[comp.os.os9] BIX-Tiny-Telecom-Program

dibble@cs.rochester.edu (Peter C. Dibble) (03/22/89)

         The BIX-One-Page-Telecommunication-Program
Written by Peter C. Dibble and K. Schmitt (Lim) in a cooperative effort
(maybe more of a contest) in the OS-9 conference on BIX.

The goal was to create an assembly language telecomunication program
that fits on one page and uses signal-driven I/O.  This program is
the result.  It is 66 lines long even with a few lines of comments.

It makes a two-way connection between stdin/stdout and the device named
on the command line.  It terminates when a control-O is typed on stdin.
The termination character can be changed by changing EndChar and remaking
the program.
I use the following commands to make this program:
r68020 c.a -o=c.r
l68 -g -o=c c.r -l=/h0/lib/usr.l

This program is copyrighted by BIX, Peter C. Dibble, and K. Schmitt.
We welcome improvements in the spirit of the original effort: removal of
unnecessary code or addition of features without passing 66 lines.  If you 
make any changes please identify your work before you pass the program on.
We give permission for any form of distribution provided that BIX and the
two authors are acknowledged.  Of course, we don't even claim that this
program won't cause your machine to crumble into dust, much less that it is
a useful program.  In other words, there is no guarantee of any sort.

=================== The C program starts here ========================
          nam       c
          ttl       Simplest _C_ommunication program (ed #3)
*  Attach stdin/out to the named device. call: c /scf_device
          use       <oskdefs.d>
          psect     c,(Prgrm<<8)+Objct,(ReEnt<<8)+0,3,256,Entry
EndChar   equ       $0f control-O terminates 'c'ommunication program
Buffer:   ds.b      1024+128+128 I/O & opts buffer (must be > scf drv buffer)
Const:    dc.w      0,SS_Ready,3,1,0,EndChar,SS_SSig,8,SS_Ready,1,0,SS_Opt
Entry:    movea.l   a5,a0 use parm ptr as path ptr (/dev)
          moveq     #3,d0 update mode
          os9       I$Open open Modem (MPath == #3)
          bcs.s     Error
          move.w    d0,Const+4(a6) save MPath #
          movem.w   Const+6(a6),d3/d4 loop counter(1) & eof char(0)
SetOpts:  moveq     #SS_Opt,d1
          lea       Buffer+1024(a6),a0
          os9       I$GetStt
          bcs.s     Error
          lea       Buffer+1024+128(a6),a0
          os9       I$GetStt
          moveq     #(PD_OVF-PD_UPC)-1,d2 number of bytes
          lea       1(a0),a1 point a1 at PD_UPC
InitOpt:  clr.b     (a1)+
          dbra      d2,InitOpt
          move.b    d4,PD_EOF-PD_DTP+1024+128+Buffer(a6) set end char
          os9       I$SetStt
          movem.w   Const+8(a6),d0/d4 get stdin path & eof char
          dbra      d3,SetOpts
          lea       SigRtn(PC),a0 signal handler
          os9       F$Icpt set up intercept routine
          bcs.s     Error
          bsr.s     SetSig for stdin path (still in d0)
          move.w    Const+4(a6),d0 get Mpath
          bsr.s     SetSig for Mpath
Loop:     moveq.l   #0,d0
          os9       F$Sleep
          bcc.s     Loop
Done:     moveq.l   #0,d1 clear error code
Error:    os9       F$Exit
SigRtn:   movem.w   Const(a6),d0/d1/d3 get stdin,SS_Ready,MPath
          bsr.s     IO read stdin, write to MPath
          move.w    d3,d0 copy MPath
          movem.w   Const+16(a6),d1/d3 get SS_Ready&output path
          bsr.s     IO read MPath, write to stdout
          os9       F$RTE return from intercept
IO:       os9       I$GetStt test for 'data ready'
          bcs.s     IOX no data
          lea       Buffer(a6),a0
          os9       I$Read
          bcs.s     SigDone
          exg       d0,d3 swap input&output paths
          os9       I$Write
          exg       d0,d3 swap input&output paths
SetSig:   movem.w   Const+12(a6),d1/d2 get SS_SSig function code & signal
          os9       I$SetStt
          bcs.s     Error
IOX       rts
SigDone:  movem.w   Const+20(a6),d0/d1 get stdin(0) & SS_Opt code
          lea       Buffer+1024(a6),a0 restore the old path options
          os9       I$SetStt
          bra.s     Done