(Mark Sherman) (02/05/91)
PENNSYLVANIA GOVERNOR'S SCHOOL FOR THE SCIENCES Undergraduate summer employment at CMU will be available with the Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Scienices. The PGSS is a five-week summer school for very talented high school students from Pennsylvania. Teaching Assistant/Counselor appointments will be available for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics laboratories as well as tutorial duties in Computer Science and Mathematics. Preference will be given to upper level scholastically sound applicants. You will be expected to simultaneously serve as dormitory counselors and to live in the same dormitory as the PGSS students, see that the PGSS disciplinary rules are adhered to, provide tutorial help in the academic program, aind conduct social activities. Stipend for five-and-one-half week period: $1000-$1400 (Depending on experience) Free room and board. School is in session from June 30 to August 3. Counselor duties begin June 26, end August 3. Applications for an interview available in DH 2201. For further information, contact Gerry Rensko DH 2201 Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412-268-6669 Application Deadline: March 8, 1991.