[comp.windows.misc] xdm and /dev/console windows....

chaney@ms.uky.edu (Dan Chaney) (08/03/90)

Hello all.

	I need to associate a window with /dev/console in order to
prevent cron, et al. from goofing up my root X window (background).
I'm running a Sun 4.0.1 Sparc 1+ (if that matters) with the standard 
X stuff and xdm.  I've heard there was a way to start a window as 
/dev/console (thus taking away all the output piped to /dev/console...)

Anyone know (the/a) magic incantation so to do?

Please e-mail replies, lest they be lost in a flurry of news.  If there
are megatonnages of replies, I'll summarize and post.

Thanks for any info,

-- Daniel Chaney                                                             --
-- postmaster, newsguy, main archiver for ms.uky.edu (Univ of KY Math Sci)   --
-- {uunet and the like}!ukma!chaney  chaney@ms.uky.edu  chaney@ukma.BITNET   --
--    "I'll have time enough for sleep when I'm dead and in the ground"      --

tim@cs.columbia.edu (Timothy Jones) (08/03/90)

Try "xterm -C".  It may or may not work...

Timothy Jones						tim@cs.columbia.edu
Department of Computer Science		    ...!rutgers!cs.columbia.edu!tim
Columbia University			   tim%cs.columbia.edu@cuvmb.bitnet

chaney@ms.uky.edu (Dan Chaney) (08/03/90)

chaney@ms.uky.edu (Me) wrote:

>Hello all.

>	I need to associate a window with /dev/console in order to
>prevent cron, et al. from goofing up my root X window (background).

Thanks...I got the answer.   Classic case of reading the wrong FM page.
Oh well...who would expect an easy answer when dealing with X pkgs?

-dan (Who cannot see the forest for those damn trees....)

-- Daniel Chaney                                                             --
-- postmaster, newsguy, main archiver for ms.uky.edu (Univ of KY Math Sci)   --
-- {uunet and the like}!ukma!chaney  chaney@ms.uky.edu  chaney@ukma.BITNET   --
--    "I'll have time enough for sleep when I'm dead and in the ground"      --