[comp.windows.misc] MS Windows and Networking.

mguyott@mirror.TMC.COM (Marc Guyott) (06/29/88)


   Has anyone on the net attempted to write/use a networked application
with MS Windows?

   We are thinking of creating a networked application that would have a
server task running on a dedicated machine and client tasks running on
each of the other machines on the network.

   I am doing some initial investigation and I am wondering if there are
any problems with running various network software in conjunction with

   Any Information would be greatly appreciated.  I will also put together
any information I receive and post it to the approprate group(s).


Marc Guyott                                         mguyott@mirror.TMC.COM
{mit-eddie, pyramid, harvard!wjh12, cca, datacube}!mirror!mguyott
Mirror Systems	Cambridge, MA  02140                617/661-0777