[comp.os.os9] SS_etc ...

rh2y+@andrew.cmu.edu (Russell E. Hoffman, II) (09/18/90)

Two things:

1.) Where is everybody?


     What is the present status of support for the CD-I, GFM, UPM, and NFM
stuff under OSK? Last night I was paging through the DEFS directory on my
Micro-20, and I found a lot of neat signal codes for various file managers
I've never really heard of before. I'm just wondering what the present support
is for these various calls, and are there actually machines out there that
have the hardware required to take advantage of these calls? I found a few
things of particular interest, like SS_CDDA (play Compact Disc Digital Audio),
and the one SS_<something> (get/set Hitachi ACRTC status). Also, in
/dd/sys/errmsg, there are all these neat errors like "No Active Font",
"No audio play in progress", and "Bad Drawmap". These are obviously for
graphics and sound on certain machines I haven't seen or heard of...
It sounds like the support is there; just I've been left in the dark about it.