[comp.os.os9] Radio Shack Modem Pack

roccella@pilot.njin.net (Matthew Roccella) (05/02/90)

I've got another question about the COCO that I hope someone will be
able to help me with. All you guys out there persuaded me to purchase
a copy of OS-9. Now, I have another major decision which I need your
help on.

I have bought a Radio Shack Modem Pak, which I only paid $10.00 for
when I bought my COCO 3. But to use it with my disk drive, I either
need a MultiPak Interface or a Y - cable. A Y - cable is much cheaper
than a Mul;tipak interface. My question is: Will a the Modem Pak work
with a Y - cable and a disk drive? And second;ly, will the Y- cable,
the diskdrive, and modem pak work under OS - 9? I hae heard that the
Y- cable may cause unpredictable disk I/O and that there may be ROM
adressing conflicts. Is this true? Also, that the Y-cable puts
capacitance on the address lines of the COCO.

If anybody out there has a y - cable pleae tell me how well does it,
r doesnt't work and if it will work with DESKMATE TELECOM.

						Matthew R.