SY.CHRISTINE@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU (Christine M Gianone) (07/14/87)
Info-Kermit Digest Tue, 14 Jul 1987 Volume 6 : Number 14 Today's Topics: Patched up MSTIBM.BOO (beta test) for testing Update to Tek emulator for IBM PC Kermit Announcing Kermit for Tripos systems Announcing a New Acorn Version of Kermit Announcing ICL 2900 VME Kermit Version 1.01 Announcing Kermit for the Harris H100-1 Running VOS Announcing Kermit for the TI990 DX10 Kermit and the Toshiba 3100 Internal modem (2 messages) Kermit for Mac II MAC II and mailing list Kermit on the MAC SE? Unix Kermit in Background Getting the files SYSTEM.ATTACH and ATTACHUD Kermit for the RTE-6 OS? Files Needed for the DG Nova Running RDOS? Man page for BSD C-Kermit? Vax to IBM 370 File Transfer Help with C-Kermit on Cyber C-Kermit Problem on a SUN 3/160 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 28 JUN 87 17:31-MST From: JRD@USU Subject: Patched up MSTIBM.BOO (beta test) for testing Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit Following this note is the latest MSTIBM.BOO file which has fixes for problems known to date and the added items: CTTY support, version banner on file transfer display, errorlevel returns, auto-cleanup of Macros, retention of full file statistics for last send, and Set Term Roll On | Off (default is Off). Ident is 2.29C dated 27 June 1987. Cured reported problems: Set Key in a Macro echos its status lines; backspacing at the Set Key definition prompt crashed the system. One cannot use the regular numeric keypad as a general dispatch area for umpteen functions per key, just three per key is the limit. Suggest using the Function keys for this purpose; they are designed to support four per key. The Num Lock key does what it should, sets numeric mode; Shift can be added on top to get a third function per key. Control-Break key combination is now predefined to send a BREAK out the comms port, so does Alt-B. When Kermit Pushes to DOS from within Connect mode Kermit sends a flow-off character (XOFF), if flow control is active, to suspend the remote host and later a flow-on (XON) character when resuming Connect mode. It does not do this if the Push occurs at the Kermit prompt level since sending a stray character at that time might wakeup a remote host or communications black box when we were doing only local work. Regards, Joe D. [Ed. - Thanks Joe! Those of you who are testing the new Kermit on IBM PCs and compatibles (including PS/2s) are encouraged to grab the new version from KER:MSTIBM.BOO on CU20B and try it out. The bug-reporting period will soon be over.] ------------------------------ Date: 18-JUN-1987 09:47:32 From: Subject: Update to Tek Emulator for IBM PC Kermit Keywords: Tek Emulation, MS-DOS Kermit Brian Holley has expanded his Tek emulator version of MS-Kermit 2.29 to use CGA/EGA and Hercules cards, and also to run on Olivetti (M24??). The files are KER:MSTIBT.BWR and KER:MSTIBT.BOO. This update to the BOO file should cure the problem Walter Bourne reported in Info-Digest 13. The latest version of the TEKtronix 4010 emulator for MSKERMIT has the following facilities: 1. Support for: CGA, EGA, Hercules, Olivetti 2. To switch from one of the graphics facilities to another, use the command: SET TERMINAL GRAPHICS xxx where xxx can be one of CGA, EGA, Hercules, Olivetti 3. The line drawing algorithm writes direct to screen memory and is therefore much faster than in the previous version; it will, however, almost certainly cause problems under Topview, Windows or other windowing systems. Please note: 4.The TEK emulation is not complete: (a) characters are all based on an 8 by 8 matrix, giving 80 characters across the screen (90 for Hercules), and 25 lines (CGA), 43 lines (EGA and Hercules), or 50 lines (Olivetti). (A 4010 has 74 by 32) (b) there is no MARGIN 1. All vectors should, however, be correctly positioned in relation to one another, though the aspect ratio may not be perfect. In addition, a cross-hair facility is provided. Use arrow keys to move the cross-hairs, and SHIFT-arrow for faster movement. 5. TEK mode is entered from VT or other mode upon receipt of the sequence ESC FormFEED (hex 1B 0C); you can exit from TEK mode either when ESC-US (hex 1B 1F) is sent by the host, or by pressing the Kermit escape key (CTRL-], by default). 6. Please send any comments/problems to: Brian Holley Faculty of Economics and Politics University of Cambridge CB3 9DD BJH6@UK.AC.CAM.PHX [Ed. - Thanks, Alan! The new file is in KER:MSTIBT.BOO. Remember, this is still "vanilla" 2.29, with Tek emulation added. Tek emulation probably will not make it into 2.30, but here's something that can be used (at least on IBM PCs with CGAs) till then.] ------------------------------ Date: 29-JUN-1987 10:14:55 From: Subject: Announcing Kermit for Tripos systems Keywords: Tripos Kermit Here's a version of Kermit to run under the Tripos operating system (a high portability system devised at Cambridge University, England, that has appeared on various machines and is the basis of Amigados.). This version, written by C.G.Selwyn of Metacomco Ltd, is in BCPL, based on the old C Kermit from the Protocol Manual. There's no documentation for it, unfortunately. [Ed. - Thanks Alan. The source code can be found in KER:TRIPOS.* available by FTP to CU20B, user ANONYMOUS (any password) or through BITNET using KERMSRV.] ------------------------------ Date: 29-JUN-1987 10:14:55 From: Subject: Announcing a New Acorn Version of Kermit Keywords: Acorn Kermit, C-Kermit This is the Kermit for the Acorn Cambridge Workstation, contributed by Acorn Computers Ltd. Users of this Kermit might like to know that it is available on disc from Acorn at a cost of #50 to cover media and handling. C-Kermit is a completely new implementation of Kermit, written modularly and transportably in C. The protocol state transition table is written in wart, a (non-proprietary) lex-like preprocessor for C. System-dependent primitive functions are isolated into separately compiled modules so that the program should be easily portable among Unix systems and also to non-Unix systems that have C compilers. This document applies to Unix implementations of C-Kermit, and in most ways also to the VMS implementation. [Ed. - Thanks for submitting this version Alan. The files are in KER:AC*.*.] ------------------------------ Date: 29-JUN-1987 10:14:55 From: Subject: Announcing ICL 2900 VME Kermit Version 1.01 Keywords: VME Kermit SWURCC VME Kermit Version 1.01 This version of VME Kermit is the standard version. If the communications device for terminal connection to VME is an ASG, VME Kermit may not work. This is because of a VME bug. Once this bug has been fixed the standard version will run via ASG. If you find that VME Kermit will not run via ASG please contact SWURCC for details of a modification to circumvent the bug. David Lord (SWURCC) [Ed. - Thanks David. The files have replaced the old ones in KER:VME*.*. The old files have been placed in KO:VME*.* for now.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue 30 Jun 87 11:24:29-EDT From: Christine M Gianone <SY.CHRISTINE@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU> Subject: Announcing Kermit for the Harris H100-1 Running VOS Keywords: H100 Kermit This program was written using Harris Fortran 77 on a Harris H100-1 computer (VOS 4.1.1 operating system) by Skip Russell, Division of Biostatistics, Washington University in St. Louis (c04689sr@WUVMD.BITNET) It was tested at up to 9600 baud against Columbia University's "MSKERMIT" version 2.27 on an IBM PC/AT running DOS 3.0. This version (1.04 April, 1987) added code to the first version to allow GETs of file groups using the "?" wildcard character. The program was came out of a need to transfer files between the aging Harris 100 and an IBM PC. Skip Russell wrote this program especially for Harris computers which are configured with a "MUX" as opposed to the more recent CNP or DMACP I/O processors, since the Pascal-based Harris Kermit which was already in existence does not accommodate such a configuration. As such, he has not taken advantage of many of the special features offered by those devices (notably timeouts and buffered I/O via "hot read"), but have opted instead for simpler, albeit less efficient, modes of communication. In any case, this program should work properly on a Harris machine in any configuration. The files are in KER:H100*.*. ------------------------------ Date: Tue 30 Jun 87 11:24:29-EDT From: Christine M Gianone <SY.CHRISTINE@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU> Subject: Announcing Kermit for the TI990 DX10 Keywords: TI990 Kermit This version (1.0) of Kermit for the Texas Instrument DX10 was written by Paul W. Madaus, Johnson Controls, Inc., 507 E. Michigan St., Milwaukee, WI 53201. His cover letter follows: The Kermit source was originally designed to run on the Sperry(UNIVAC) 1100. He has chosen to convert and implement this version of Kermit onto the TI-990 DX10 systems. The conversion of system specific procedures was straightforward, the basic protocol of the UNIVAC version was written in standard Pascal, and of all the versions tested for conversion, the UNIVAC version produced an acceptable amount of errors upon initial DX10 compilation (not a deciding factor - but very influential). Before continuing further, he wishes to credit the original UNIVAC version (2.0) of this program to: Edgar Butt (last known address) Computer Science Center University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742 His method of re-design will consist of removal or conversion of all UNIVAC system dependent software, addition of a command parsing mechanism, addition of interactive command control, addition of several new Kermit commands, addition of simple tty type terminal emulation via connect cmd, addition of remote as well as local Kermit execution, and addition of a Pascal XOR function for 7th and 8th bit setting and resetting. This program makes use of TI Pascal extensions but does not include any non-TI Pascal structures. Program was compiled and linked at DX10 REL. 3.7.0 and DX10 Pascal REL. 1.8.0. THE TI Pascal configuration process was not used only for greater simplicity and easier portability. [Ed. Thanks Paul. The files have been placed in KER:TI9*.*] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Jun 87 11:19:39 EDT From: "Roger Fajman" <RAF@NIHCU> Subject: Kermit and the Toshiba 3100 Internal modem (more!) Keywords: Toshiba 3100, Modems I recently received the Megahertz T1200 internal modem for my Toshiba 1100+. It seems to work fine with Kermit. [Ed. - This is good news. See message below.] ------------------------------ Date: Mon 29 Jun 87 17:05:48-EDT From: Christopher P. Lent <OC.PEDHEM@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU> Subject: Kermit and the Toshiba 3100 Internal modem (more!) Keywords: Toshiba 3100, Modems RE: "Roger Fajman" <RAF@NIHCU> message in a former Kermit digest. Well, there are two work-arounds and a solution for the Toshiba 3100 internal modem: First the solution: Toshiba has come out with replacement for the internal modem which DOES send a break. A friend of mine got his replaced by Toshiba. Toshiba had him ship his modem out and they sent a replacement. I've tested the new internal modem card and it DOES send a break with Kermit 2.29A and 2.29B. It also sends a break and a long break with Kermit-MS V2.29C (Development for 2.30) 7 Jun 87 . Also the Kermit HANGUP function works fine. I imagine Toshiba's replacement policy is a "if you call, we MAY tell you about it" type deal, but I would guess the most effective route would be to call Toshiba directly. The part number on my friend's box is: PA7438E B (is B for Break ? :-) The Work-Arounds: One workaround (which I have not tested) might be to set the baud rate down to 45.5 and send a null (via CTRL-] 0). This should simulate a BREAK well enough. A second workaround is to get an external modem and use that. The integral serial port on the T3100 does send breaks and handle the modem signals properly. Hope this helps, Chris Lent cbosgd!philabs!phri!cooper!chris OC.PEDHEM@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Jun 87 21:02:06 PDT From: dhare@Sun.COM (Dwight Hare) Subject: Kermit for Mac II Keywords: MacKermit My version of Kermit, 0.8(34), immediately bombs on my new Mac II. Is there a version of Kermit which runs on the Mac II? Dwight Hare [Ed. - Reportedly, MacKermit 0.8(34) works on the Mac II. Comments?] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Jul 87 18:54:57 pdt From: Alex Woo <> Subject: MAC II Keywords: Mac Kermit I recently purchased a MAC II and discovered that the SUMEX version of Kermit 0.8 failed to even startup. Is there an updated version? Thanks Alex Woo, MS 227-2 | NASA Ames Research Center | Moffett Field, CA 94035 | {seismo,topaz,lll-crg,ucbvax}! Phone: (415) 694-6133 | ames!pioneer!woo {hplabs,hao,ihnp4,decwrl,allegra,tektronix,menlo70}!ames!pioneer!woo [Ed. - We had earlier reports that Mac Kermit worked OK on the Mac II and the Mac SE. What could be the hidden factor that makes it work for one person but not another? Anyway, there will soon be a new release of Mac Kermit that can be compiled directly on the Mac under Megamax C, so that Macintosh wizards can start finding and fixing problems. Watch Info-Kermit for announcements.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue 30 Jun 87 11:24:29-EDT From: Christine M Gianone <SY.CHRISTINE@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU> Subject: Kermit on the MAC SE? Keywords: MacKermit, VAX/VMS Kermit "rozycki%thebay.dec@decwrl" is trying to use MacKermit 0.8(34) on a MAC SE to communicate with a VAX/VMS system running Kermit 3.3.111. It is a direct connection using a printer cable. A connection can be made but file transfer is not successful. Various parity settings have been tried. Has anyone has a similar experience? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Jun 87 15:17:16 BST From: Gordon Scott <seismo!mcvax!mfmail!> Subject: Unix Kermit in Background Keywords: C-Kermit In response to the query about running Unix Kermit in background (Info-Kermit Digest V6 #13 ) there are a few other things to note as well as using the -q flag. -q appears to have no effect on some of the output from the script module and to get round that one I generally just redirect the standard output. Another point is that the documentation about errors in take files being fatal in background is wrong for 4C(061), although it was correct in 4C(057). It also took me a while to realise that protocol timeouts are not fatal to the job in background - kermit will keep retrying for a while and then go on to the next command. Gordon Scott Micro Focus Ltd (mcvax!ukc!mfmail!gas) [Ed. - Thanks for the comments; these problems should be fixed in the next release of C-Kermit.] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 28 Jun 87 22:32:00 pdt From: hplabs!cae780!amdcad!ames!well!samlb@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU Subject: Files SYSTEM.ATTACH and ATTACHUD for Apple II UCSD p-System Kermit Keywords: Apple II, UCSD p-System In article <12313093302.169.SY.CHRISTINE@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU> Chris writes: >SYSTEM.ATTACH and ATTACHUD. Do you have these, or does anyone know >where they can be obtained? > >Chris Murphy >Computer Centre >Oxford Polytechnic Both are available from the International Apple Corps in Daly City, CA, USA -- and probably from his local Apple User Group in England . . . Sam'l Bassett, Semantic Engineer -- My words & ideas are for sale! 34 Oakland Ave., San Anselmo CA 94960; (415) 454-7282 UUCP: {...known world...}!hplabs OR ptsfa OR lll-crg!well!samlb; Compuserve: 71735,1776; WU Easylink ESL 6284-3034; MCI SBassett ------------------------------ Date: 28 June 87 21:33-EST From: MLCARSON@MTUS5 Subject: Kermit for the RTE-6 OS? Keywords: RTE Kermit I'm looking for a version of Kermit that will work on the RTE-6 operating system with a HP12966A interface using a DVA05 driver. We have three such interfaces: one for a HP2645A terminal, one for a HP2622A terminal, and one that is shared by a PC and another HP terminal via 1200 baud modem. I have a version of Paul Schumann's Kermit but I believe it requires either a 12040B/C or 12792B/C multiplexer. I can't even try this Kermit because its on a 5.25" PC formatted disk. I can't just upload it to the HP editor because of the ENQ/ACK protocol that is taking place. Is there anyway of getting around this? If there is a Kermit out there that works, how do I get it on the HP? Could you please help me with this problem or point me to someone who could? It would really be appreciated. Thank you. ------------------------------ Date: 1-JUL-1987 10:23:05 From: Subject: Files Needed for the DG Nova Running RDOS? Keywords: DG Nova Kermit It's been pointed out to us that the files for Kermit in Fortran-5 for DG Nova machines running RDOS (prefix RDO) are incomplete. There are include references to SETSETUP.FR and F5ERR.FR, and these files aren't in the set, and what they may contain isn't obvious. Does anyone know what's in the files, or has anyone got copies? Alan Phillips [Ed. - These are probably DG files that come with DG Fortran. Anyway, the person who contributed the Fortran version of RDOS Kermit is long gone. The forthcoming release of C-Kermit will support DG C environments; it has been tested on AOS/VS, but not RDOS, however the C environment is supposed to be consistent across all the DG product lines.] ------------------------------ Date: 6 Jul 87 18:29:01 GMT From: hao!boulder!sigi!tag@RUTGERS.EDU (Tinsley A. Galyean) Subject: Man page for BSD C-Kermit? Keywords: C-Kermit I am looking for a man page for the latest version of C-Kermit BSD. C-Kermit, 4D(061) 8 Sep 86, 4.2 BSD The source I have did not have a man page with it. If you have one that you wrote yourself or otherwise found would you please mail me a copy. Thank You tag (CSNET or ARPANET) ...!{nbires,hao}!boulder!tag (UUCP) [Ed. - The man page, such as it is, is in KER:CKUKER.NR on CU20B, and comes with C-Kermit in the normal distribution.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Jul 87 11:16:58 EDT From: "Bob Klein" <KL2@NIHCU> Subject: Vax to IBM 370 File Transfer Keywords: VAX/VMS Kermit, TSO Kermit A user at our site is trying to transfer a file from a Vax (under VMS 4.5) to our IBM 3090 running MVS using Vax Kermit 3.1.066. He can set up the connection but can't even get the transfer started. I noticed in the Info-Kermit Digest V6 #9 that there is a new release of VAX/VMS Kermit (3.3.111) which contains bug fixes for among other things IBM mainframe communications. Does anyone have any experience doing file transfer between a Vax and a 3090 (or other 370 model) running MVS. The version of Kermit on our mainframe is NIH TSO Kermit. Thanks in advance for any pointers. ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jun 87 15:40:00 MST From: <> Subject: Help with C-Kermit on Cyber Keywords: C-Kermit, Cyber I am attempting to put CKUKER onto the CDC NOS VX/VE system. This (hybrid) system is supposed to be SVID compatible. I can get the makefile to work just fine with "make sys3" or "make sys3nid" as the instructions say. When I execute ("wermit"), the prompts seem to be missing carriage returns and/or line feeds (e.g. the help ("?") directive produces a list which does not line up, and seems to be going off the page 'til wraparound.) This makes output hard to read. Even worse, the input seems to have a one-character buffer... typing anything causes Kermie to interpret each character as if it were the full command. Trying "server" will get 6 errors, one for each letter which is either an illegal command or not long enough for Kermit to distinguish which particular command is being requested. The only things which work are helps ("?", "h") and a few of the other commands uniquely determined by one letter and requiring no other argument. I am not a C or UNIX guru, but am learning at a regular pace. I've tried stabs in the dark by having ckutio use ICANON for tty and console lflag values -- but I really don't know what's happening. I fear that the strang CYBER environ- ment of UNIX (called VX) sitting atop NOS/VE which is dual-mode with NOS may be doing very strange things to I/O. The local CDC VX/VE expert is stumped. HELP! Anybody have a similar problem? Declan A. Rieb Sandia National Laboratories, Division 2614 Albuquerque NM Phone: (505) 844-6338 DARIEB@SANDIA-2.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: 8-JUL-1987 10:05:25 From: V Paramananda (PS) <> Via: Subject: C-Kermit Problem on a SUN 3/160 Keywords: C-Kermit We are having trouble with a version of C Kermit installed on a Sun 3/160 workstation within the Department of Photogrammetry and Surveying at UCL. It appears impossible to get the system set up as a virtual terminal so that that it can initiate transfers from other Kermits, in this case a VAX within UCL. We can set up the line /dev/ttyb on thisd Sun without any apparent problems. However, when the line is connected there is no response from remote hosts at the other end of the line. It is unlikely that the hardware is a fault, as the UNIX utility function 'tip' is able to establish connections without problems. Could you please reply to: Thankyou, Mark O'Neill, Dept of Photogrammetry and Surveying UCL, Gower Street, Londow WC1E 6BT UK. Tel: 01-387-7050X2743 ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest ************************* -------