range of research

These posts offer an opportunity unique in the UK to join a growing
team at the forefront of work in this exciting area.  Applications
from outside the UK are actively encouraged.  The appointments will be
for two years at an appropriate point on the research assistant scale
(\pounds 11,399--18,165) plus \pounds 1,767 London Allowance, according to
qualifications and experience.  For an exceptionally well-qualified
applicant an appointment on the Research Assistant II scale (\pounds
16,755--22,311) plus London Allowance may be possible.
Applications with the names and addresses of two referees should be
sent to the following address not later than 1st September
Philip Winterbottom			Email: philw@uk.ac.city.cs	
Computer Science Department		Phone: +44 71-253 4399 x 3722	
City University				
Northampton Square			
London EC1V OHB				

Further information is available from the above address or from Paul
Kelly at the Department of Computing, Imperial College (+44 71-589
5111 x 5028, email: phjk@uk.ac.ic.doc).