byard@dca-ems (04/20/83)
From: Larry Byard (WSE-EUR) <byard at dca-ems> That's the title of a new "song" I'll be "singing." Did you read it carefully? The first stanza plays at HQ USEUCOM on 3 May. Larry P.S. For those who are bewildered... I've seen Lisa and I'm "in love." For the curious in Europe, Lisa will demonstrated at HQ USEUCOM on 3 May, and then will be available (by appointment) in my office for the following two days. Details on the demo will be forthcoming via formal message. For those who buy high-tech stocks, the $10K machine was selling at the rate of about 70 per day to visitors at the Hannover Fair! For those who own IBM stock, sell! For those working on Diamond, there is no doubt in my mind which work station you should port the software to, please. The 12" screen is adequate (at least for the military user--they had several of them wired to larger monitors) and Lisa's footprint fits a "glass slipper." For those working in Telematics, there is an Ethernet interface for Lisa. And I saw Apple's laser printer. It will be introduced this year. Lisa was by far the biggest attraction of the Hannover Fair. The exhibit, consisting of half a dozen machines and a large screen display, was constantly packed with hundreds of people. I observed Lisa for several hours, had a private, hands-on demo, and I will have more hands-on experience over the weekend. The machine takes some time (as perceived, compared to other things it does) to load the various applications from it's hard disc, but is lightning fast once an applications program is loaded. The various applications, word processing, spread sheet modeling, project scheduling (Dick, this includes automated pert charts-- very nice with graphics), list management, business graphics, graphics editor, and terminal emulator, are first rate, extremely(!) powerful, and integrated into the best man/machine interface in existence. Mel, I'll send you something for the WorkS soon. The article starting on page 33 of the Feb 83 Byte is accurate; although it is difficult to express with words and pictures the overall and overwhelming impression (wow!) that one gets by actually seeing the machine in action.
bcase (04/30/83)
#R:sri-arpa:-101300:uiucdcs:13900005:000:175 uiucdcs!bcase Apr 29 19:51:00 1983 Gee, I wouldn't go *THAT* far. I mean, yes the software is great and everything, but `lightning fast?' And, `the best man/machine interface in existence?' I don't know....