[comp.os.os9] OS-9 Discussions, V3 #6

os9@cbdkc1.UUCP (05/25/87)

OS-9 Discussions         Monday, May 25th 1987         Volume 3 : Issue 6

Today's Topics:
                        OS/9 68K "arc" - 2 of 3


Date: Sun, 24 May 87 18:43:06 EDT
From: mnetor!lsuc!jimomura
Subject: OS/9 68K "arc"

     This is Dieter Stoll's port of ARC from the MS-DOS version to
OS-9 68K.  It is posted to Usenet with the permission of Systems
Enhancements Associates.  If you wish to port ARC to another system
or wish to re-distribute ARC, you should contact them for approval.
I have found them to be quite reasonable.
Cheers! -- Jim O.

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then
# unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".  (Files
# unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
# This archive contains:
# README arclst.c arclzw.c arcmain.c

echo x - README
cat > "README" << '//E*O*F README//'
     This is Dieter Stoll's port of ARC from the MS-DOS version to
OS-9 68K.  It is posted to Usenet with the permission of Systems
Enhancements Associates.  If you wish to port ARC to another system
or wish to re-distribute ARC, you should contact them for approval.
I have found them to be quite reasonable.
Cheers! -- Jim O.

echo x - arclst.c
cat > "arclst.c" << '//E*O*F arclst.c//'

/*  ARC - Archive utility - ARCLST

$define(version,Version $tag(
TED_VERSION DB =2.34), created on $tag(
TED_DATE DB =02/03/86) at $tag(
TED_TIME DB =22:56:57))#

(C) COPYRIGHT 1985 by System Enhancement Associates; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

    By:  Thom Henderson

         This file contains the routines used to list the contents
         of an archive.

         Computer Innovations Optimizing C86
#include <stdio.h>
#define EXTERN extern
#include "arc.h"

lstarc(num,arg)                        /* list files in archive */
int num;                               /* number of arguments */
char *arg[];                           /* pointers to arguments */
    struct heads hdr;                  /* header data */
    int list;                          /* true to list a file */
    int did[MAXARG];                  /* true when argument was used */
    long tnum, tlen, tsize;            /* totals */
    int n;                             /* index */

    tnum = tlen = tsize = 0;           /* reset totals */

    for(n=0; n<num; n++)               /* for each argument */
         did[n] = 0;                   /* reset usage flag */
    rempath(num,arg);                  /* strip off paths */

    {    printf("Name          Length  ");
              printf("  Stowage    SF   Size now");
         printf("  Date     ");
              printf("  Time    CRC");

         printf("============  ========");
              printf("  ========  ====  ========");
         printf("  =========");
              printf("  ======  ====");

    openarc(0);                        /* open archive for reading */

    if(num)                            /* if files were named */
    {    while(readhdr(&hdr,arc))      /* process all archive files */
         {    list = 0;                /* reset list flag */
              for(n=0; n<num; n++)     /* for each template given */
              {    if(match(hdr.name,arg[n]))
                   {    list = 1;      /* turn on list flag */
                        did[n] = 1;    /* turn on usage flag */
                        break;         /* stop looking */

              if(list)                 /* if this file is wanted */
              {    if(!kludge)
                        lstfile(&hdr); /* then tell about it */
                   tnum++;             /* update totals */
                   tlen += hdr.length;
                   tsize += hdr.size;

              fseek(arc,hdr.size,1);   /* move to next header */

    else while(readhdr(&hdr,arc))      /* else report on all files */
    {    if(!kludge)
         tnum++;                       /* update totals */
         tlen += hdr.length;
         tsize += hdr.size;
         fseek(arc,hdr.size,1);        /* skip to next header */

    closearc(0);                       /* close archive after reading */

    {    printf("        ====  ========");
              printf("            ====  ========");

    printf("Total %6ld  %8ld  ",tnum,tlen);
         printf("          %3ld%%  %8ld  ",100L - (100L*tsize)/tlen,tsize);

    {    for(n=0; n<num; n++)          /* report unused args */
         {    if(!did[n])
              {    printf("File not found: %s\n",arg[n]);

static lstfile(hdr)                    /* tell about a file */
struct heads *hdr;                     /* pointer to header data */
    int yr, mo, dy;                    /* parts of a date */
    int hh, mm, ss;                    /* parts of a time */

    static char *mon[] =               /* month abbreviations */
    {    "Jan",    "Feb",    "Mar",    "Apr",
         "May",    "Jun",    "Jul",    "Aug",
         "Sep",    "Oct",    "Nov",    "Dec"
#ifdef DEBUG
	printf ("date: %04.4x  time: %04.4x\n",hdr->date&0xffff, hdr->time&0xffff);

    yr = (hdr->date >> 9) & 0x7f;      /* dissect the date */
    mo = (hdr->date >> 5) & 0x0f;
    dy = hdr->date & 0x1f;

    hh = (hdr->time >> 11) & 0x1f;     /* dissect the time */
    mm = (hdr->time >> 5) & 0x3f;
    ss = (hdr->time & 0x1f) * 2;
#ifdef DEBUG
	printf ("after dissecting date\n");
	printf ("length: %08.8x  size: %08.8x\n",hdr->length, hdr->size);
    printf("%-12.12s  %8ld  ",hdr->name,hdr->length);
    fflush (stdout);
    {    switch(hdrver)
         case 1:
         case 2:
              printf("   --   ");
         case 3:
              printf(" Packed ");
         case 4:
         case 5:
         case 6:
         case 7:
         case 8:

         printf("  %3d%%",100L - (100L*hdr->size)/hdr->length);
         printf("  %8ld  ",hdr->size);
    printf("%2d %3s %02d", dy, mon[mo-1], (yr+80)%100);

         printf("  %2d:%02d%c  %04x",
              (hh>12?hh-12:hh), mm, (hh>12?'p':'a'),
              (hdr->crc & 0xffff));

#ifdef OSK
int wordswap(in)
short in;
	return ((((in &0xff00) >>8)&0xff) + ((in&0x0ff)<<8));
int longswap(in)
int in;
	return (wordswap((short)((in&0xffff0000) >> 16))) + 
			((wordswap ((short)in&0x0000ffff)) << 16);
//E*O*F arclst.c//

echo x - arclzw.c
cat > "arclzw.c" << '//E*O*F arclzw.c//'
/*  ARC - Archive utility - ARCLZW

(C) COPYRIGHT 1985 by System Enhancement Associates; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

    By:  Thom Henderson

         This file contains the routines used to implement Lempel-Zev
         data compression, which calls for building a coding table on
         the fly.  This form of compression is especially good for encoding
         files which contain repeated strings, and can often give dramatic
         improvements over traditional Huffman SQueezing.

         Computer Innovations Optimizing C86

    Programming notes:
         In this section I am drawing heavily on the COMPRESS program
         from UNIX.  The basic method is taken from "A Technique for High
         Performance Data Compression", Terry A. Welch, IEEE Computer
         Vol 17, No 6 (June 1984), pp 8-19.  Also see "Knuth's Fundamental
         Algorithms", Donald Knuth, Vol 3, Section 6.4.

         As best as I can tell, this method works by tracing down a hash
         table of code strings where each entry has the property:

              if <string> <char> is in the table
              then <string> is in the table.
*	changed abort(..) to exit(_errmsg(1,...))
#include <stdio.h>
#define EXTERN extern
#include "arc.h"

/* definitions for older style crunching */

#define FALSE    0
#define TRUE     !FALSE
#define TABSIZE  4096

#define NO_PRED  0xFFFF
#define EMPTY    0xFFFF
#define NOT_FND  0xFFFF

static unsigned int inbuf;             /* partial input code storage */
static int stackptr;                         /* current stack pointer */
static remote struct entry                    /* string table entry format */
{   char used;                         /* true when this entry is in use */
    unsigned int next;                 /* ptr to next in collision list */
    unsigned int predecessor;          /* code for preceeding string */
    unsigned char follower;            /* char following string */
}   string_tab[TABSIZE];               /* the code string table */

/* definitions for the new dynamic Lempel-Zev crunching */

#define BITS   12                      /* maximum bits per code */
#define HSIZE  5003                    /* 80% occupancy */
#define INIT_BITS 9                    /* initial number of bits/code */
static int n_bits;                     /* number of bits/code */
static int maxcode;                    /* maximum code, given n_bits */
#define MAXCODE(n)      ((1<<(n)) - 1) /* maximum code calculation */
static int maxcodemax =  1 << BITS;    /* largest possible code (+1) */

static char buf[BITS];                 /* input/output buffer */

static unsigned char lmask[9] =        /* left side masks */
{   0xff, 0xfe, 0xfc, 0xf8, 0xf0, 0xe0, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x00 };
static unsigned char rmask[9] =        /* right side masks */
{   0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff};

static int offset;                     /* byte offset for code output */
static long in_count;                  /* length of input */
static long bytes_out;                 /* length of compressed output */
static unsigned int ent;
/* To save much memory (which we badly need at this point), we overlay
 * the table used by the previous version of Lempel-Zev with those used
 * by the new version.  Since no two of these routines will be used
 * together, we can safely do this.  Note that the tables used for Huffman
 * squeezing may NOT overlay these, since squeezing and crunching are done
 * in parallel.    

#ifndef OSK
static long *htab = (long *)string_tab;  /* hash code table   (crunch) */
static long *htab;
 *	below: HSIZE+1 was necessary for OSK because otherwise the linker
 *	would have been unable to decode the relocatable object file
static remote unsigned int codetab[HSIZE+1];    /* string code table (crunch) */
#ifndef OSK	     
static unsigned int *prefix = codetab; /* prefix code table (uncrunch) */
static unsigned int *prefix;
#ifndef OSK   			   
static unsigned char *suffix  = (char *)string_tab ;  /* suffix table (uncrunch) */
static unsigned char *suffix;
static int free_ent;                   /* first unused entry */
static int firstcmp;                   /* true at start of compression */
 *	below: HSIZE+1: see comment above
static remote unsigned char stack[HSIZE+1];     /* local push/pop stack */

 * block compression parameters -- after all codes are used up,
 * and compression rate changes, start over.

static int clear_flg;
static long ratio;
#define CHECK_GAP 10000                
												/* ratio check interval */
static long checkpoint;

 * the next two codes should not be changed lightly, as they must not
 * lie within the contiguous general code space.
#define FIRST   257                    /* first free entry */
#define CLEAR   256                    /* table clear output code */

static cl_block(t)                     /* table clear for block compress */
FILE *t;                               /* our output file */
    long int rat;

#ifdef DEBUG
	puts ("cl_block");
    checkpoint = in_count + CHECK_GAP;

    if(in_count > 0x007fffff)          /* shift will overflow */
    {    rat = bytes_out >> 8;
         if(rat == 0)                  /* Don't divide by zero */
              rat = 0x7fffffff;
         else rat = in_count / rat;
    else rat = (in_count<<8)/bytes_out;/* 8 fractional bits */

    if(rat > ratio)
         ratio = rat;
    {    ratio = 0;
         free_ent = FIRST;
         clear_flg = 1;

 * Output a given code.
 * Inputs:
 *      code:   A n_bits-bit integer.  If == -1, then EOF.  This assumes
 *              that n_bits =< (long)wordsize - 1.
 * Outputs:
 *      Outputs code to the file.
 * Assumptions:
 *      Chars are 8 bits long.
 * Algorithm:
 *      Maintain a BITS character long buffer (so that 8 codes will
 * fit in it exactly).  When the buffer fills up empty it and start over.

static putcode(code,t)                 /* output a code */
int code;                              /* code to output */
FILE *t;                               /* where to put it */
    int r_off = offset;                /* right offset */
    int bits = n_bits;                 /* bits to go */
    char *bp = buf;                    /* buffer pointer */
    int n;                             /* index */

    if(code >= 0)                      /* if a real code */
    {    /*
          * Get to the first byte.
         bp += (r_off >> 3);
         r_off &= 7;

          * Since code is always >= 8 bits, only need to mask the first
          * hunk on the left.
         *bp = (*bp&rmask[r_off]) | (code<<r_off) & lmask[r_off];
         bits -= (8 - r_off);
         code >>= (8 - r_off);

         /* Get any 8 bit parts in the middle (<=1 for up to 16 bits). */
         if(bits >= 8)
         {    *bp++ = code;
              code >>= 8;
              bits -= 8;

         /* Last bits. */
              *bp = code;

         offset += n_bits;

         if(offset == (n_bits << 3))
         {    bp = buf;
              bits = n_bits;
              bytes_out += bits;
              offset = 0;

          * If the next entry is going to be too big for the code size,
          * then increase it, if possible.
         if(free_ent>maxcode || clear_flg>0)
         {    /*
               * Write the whole buffer, because the input side won't
               * discover the size increase until after it has read it.
              if(offset > 0)
              {    bp = buf;           /* reset pointer for writing */
                   bytes_out += n = n_bits;
              offset = 0;

              if(clear_flg)            /* reset if clearing */
              {    maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits = INIT_BITS);
                   clear_flg = 0;
              else                     /* else use more bits */
              {    n_bits++;
                   if(n_bits == BITS)
                        maxcode = maxcodemax;
                        maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);

    else                               /* dump the buffer on EOF */
    {    bytes_out += n = (offset+7) / 8;

         if(offset > 0)
         offset = 0;

 * Read one code from the standard input.  If EOF, return -1.
 * Inputs:
 *      cmpin
 * Outputs:
 *      code or -1 is returned.

static int getcode(f)                  /* get a code */
FILE *f;                               /* file to get from */
    int code;
    static int offset = 0, size = 0;
    int r_off, bits;
    unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *)buf;

    if(clear_flg > 0 || offset >= size || free_ent > maxcode)
    {    /*
          * If the next entry will be too big for the current code
          * size, then we must increase the size.  This implies reading
          * a new buffer full, too.
         if(free_ent > maxcode)
         {    n_bits++;
              if(n_bits == BITS)
                   maxcode = maxcodemax;    /* won't get any bigger now */
              else maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);
         if(clear_flg > 0)
         {    maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits = INIT_BITS);
              clear_flg = 0;

         for(size=0; size<n_bits; size++)
         {    if((code=getc_unp(f))==EOF)
              else buf[size] = code;
         if(size <= 0)
              return -1;               /* end of file */

         offset = 0;
         /* Round size down to integral number of codes */
         size = (size << 3)-(n_bits - 1);
    r_off = offset;
    bits = n_bits;

     * Get to the first byte.
    bp +=(r_off >> 3);
    r_off &= 7;

    /* Get first part (low order bits) */
    code = (*bp++ >> r_off);
    bits -= 8 - r_off;
    r_off = 8 - r_off;                 /* now, offset into code word */

    /* Get any 8 bit parts in the middle (<=1 for up to 16 bits). */
    if(bits >= 8)
    {    code |= *bp++ << r_off;
         r_off += 8;
         bits -= 8;
    /* high order bits. */
    code |= (*bp & rmask[bits]) << r_off;
    offset += n_bits;

    return code;

 * compress a file
 * Algorithm:  use open addressing double hashing (no chaining) on the
 * prefix code / next character combination.  We do a variant of Knuth's
 * algorithm D (vol. 3, sec. 6.4) along with G. Knott's relatively-prime
 * secondary probe.  Here, the modular division first probe is gives way
 * to a faster exclusive-or manipulation.  Also do block compression with
 * an adaptive reset, where the code table is cleared when the compression
 * ratio decreases, but after the table fills.  The variable-length output
 * codes are re-sized at this point, and a special CLEAR code is generated
 * for the decompressor.
init_cm(f,t)                           /* initialize for compression */
FILE *f;                               /* file we will be compressing */
FILE *t;                               /* where we will put it */
    offset = 0;  
    bytes_out = 1;
    clear_flg = 0;
    ratio = 0;   
    in_count = 1;
    checkpoint = CHECK_GAP;
    maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits = INIT_BITS);
    free_ent = FIRST;
#ifdef OSK
	htab = (long *)string_tab;
    n_bits = INIT_BITS;                /* set starting code size */
    putc_pak(BITS,t);                  /* note our max code length */
    firstcmp = 1;                      /* next byte will be first */
putc_cm(c,t)                           /* compress a character */
unsigned char c;                       /* character to compress */
FILE *t;                               /* where to put it */
    static long fcode;
    static int hshift;
    int i;   
    int disp;

    if(firstcmp)                       /* special case for first byte */
    {    ent = c;                      /* remember first byte */

         hshift = 0;
         for(fcode=(long)HSIZE;  fcode<65536L; fcode*=2L)
         hshift = 8 - hshift;          /* set hash code range bound */

         firstcmp = 0;                 /* no longer first */
    fcode =(long)(((long)c << BITS)+ent);
    i = (c<<hshift)^ent;               /* xor hashing */

    {    ent = codetab[i];
    else if(htab[i]<0)                  /* empty slot */
         goto nomatch;
    disp = HSIZE - i;                  /* secondary hash (after G.Knott) */
    if(i == 0)
         disp = 1;

    if((i -= disp) < 0)
         i += HSIZE;

    if(htab[i] == fcode)
    {    ent = codetab[i];
    if(htab[i] > 0)
         goto probe;

    ent = c;
    if(free_ent < maxcodemax)
    {    codetab[i] = free_ent++;      /* code -> hashtable */
         htab[i] = fcode;
#ifdef DEBUG2
		printf ("putc_cm: htab[%d]\n",i);
    else if((long int)in_count >= checkpoint)

long pred_cm(t)                        /* finish compressing a file */
FILE *t;                               /* where to put it */
    putcode(ent,t);                    /* put out the final code */
    putcode(-1,t);                     /* tell output we are done */

    return bytes_out;                  /* say how big it got */

 * Decompress a file.  This routine adapts to the codes in the file
 * building the string table on-the-fly; requiring no table to be stored
 * in the compressed file.  The tables used herein are shared with those of
 * the compress() routine.  See the definitions above.

decomp(f,t)                            /* decompress a file */
FILE *f;                               /* file to read codes from */
FILE *t;                               /* file to write text to */
    unsigned char *stackp;
    int finchar;
    int code, oldcode, incode;
#ifdef OSK
	static int initflag = 0;
	if (!initflag)
		initflag =1;
		prefix = (unsigned int *)codetab;
		suffix = (unsigned char *)string_tab;
         exit (_errmsg (1,
		"File packed with %d bits, I can only handle %d",code,BITS));
    n_bits = INIT_BITS;                /* set starting code size */
    clear_flg = 0;
     * As above, initialize the first 256 entries in the table.
    maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits=INIT_BITS);
    for(code = 255; code >= 0; code--)
    {    prefix[code] = 0;
         suffix[code] = (unsigned char)code;
    free_ent = FIRST;

    finchar = oldcode = getcode(f);
    if(oldcode == -1)                  /* EOF already? */
         return;                       /* Get out of here */
    putc_ncr((char)finchar,t);         /* first code must be 8 bits=char */
    stackp = stack;

    while((code = getcode(f))> -1)
    {    if(code==CLEAR)
         {    for(code = 255; code >= 0; code--)
                   prefix[code] = 0;
              clear_flg = 1;
              free_ent = FIRST - 1;
              if((code=getcode(f))==-1)/* O, untimely death! */
         incode = code;
          * Special case for KwKwK string.
         if(code >= free_ent)
         {    *stackp++ = finchar;
              code = oldcode;

          * Generate output characters in reverse order
         while(code >= 256)
         {    *stackp++ = suffix[code];
              code = prefix[code];
         *stackp++ = finchar = suffix[code];

          * And put them out in forward order
         while(stackp > stack);

          * Generate the new entry.
         if((code=free_ent) < maxcodemax)
         {    prefix[code] = (unsigned short)oldcode;
              suffix[code] = finchar;
              free_ent = code+1;
          * Remember previous code.
         oldcode = incode;

 * Please note how much trouble it can be to maintain upwards            *
 * compatibility.  All that follows is for the sole purpose of unpacking *
 * files which were packed using an older method.                        *

/*  The h() pointer points to the routine to use for calculating a hash
    value.  It is set in the init routines to point to either of oldh()
    or newh().

    oldh() calculates a hash value by taking the middle twelve bits
    of the square of the key.

    newh() works somewhat differently, and was tried because it makes
    ARC about 23% faster.  This approach was abandoned because dynamic
    Lempel-Zev (above) works as well, and packs smaller also.  However,
    inadvertent release of a developmental copy forces us to leave this in.

static unsigned (*h)();                /* pointer to hash function */

static unsigned oldh(pred,foll)        /* old hash function */
unsigned int pred;                     /* code for preceeding string */
unsigned char foll;                    /* value of following char */
    long local;                        /* local hash value */

    local = (pred + foll) | 0x0800;    /* create the hash key */
    local *= local;                    /* square it */
    return (local >> 6) & 0x0FFF;      /* return the middle 12 bits */

static unsigned newh(pred,foll)        /* new hash function */
unsigned int pred;                     /* code for preceeding string */
unsigned char foll;                    /* value of following char */
    return ((pred+foll)*15073)&0xFFF;  /* faster hash */

/*  The eolist() function is used to trace down a list of entries with
    duplicate keys until the last duplicate is found.

static unsigned eolist(index)          /* find last duplicate */
unsigned int index;
    int temp;

    while(temp=string_tab[index].next) /* while more duplicates */
         index = temp;

    return index;

/*  The hash() routine is used to find a spot in the hash table for a new
    entry.  It performs a "hash and linear probe" lookup, using h() to
    calculate the starting hash value and eolist() to perform the linear
    probe.  This routine DOES NOT detect a table full condition.  That
    MUST be checked for elsewhere.

static unsigned hash(pred,foll)        /* find spot in the string table */
unsigned int pred;                     /* code for preceeding string */
unsigned char foll;                    /* char following string */
    unsigned int local, tempnext;      /* scratch storage */
    struct entry *ep;                  /* allows faster table handling */

    local = (*h)(pred,foll);           /* get initial hash value */

    if(!string_tab[local].used)        /* if that spot is free */
         return local;                 /* then that's all we need */

    else                               /* else a collision has occured */
    {    local = eolist(local);        /* move to last duplicate */

         /*   We must find an empty spot. We start looking 101 places
              down the table from the last duplicate.

         tempnext = (local+101) & 0x0FFF;
         ep = &string_tab[tempnext];   /* initialize pointer */

         while(ep->used)               /* while empty spot not found */
         {    if(++tempnext==TABSIZE)  /* if we are at the end */
              {    tempnext = 0;       /* wrap to beginning of table*/
                   ep = string_tab;
              else ++ep;               /* point to next element in table */

         /*   local still has the pointer to the last duplicate, while
              tempnext has the pointer to the spot we found.  We use
              this to maintain the chain of pointers to duplicates.

         string_tab[local].next = tempnext;

         return tempnext;

/*  The unhash() function is used to search the hash table for a given key.
    Like hash(), it performs a hash and linear probe search.  It returns
    either the number of the entry (if found) or NOT_FND (if not found).

static unsigned unhash(pred,foll)      /* search string table for a key */
unsigned int pred;                     /* code of preceeding string */
unsigned char foll;                    /* character following string */
    unsigned int local, offset;        /* scratch storage */
    struct entry *ep;                  /* this speeds up access */

    local = (*h)(pred,foll);           /* initial hash */

    {    ep = &string_tab[local];      /* speed up table access */

         if((ep->predecessor==pred) && (ep->follower==foll))
              return local;            /* we have a match */

         if(!ep->next)                 /* if no more duplicates */
              return NOT_FND;          /* then key is not listed */

         local = ep->next;             /* move on to next duplicate */

/*  The init_tab() routine is used to initialize our hash table.
    You realize, of course, that "initialize" is a complete misnomer.

static init_tab()                      /* set ground state in hash table */
    unsigned int i;                    /* table index */
#ifdef OSK
	htab = (long *)string_tab;
	prefix = (unsigned int *)codetab;
	suffix = (unsigned char *)string_tab;

    setmem((char *)string_tab,sizeof(string_tab),0);

    for(i=0; i<256; i++)               /* list all single byte strings */

    inbuf = EMPTY;                     /* nothing is in our buffer */

/*  The upd_tab routine is used to add a new entry to the string table.
    As previously stated, no checks are made to ensure that the table
    has any room.  This must be done elsewhere.

upd_tab(pred,foll)                     /* add an entry to the table */
unsigned int pred;                     /* code for preceeding string */
unsigned int foll;                     /* character which follows string */
    struct entry *ep;                  /* pointer to current entry */

    /* calculate offset just once */

    ep = &string_tab[hash(pred,foll)];

    ep->used = TRUE;                   /* this spot is now in use */
    ep->next = 0;                      /* no duplicates after this yet */
    ep->predecessor = pred;            /* note code of preceeding string */
    ep->follower = foll;               /* note char after string */

/*  This algorithm encoded a file into twelve bit strings (three nybbles).
    The gocode() routine is used to read these strings a byte (or two)
    at a time.

static gocode(fd)                      /* read in a twelve bit code */
FILE *fd;                              /* file to get code from */
    unsigned int localbuf, returnval;

    if(inbuf==EMPTY)                   /* if on a code boundary */
    {    if((localbuf=getc_unp(fd))==EOF)   /* get start of next code */
              return EOF;              /* pass back end of file status */
         localbuf &= 0xFF;             /* mask down to true byte value */
         if((inbuf=getc_unp(fd))==EOF) /* get end of code, start of next */
              return EOF;              /* this should never happen */
         inbuf &= 0xFF;                /* mask down to true byte value */

         returnval = ((localbuf<<4)&0xFF0) + ((inbuf>>4)&0x00F);
         inbuf &= 0x000F;              /* leave partial code pending */

    else                               /* buffer contains first nybble */
    {    if((localbuf=getc_unp(fd))==EOF)
              return EOF;
         localbuf &= 0xFF;

         returnval = localbuf + ((inbuf<<8)&0xF00);
         inbuf = EMPTY;                /* note no hanging nybbles */
    return returnval;                  /* pass back assembled code */

static push(c)                         /* push char onto stack */
int c;                                 /* character to push */
    stack[stackptr] = ((char) c);            /* coerce integer into a char */

    if(++stackptr >= TABSIZE)
         exit (_errmsg(1,"Stack overflow\n"));

static int pop()                       /* pop character from stack */
         return ((int) stack[--stackptr]);   /* leave ptr at next empty slot */

    else return EMPTY;


static int code_count;                 /* needed to detect table full */
static unsigned code;                  /* where we are so far */
static int firstc;                     /* true only on first character */

init_ucr(new)                          /* get set for uncrunching */
int new;                               /* true to use new hash function */
    if(new)                            /* set proper hash function */
         h = newh;
    else h = oldh;

    stackptr = 0;                            /* clear out the stack */
    init_tab();                        /* set up atomic code definitions */
    code_count = TABSIZE - 256;        /* note space left in table */
    firstc = 1;                        /* true only on first code */

int getc_ucr(f)                        /* get next uncrunched byte */
FILE *f;                               /* file containing crunched data */
    unsigned int c;                    /* a character of input */
    int code, newcode;
    static int oldcode, finchar;
    struct entry *ep;                  /* allows faster table handling */

    if(firstc)                         /* first code is always known */
    {    firstc = FALSE;               /* but next will not be first */
         oldcode = gocode(f);
         return finchar = string_tab[oldcode].follower;

    if(!stackptr)                            /* if stack is empty */
    {    if((code=newcode=gocode(f))==EOF)
              return EOF;

         ep = &string_tab[code];       /* initialize pointer */

         if(!ep->used)                 /* if code isn't known */
         {    code = oldcode;
              ep = &string_tab[code];  /* re-initialize pointer */

         {    push(ep->follower);      /* decode string backwards */
              code = ep->predecessor;
              ep = &string_tab[code];

         push(finchar=ep->follower);   /* save first character also */

         /*   The above loop will terminate, one way or another,
              with string_tab[code].follower equal to the first
              character in the string.

         if(code_count)                /* if room left in string table */
         {    upd_tab(oldcode,finchar);

         oldcode = newcode;

    return pop();                      /* return saved character */
//E*O*F arclzw.c//

echo x - arcmain.c
cat > "arcmain.c" << '//E*O*F arcmain.c//'

(C) COPYRIGHT 1985,86 by System Enhancement Associates; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

    By:  Thom Henderson

         This program is a general archive utility, and is used to maintain
         an archive of files.  An "archive" is a single file that combines
         many files, reducing storage space and allowing multiple files to
         be handled as one.

         Run this program with no arguments for complete instructions.

    Programming notes:
         ARC Version 2 differs from version 1 in that archive entries
         are automatically compressed when they are added to the archive,
         making a separate compression step unecessary.  The nature of the
         compression is indicated by the header version number placed in
         each archive entry, as follows:

         1 = Old style, no compression
         2 = New style, no compression
         3 = Compression of repeated characters only
         4 = Compression of repeated characters plus Huffman SQueezing
         5 = Lempel-Zev packing of repeated strings (old style)
         6 = Lempel-Zev packing of repeated strings (new style)
         7 = Lempel-Zev Williams packing with improved has function
         8 = Dynamic Lempel-Zev packing with adaptive reset

         Type 5, Lempel-Zev packing, was added as of version 4.0

         Type 6 is Lempel-Zev packing where runs of repeated characters
         have been collapsed, and was added as of version 4.1

         Type 7 is a variation of Lempel-Zev using a different hash
         function which yields speed improvements of 20-25%, and was
         added as of version 4.6

         Type 8 is a different implementation of Lempel-Zev, using a
         variable code size and an adaptive block reset, and was added
         as of version 5.0

         Verion 4.3 introduced a temporary file for holding the result
         of the first crunch pass, thus speeding up crunching.

         Version 4.4 introduced the ARCTEMP environment string, so that
         the temporary crunch file may be placed on a ramdisk.  Also
         added was the distinction bewteen Adding a file in all cases,
         and Updating a file only if the disk file is newer than the
         corresponding archive entry.

         The compression method to use is determined when the file is
         added, based on whichever method yields the smallest result.

         Computer Innovations Optimizing C86
*	changed abort(..) to exit(_errmsg(1,...))
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define EXTERN /**/
#include "arc.h"

 *	for OS-9, use getenv() instead of envfind()
#define envfind getenv

 *	other changes for OS-9:
 *	delete 'run' from options
main(num,arg)                          /* system entry point */
int num;                               /* number of arguments */
char *arg[];                           /* pointers to arguments */
    char opt = 0;                      /* selected action */
    char *a;                           /* option pointer */
    extern char *makefnam();                  /* filename fixup routine */
    extern char *index();                     /* string index utility */
    extern char *upper();
	extern char *envfind();                   /* environment searcher */
    int n;                             /* argument index */
 *	initialize globals
#ifdef OSK
	ZivLempel = 0;
	keepbak = 0;             /* true if saving the old archive */
	warn  = 1;                /* true to print warnings */
	note  = 1;                /* true to print comments */
	bose  = 0;                /* true to be verbose */
	nocomp = 0;              /* true to suppress compression */
	kludge = 0;              /* kludge flag */
	arctemp = (char *)0;        /* arc temp file prefix */
	password = (char *)0;       /* encryption password pointer */
	nerrs = 0;               /* number of errors encountered */

	arcdate = 0;    /* archive date stamp */
	arctime = 0;    /* archive time stamp */

#ifndef OSK
		printf("ARC - Archive utility, $version\n");
         printf("(C) COPYRIGHT 1985,86 by System Enhancement Associates;");
  			printf (" ALL RIGHTS RESERVED\n\n");
         printf("Please refer all inquiries to:\n\n");
         printf("       System Enhancement Associates\n");
         printf("       21 New Street, Wayne NJ 07470\n\n");
         printf("You may copy and distribute this program freely,");
         printf(" provided that:\n");
         printf("    1)   No fee is charged for such copying and");
         printf(" distribution, and\n");
         printf("    2)   It is distributed ONLY in its original,");
         printf(" unmodified state.\n\n");
         printf("If you like this program, and find it of use, then your");
         printf(" contribution will\n");
         printf("be appreciated.  You may not use this product in a");
         printf(" commercial environment\n");
         printf("or a governmental organization without paying a license");
         printf(" fee of $35.  Site\n");
         printf("licenses and commercial distribution licenses are");
         printf(" available.  A program\n");
         printf("disk and printed documentation are available for $50.\n");
         printf("\nIf you fail to abide by the terms of this license, ");
         printf(" then your conscience\n");
         printf("will haunt you for the rest of your life.\n\n");
#ifndef OSK
         printf("Usage: ARC {amufdxerplvtc}[bswn][g<password>]");
         printf("Usage: ARC {amufdxeplvtc}[bswnz][g<password>]");
         printf(" <archive> [<filename> . . .]\n");
         printf("Where:   a   = add files to archive\n");
         printf("         m   = move files to archive\n");
         printf("         u   = update files in archive\n");
         printf("         f   = freshen files in archive\n");
         printf("         d   = delete files from archive\n");
         printf("         x,e = extract files from archive\n");
#ifndef OSK					  	    
         printf("         r   = run files from archive\n");
         printf("         p   = copy files from archive to");
         printf(" standard output\n");
         printf("         l   = list files in archive\n");
         printf("         v   = verbose listing of files in archive\n");
         printf("         t   = test archive integrity\n");
         printf("         c   = convert entry to new packing method\n");
         printf("         b   = retain backup copy of archive\n");
         printf("         s   = suppress compression (store only)\n");
         printf("         w   = suppress warning messages\n");
         printf("         n   = suppress notes and comments\n");
         printf("         g   = Encrypt/decrypt archive entry\n");
#ifdef OSK
		printf ("         z   = Use Ziv-Lempel Crunching without comparing\n");
		printf ("You can use 'setenv ARCTEMP pathname' or 'setenv TEMP pathname'\n");
		printf ("to define where ARC's temporary files should go.\n");
         return 1;				    
    /* see where temp files go */   
    if(!(arctemp = envfind("ARCTEMP")))
         arctemp = envfind("TEMP"); 
    /* avoid any case problems with arguments */
    for(n=1; n<num; n++)               /* for each argument */
         upper(arg[n]);			    /* convert it to uppercase */
    /* create archive names, supplying defaults */

    /* now scan the command and see what we are to do */
    for(a=arg[1]; *a; a++)             /* scan the option flags */
#ifndef OSK					  
	    if(index("AMUFDXEPLVTCR",*a)) /* if a known command */
	    if(index("AMUFDXEPLVTC",*a)) /* if a known command */
         {    if(opt)                  /* do we have one yet? */
                   exit (_errmsg(1,"Cannot mix %c and %c",opt,*a));
              opt = *a;                /* else remember it */

         else if (*a == 'Z')
				ZivLempel = 1;
		else if(*a=='B')              /* retain backup copy */
              keepbak = 1;

         else if(*a=='W')              /* suppress warnings */
              warn = 0;

         else if(*a=='N')              /* suppress notes and comments */
              note = 0;

         else if(*a=='G')              /* garble */
         {    password = a+1;

         else if(*a=='S')              /* storage kludge */
              nocomp = 1;

         else if(*a=='K')              /* special kludge */
              kludge = 1;

         else if(*a=='-' || *a=='/')   /* UNIX and PC-DOS option markers */

         else exit (_errmsg(1,"%c is an unknown command",*a));

         exit (_errmsg(1,"I have nothing to do!"));

    /* act on whatever action command was given */

    switch(opt)                        /* action depends on command */
    case 'A':                          /* Add */
    case 'M':                          /* Move */
    case 'U':                          /* Update */
    case 'F':                          /* Freshen */

    case 'D':                          /* Delete */

    case 'E':                          /* Extract */
    case 'X':                          /* eXtract */
    case 'P':                          /* Print */

    case 'V':                          /* Verbose list */
         bose = 1;
    case 'L':                          /* List */

    case 'T':                          /* Test */

    case 'C':                          /* Convert */

#ifndef OSK
    case 'R':                          /* Run */
         exit (_errmsg (1,"I don't know how to do %c yet!",opt));

    return nerrs;
//E*O*F arcmain.c//

exit 0

The views expressed in OS-9 Discussions are those of the individual authors
only.  Copies of digests are available by mail request.
Moderator:  John Daleske   cbosgd!cbdkc1!daleske    daleske@cbdkc1.ATT.COM
Submissions should go to:  cbosgd!os9               os9@cbosgd.ATT.COM
Comments to the moderator  cbosgd!os9-request       os9-request@cbosgd.ATT.COM

End of OS-9 Discudoubnvernvern
    strcue o