[comp.os.os9] New 68k micro

ee150000@wiliki.eng.hawaii.edu (07/26/90)


Here's some information on a new computer that is set to be introduced in
August of this year:

name: MM/1 (multimedia microcomputer) by Interactive Media Systems

cpu : 16 mhz 68070 (Signetics 68000 code compatible w/ serial port)

os  : OS9/68000 (also called OSK) Unix-type operating system in graphics env.

graphics processor: VSC (Signetics) produces the following graphics modes:

	320 x 200	256 colors out of 16 million
	640 x 210	16  colors out of 16 million
	320 x 400 	256 colors out of 16 million (interlaced)
	640 x 420	256 colors out of 16 million (interlaced)
	720 x 510	16  colors out of 16 million (interlaced)

disk storage: 1.44 megabyte floppy

memory: 1 (one) megabyte of ram on motherboard

ports: 2 serial, parallel?, hi-res mouse input, joystick input, XT keyboard
       floppy disk, video out (analog VGA true multi-sync, RS CM-8, composite)

bus: 32 bit bus (VME bus derivation)

included software: OS9/68000 V2.3 C Compiler, Basic, graphics editor, text 
		   editor, file manager, print spooler

options: memory/stereo/scsi board (expands MM/1 by nine megabytes, stereo
         sampling and production hardware, scsi interface)
	 CD-ROM with scsi interface?, ethernet interface?

price: ~$800 for base system, $349 for expansion board (when purchased at the
	same time as the base system, otherwise $399)

distribution: retail, mail order

phone: (for brochure) 1-800-866-9084, 48 contiguous states only.

If anyone has seen this in action, could they post their reaction and any
corrections to the information above?
