[comp.windows.misc] CHI '90 Call for Participation

armstron@bmers11.uucp (Steve Armstrong) (07/14/89)

Window System Developers:

 We are interested in increasing the participation of system
 developers in CHI '90, the leading forum on computer-human
 interaction.  This is THE conference where system developers,
 cognitive scientists, application developers, human factors
 engineers, and even USERS (!!) meet to discuss and see the latest
 in interactive systems.

 We expect a very varied program consisting of papers on the latest
 research and development efforts, panels discussing the
 significant issues, tutorials on how to develop interactive systems,
 videos, poster sessions, laboratory reviews, workshops,
 special interest groups, and exhibits.  We also plan to provide an
 interactive exploratorium where attendees can try out the latest
 in concepts and techniques as well as performances in the arts
 enhanced through computer-human interaction.

 Your participation is solicited.  An electronic version of our Call
 For Participation follows below.  Please note this Call includes
 requests for proposals on Interactive Performances and on
 Interactive Exploratorium systems which were not included in the
 printed Call.

 Also please note:  Due to the early date of the CHI '90 Conference,
 all submission and proposal dates are FIRM.

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                     CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                            CHI '90
                       Seattle, Washington
                         1990 April 1-5

                    sponsored by ACM/SIGCHI

                      "EMPOWERING PEOPLE"

 The Annual CHI Conference is the leading forum for sharing high
 quality research, advanced development, and state-of-the-art
 practice in all aspects of computer-human interaction.  For CHI
 '90 the theme is "Empowering People" -- how interactive systems
 empower individual and group creativity, productivity, and satisfaction
 while fostering innovation and cooperation.

 In terms of base software and hardware systems development, this may
 be expressed as:

 (1)  what features and facilities must interactive systems
 provide to enable applications to support end-user goals;

 (2)  how does the architecture of operating systems, window
 systems, and other system software affect the user

 (3)  how are high-level user needs (such as requirements for
 context, transparent interfaces, error control and
 management) reflected in the design of software and

 You are invited to participate with the submission of technical
 papers, videos, demonstrations, and interactive posters.  You are
 also invited to submit proposals for panels, tutorials, workshops,
 special interest groups, laboratory reviews, and exhibits. Topics
 suitable for presentation at CHI '90 include work on computer-
 human interaction in the following areas:

         Hardware and Software Foundations
         Interface Design Tools and Techniques
         User Interface Models
         Analysis, Methodologies for Interface Development
         Cooperative Work
         Social and Anthropological Studies

 A brief description of the areas in which you may participate are
 provided below.  For a more detailed copy of the CHI '90 Call For
 Participation, please contact:
          Toni MacHaffie
          CHI '90
          P.O. Box 5847
          Beaverton, OR  97006-5847
          (503) 591-1981
          E-mail: machaffie.chi@xerox.com

 TECHNICAL PAPERS:  You may submit papers pertaining to aspects of
 human-computer interaction from theoretical, research, scientific,
 practitioner, ontological, design, engineering, implementation,
 academic, business, or phenomenological or other traditions.
 Papers will be evaluated on perceived potential of their ideas,
 results, analyses, syntheses, techniques, or philosophies to make
 the human use of computers more productive and enjoyable.
 For information on submitting a technical paper, contact:
        John Whiteside
        Digital Equipment Corporation
        110 Spit Brook Road
        Nashua, NH 03062
        (603) 881-2291
        E-mail:  whiteside.chi@xerox.com

 Paper submissions must be received by Friday, September 22, 1989.

 PANELS:  You are encouraged to propose panel sessions illuminating
 important aspects of contemporary issues in human-computer
 interaction.  An ideal panel develops interesting observations,
 insightful conclusions, and useful recommendations for action.
 The Panels Committee will review and accept proposals with respect
 to significance of the issues addressed and the prospects for a
 lively, informed discussion.

 For information about organizing a panel session, contact:
        John L. Bennett
        IBM Almaden Research Center
        650 Harry Road K52/803
        San Jose, CA 95120-6099
        (408) 927-1856
        E-mail:  bennett.chi@xerox.com

 Suggestions for topics or panelists must be received by Tuesday,
 August 15, 1989.  Final panel proposals must be received by
 Friday, September 22, 1989.

 TUTORIALS:  Proposals for tutorials of interest to practitioners and
 researchers in human-computer interaction are requested.
 Tutorials should be specifically designed for novice,
 intermediate, or experienced participants. Tutorials will be
 selected on the basis of  the topic's current relevance and
 importance, the instructor's expertise and past performance, and
 the overall balance of the tutorial program.

 For more information about tutorials, contact:
        Wendy Kellogg
        IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
        P.O. Box 704
        Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
        (914) 789-7826
        E-mail:  kellogg.chi@xerox.com

 All tutorial submissions must be received by Tuesday, July 11, 1989.

 INTERACTIVE POSTERS:  The poster session is an ideal format for
 presenting work in progress, significant findings of limited
 scope, lessons learned during applications development, etc.  This
 format allows the audience to engage in one-on-one discussions
 with the individual presenters.  Posters will be selected on the
 basis of their contribution to research or practice in the field.

 For more information about submitting a poster, contact:
        Joseph Sullivan
        Lockheed A.I. Center  O/96-20
        3251 Hanover Street
        Palo Alto, CA 94304-1187
        (415) 354-5213
        E-mail:  sullivan.chi@xerox.com

 Poster submissions must be received by Tuesday, January 9, 1990.

 WORKSHOPS:  You are invited to submit proposals for formal workshops
 that allow small groups (up to 20) to meet for one or two days of
 extensive discussions and exploration of advanced issues in both
 research and applied areas.  Workshop organizers are required to
 document the results of the workshop for later publication in the
 SIGCHI bulletin. Workshop proposals will be evaluated on their
 relevance to the field and their potential for providing
 interesting results.

 For more information about workshops, contact:
        John Thomas
        Artificial Intelligence Lab
        500 Westchester Avenue
        White Plains, NY 10604
        (914) 683-2143
        E-mail:  thomas.chi@xerox.com

 All workshop proposals must be received by Friday, September 22,

 VIDEOS:  You are invited to submit a video presentation for the
 continuous videotape program. Appropriate subjects include
 innovative interactive techniques, new user interface ideas,
 clever applications of existing techniques, novel complete
 interfaces, methodological studies and techniques, as well as any
 other topics relevant to the conference.  Videos will be selected
 based on the appropriateness of the subject matter, technical
 content, originality, presentation quality, and communication
 effectiveness.  Tapes should be in 3/4 U-matic or VHS format and
 should be from 5 to 15 minutes long.

 For more information about video presentations, contact:
        Brad Myers
        School of Computer Science
        Carnegie Mellon University
        Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
        (412) 268-5150
        E-mail:  myers.chi@xerox.com

 Video submissions must be received by Tuesday, January 9, 1990.

 SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS:  You are invited to host informal meetings
 to discuss your special area of interest within the field of
 computer-human interaction.  We will attempt to meet all requests,
 limited only by the available meeting facilities.

 For information about organizing a special interest group, contact:
        John Thomas
        Artificial Intelligence Lab
        500 Westchester Avenue
        White Plains, NY 10604
        (914) 683-2143
        E-mail:  thomas.chi@xerox.com

 We ask that SIG proposals be received by Tuesday, January 9, 1990,
 so that the meeting can be listed in the conference program.
 Later requests, including those made at the conference, will be
 honored if meeting space is available.

 LABORATORY REVIEWS:  University, corporate, and government
 laboratories with substantial work in the field of computer-human
 interaction are invited to submit proposals for a coherent review
 of their activities. A senior member of the laboratory should
 present the review, which should include a sketch of the full
 range of projects and activities.  Reviews will be selected
 according to the relevance of the work and the appropriateness of
 the planned presentation.

 For information on submitting a proposal for a lab review, contact:
        Stephanie Doane
        University of Colorado
        Institute of Cognitive Science
        Campus Box 345
        Boulder, CO  80309-0345
        (303) 492-6983
        E-mail:  doane.chi@xerox.com

 All proposals for lab reviews must be received by Friday, September
 22, 1989.

 DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM:  Selected Ph.D. students who have finished
 their dissertation proposals will be invited to participate in the
 doctoral consortium.  This provides a valuable opportunity for
 students to present their research in a small closed session, with
 discussion and comment guided by scholars and researchers in the
 field. Participants will be selected on the basis of the
 significance of the topic and the progress being made in the work.

 For information about participating in the doctoral consortium,
        Phil Barnard
        MRC Applied Psychology Unit
        15 Chaucer Road
        Cambridge  CB2 2EF
        (44-223) 355294
        E-mail:  barnard.chi@xerox.com

 Interested students should send for an application form before
 Friday, September 1, 1989.  Completed applications must be
 received by Tuesday, October 24, 1989.

 DEMONSTRATI0NS:  You are invited to submit proposals for live
 demonstrations of experimental interactive systems, user
 interfaces and design aids.  Presentations can be theater-style,
 or as a continuous booth, or both. Demonstrations will be selected
 on the basis of technical merit, relevance to human-computer
 interaction, novel and interesting features, and feasibility.

 For information on submitting a demonstration, contact:
        Cathie Norris
        P.O. Box 5155
        University of North Texas
        Denton, TX  76203
        (817) 565-4189
        E-mail:  norris.chi@xerox.com

 All demonstration proposals must be received by Tuesday, January 9,

 INTERACTIVE EXPLORATORIUM:  We invite the presentation of
 interactive systems that can be set up for people to experience
 for themselves.  These can be of the same types as those used in
 the Special Events, but can also include perceptual enhancement
 systems, extensions of personal expression, systems for group
 coordination/interaction, and games.  Proposals will be evaluated
 on the basis of their originality, potential to expose naive users
 to powerful ideas, empowerment of the user, interest to attendees,
 fun, feasibility, and above all, their value as personal

 For information on submitting a proposal for , contact:
        Vivienne S. Begg
        Prime Computer, CV 16-2
        2 Crosby Drive
        Bedford MA   01730
        617-275-1800, x4605
        E-mail:  begg.chi@xerox.com

 Initial proposals for the Interactive Exploratorium are requested by
 Tuesday, August 29, 1989.

 INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCES:  We are looking for innovative interface
 work that is best expressed in a dramatic, as opposed to academic,
 setting. This could be artistic, theoretical, or practical in
 nature, and might include music, video, or other adjuncts to the
 computer-human interaction. We are interested in, but not
 restricted to: performance enhancement and extension, interactive
 accompaniment, support for group interaction, theatrical
 demonstrations of practical systems, and virtual realities.
 Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their originality,
 novel use of known ideas, novel application to new areas, interest
 to attendees, fun, feasibility and above all, their potential as
 performance events.

 For information on submitting a proposal for , contact:
        Craig Hubley
        Craig Hubley & Associates
        700 Spadina Avenue; Unit #2
        Toronto, Ontario
        CANADA   M5S 2J2
        E-mail:  hubley.chi@xerox.com

 Initial proposals for Interactive Performances are requested by
 Tuesday, August 29, 1989.

 EXHIBITS:  You are invited to exhibit commercial interactive
 systems, user interfaces, design aids, and literature.  An exhibit
 area will be open to attendees Tuesday through Thursday during the
 conference.  Exhibits will be assigned to booths on the exhibit
 floor.  Alternate methods of exhibition, such as a theater-style
 demonstration may be arranged. Exhibits will be accepted on the
 basis of relevance to human-computer interaction.  A packet of
 information detailing costs, requirements and other information
 necessary for exhibitors is available.

 A packet of information detailing fees, requirements, and other
 information necessary for exhibitors is available from:
        Craig Wier
        Mentor Graphics
        8500 Creekside Place
        Beaverton, OR 97005
        (503) 526-4781
        E-mail:  wier.chi@xerox.com

 All exhibits accepted before Tuesday, November 14, 1989 will be
 listed in the Advance Program.  All requests for exhibit space
 should be confirmed by Tuesday, January 9, 1990.

 EUROPEAN AND PACIFIC RIM INTERESTS:  We invite discussion and
 presentation of work and activities being done around the world.
 We are particularly interested in the special needs and
 requirements for computer-human interaction that are the result of
 various market and cultural conditions.

 Suggestions for special events, activities, and meeting are welcome.
 We urge you to contact either our European Coordinator or our
 Pacific Rim Coordinator with your ideas and with any questions
 that you may have.

        European Coordinator:
               Tom Stewart
               System Concepts Limited
               Museum House
               Museum Street
               London  WC1A1JT
               (44)-1-580-5069 (FAX)
               E-mail:  stewart.chi@xerox.com

        Pacific Rim Coordinator:
               David Brandin
               A.T. Kearney Technology, Inc.
               One Lagoon Drive
               Redwood City, CA  94065
               (415) 595-4300
               (415) 595-5659 (FAX)
               E-mail:  brandin.chi@xerox.com

 STUDENT VOLUNTEERS:  We offer reduced registration fees for
 registered full-time students, as well as complimentary
 registrations for students willing to volunteer their assistance
 for the day-to-day operations of the conference.

 For information about participating as a student volunteer, contact:
               Larry Kuhn
               4824 Nomad
               Arcata, CA 95521
               (707) 822-1623 (evenings)
               (707) 826-3717 (daytime)
               E-mail:  kuhn.chi@xerox.com

 CORPORATE SPONSORS:  We invite interested organizations to sponsor
 events at CHI '90.  CHI '90 is a non-profit organization, and such
 sponsorship allows the conference to keep registration costs at a
 minimum.  Sponsoring organizations are recognized at the sponsored
 event, as well as in the final program of the conference.

 For more information, interested organizations should contact:
        Keith Butler
        Boeing Advanced Technology Center,
        M/S 7L-64
        P.O. Box 24346
        Seattle, WA 98124
        (206) 865-3389
        E-mail:  butler.chi@xerox.com

 Suggestions for additional activities at CHI '90 may be addressed to
 the CHI '90 Conference Co-Chairs:

       Gene Lynch
       User Interface Research; MS 50-320
       Tektronix, Inc.
       P.O. Box 500
       Beaverton, OR  97077
       (503) 627-5131
       Email: lynch.chi@xerox.com

       Jon Meads
       Bell-Northern Research (9Y12)
       PO Box 3511, Station C
       Ottawa, Ontario
       Canada   K1Y 4H7
       (613) 763-4459
       Email: meads.chi@xerox.com

 is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery's Special
 Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM/SIGCHI).
    Steve Armstrong                            
    User Interface Software Development
    Bell-Northern Research Ltd.
    Meriline Court, Ottawa